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"My name is RaNd0m, and I Have an Addiction to Typhlosion."
Oh it's so true! If you've never played this card, you have to try it. It's so addicting! Playing a stage 2 that can do well in standard? It reminds me of the raindance days…
Now I know we did a CotD on this, so I'm not going into the card itself. We all know how good that is.
But what we didn't talk about was WHY it is so good. Typhlosion can work well by itself, but it does even better with Blaine's Arcanine. Blaine's Arcanine can take out any pokemon in the game with firestorm, and heat tackle is a nice way to take out babies. Get two typhlosions in play, and you can almost have a constant firestorm! Isn't that just elite?
Typhlosion also works well with Magcargo. Magcargo does 40 damage for 3 fires, but then does 20 more for each fire you want to discard. That is quite good.
Many people passed Typhlosion off because "It's an evolution that only works in modified." That is so wrong! Typhlosion, in my opinion, is better in standard than it is in modified. It's attack can take out most pokemon today, and it's power is an anti-energy removal. If you haven't played this card, do it. NOW.
Here's an example deck of a Typhlosion. In fact, it is mine. On PoJo's ladder,
( www.myleague.com/pojo
it has an overall record in standard of 10-3. This is a good deck, only beaten by traps and chanseys on rare occasions.
Pokemon x23
Cyndaquil x4
Quilava x4
Typhlosion x4
Cleffa x3
Tyrogue x2
Blaine's Growlithe x3
Blaine's Arcanine x3
Energy x18
Fire Energy x16
Metal Energy x2
Trainers x19
Professor Oak x4
Computer Search x3
Gust of Wind x3
Item finder x2
Pluspower x2
Switch x1
Professor Elm x2
Nightly Garbage Run x2
Now I doubt this is the best Typhlosion deck in the world, but it certainly is good. I gave it a 4 in standard, but I really want to give it a 5. =)
~ RaNd0m
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