Rikka Konkon – #POTE-EN066
If you control a “Rikka” monster: You can Set 1 “Rikka” Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Plant monsters. You can only use this effect of “Rikka Konkon” once per turn. Once per turn, if you would Tribute a Plant monster you control to activate a “Rikka” card or effect, you can Tribute any 1 face-up monster your opponent controls, even though you do not control it.
Date Reviewed: September 28th, 2022
Rating: 3.94
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:

King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Taking a look at the Rikka archetype with their new Field Spell: Rikka Konkon.
Konkon is following the trend of Field Spells released in recent years, being both an advantage creator and searcher for the archetype. Once per turn you can get a Rikka Spell/Trap straight from the deck to your Spell/Trap Zone, but get locked into Plant monsters for the turn. Doesn’t matter as the Rikka archetype are WATER Plants. The Spell/Trap search cost-free each turn gets you to your Spell/Trap cards without having to depend on Mudan the Rikka Fairy, which needs a tribute to Special Summon herself. Rikka Flurries forces your opponent to tribute when you tribute, and with Rikka doing mostly that, your opponent will be making tough choices. Rikka Glamour is the RoTA for the deck, and if you can tribute a monster alongside playing it, you’ll get a double search while also benefiting from tributing a Rikka. Combined with the previously mentioned Flurries, and you’ll get your opponent to give up a monster as well.
The second effect is that advantage generator I spoke of. Much like Lair of Darkness, being able to tribute an opponent’s monster as if it were your own to activate an effect of any kind is beneficial. Any Rikka card or effect can use this tribute through Konkon instead of tributing one of the archtype’s monsters. You do have to “control” the Rikka card, you won’t be able to tribute the opponent’s monster if activating a Rikka card from the hand, which is a downer because all Rikka monsters have that option as well as on the field. The monster you tribute has to be face-up, which is 99% of the time nowadays unless you have your back really against the wall. This tribute your opponent’s monster effect works well with responsive effects like Hellebore the Rikka Fairy who is your monster effect negater when it targets monster(s). Another great responsive play would be shuffling back Rikka Princess from the grave into the deck to negate a monster effect, AND tribute one of your opponent’s monsters because of Konkon. Getting back a copy of Princess, negating a monster effect, and tributing a monster your opponent controls instead of your own is like a +3 and all you would need is this Field Spell.
Great to have a once per turn searcher, even better to have a card that allows you to midigate the cost of your archetype strategy while gaining field advantage through it, all the while avoiding destruction protection and destruction effects.
Advanced-3.5/5 Art-3.5/5
Until Next Time

Yet another card that helped the Deck it was built for win a YCS, Rikka finally gets some support with the better of the two cards right here, Rikka Konkon.
Konkon is a Field Spell with the first effect being able to trigger if you control a Rikka monster, letting you Set any Rikka Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to youur Spell/Trap Zone, helping the archetype get to its Spell and Trap support easier without being weak to Ash Blossom since it isn’t searching the card. This can help you get a Spell for immediate use or a Trap that disrupts the opponent. You can only Special Summon Plants for the rest of the turn after this effect is used, which is fine in a Plant-based Deck. The ability to set a Rikka Spell/Trap is the lone hard once per turn, as the second effect is a soft once per turn that lets you tribute any 1 face-up monster the opponent controls for the effect of your Rikka cards instead of a Plant monster you control, which is pretty great to get rid of any monster the opponent controls, no matter what protection it has barring the ability to not be able to be tributed. The archetype could of used its own themed Lair of Darkness long ago, but better late than never. Konkon is a great card that finally makes Rikka more respectable considering it was overshadowed on release by Adamancipator and Eldlich in every form besides artwork. I’m glad to see all this great support for these Deck Build Pack archetypes.
Advanced Rating: 4/5
Art: 5/5 It’s simple, yet pretty like most of the other Rikka card arts.

Rikka Konkon (is it me, or does this just sound dirty for some reason?) is a Field Magic. First Effect lets you set a Theme Magic/Trap from your Deck to your Field, which is beyond awesome. Getting any resource directly to the Field from your Deck is always a big win. Same Special Summon only in the Theme clause as yesterday is here too. Said Effect is also once per Turn. Secondly, once a Turn, you can Tribute an opponent’s Monster to activate the Effect of a Theme Monster instead of one of your own Plants. Similarly to the first Effect, being able to use/Tribute your opponent’s Monster, even, for anything, is phenomenal. Said Monster has to be face-up, but 99.9% of boss or difficult to remove Monsters from the Field WILL be face-up. Simple Field Magic, but a great one for the Theme.
Rating: 4/5
Art: 4.5/5 The girls are pretty, and happy, and again, the background, plain as it is today, is lovely.

Continuing the trend of Power of the Elements’ power boosts, Rikka Konkon is a Field Spell for the Rikka archetype. You could search it with Terraforming (though it’s usually not necessary, ironically enough), but you’ll usually search it with Mudan the Rikka Fairy instead as part of your combos. Accessing Mudan should be fairly trivial between Lonefire Blossom and the Sunavalon engine. Konkon’s first effect is a hard once per turn; if you control a Rikka monster, you can set a Rikka Spell or Trap directly from your deck. You’ll often get Rikka Glamour to start your plays, but if you’ve already used it, Rikka Sheet is a good idea for some extra disruption. This effect will also lock you into Special Summoning Plant monsters for the rest of the turn, but with Rikka, you won’t really have other kinds of monsters anyway except maybe Therions’ King Regulus. You might ask “why not just get Glamour with Mudan?”, but that’s where the second effect comes in; on a soft once per turn (though in practice it’s basically a hard once per turn), you can tribute an opponent’s face-up monster instead of one of your own Plant monsters to activate a Rikka card’s effect. As Kaiju have taught people, tributing for cost is the most powerful form of removal in the game, and getting your other effects on top of it is incredibly good. If you know Rikka, you know a bunch of their cards tribute Plants, so this effect essentially turns any of their Quick tributes (like Rikka Snow Princess) into powerful disruptions. On your own turn, this makes it a great boardbreaker as well, as you can simply delete your opponent’s monsters during your combos.
While Rikka is nowhere near the top in terms of representation (that honor would go to the two titans of the format), Konkon has still cemented Rikka as a solid rogue deck, to the point of winning the EU Championships. You only really need one, but many decks have seen success playing 2 copies.
Advanced: 4.25/5
Art: 3.75/5 Erica’s face is a little derp here, but it’s still cute.
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