Who is ready to win the jackpot lottery? Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G back here to tell you what you should know about the new core booster set in Yu-Gi-Oh, Rising Rampage. This set is full of several new archetypes, a new wave of support for older archetypes, neat support pieces for many different decks, generic cards that mostly any deck can use, and a new rarity that is extremely hard to pull. As with any core booster set, there is a ton to cover here, so here is what you should know about Rising Rampage.
A New Mystery Rarity
First off, before we talk about the new cards, I feel like I should give a mention to the newest rarity in the TCG that is debuting in this set. So far, we know that this rarity will only appear in the 1st Edition versions of the Rising Rampage set and it seems every set beyond this will have this new rarity and it’ll be giving to 1 Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, and 1 Secret Rare in the set. We don’t have an official name (I’ve heard Prismatic Secret Rare, though it looks closer to the OCG’s Extra Secret Rare) and we don’t know the exact ratios, but they aren’t guaranteed in a case. The cards given this rarity in Rising Rampage are Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant for the Rare slot, Storm Dragon’s Return for the Super Rare slot, Marincess Sea Horse for the Ultra Rare slot, and Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess for the Secret Rare slot. They aren’t going to be easy to get, so happy hunting!
Under the Sea
The first new archetype to talk about is the new Marincess archetype from the anime. This archetype is full of WATER Cyberse monsters that have a very easy Link combo and Traps that can be used from the hand. Marincess Sea Horse is a Level 3 that can Special Summon herself from the hand to a zone a Marincess Link Monster points to and can banish herself from the graveyard except the turn she is sent there to summon a WATER monster from your hand to a zone a Marincess Link points to. Marincess Sea Star is a Level 2 that discards herself from the hand to boost a Marincess by 800 ATK. Marincess Blue Slug is a Link-1 that only needs a Level 4 or lower Marincess, has a downward arrow, and adds back a Marincess from the graveyard to the hand upon Link Summon, but in return locks your Special Summons for the turn to WATER monsters.
Marincess Coral Anemone is a Link-2 of any 2 WATER monsters, has a downward and left arrow, and can revive a WATER monster with 1500 or less ATK to a zone she points to, but locks your Special Summons for the rest of the turn to WATER monsters, and she can add a Marincess card in your graveyard back to your hand excluding herself. Marincess Marbled Rock is a Link-3 of any 2+ WATER monsters, has arrows pointing to the sides and downwards, can add a Marincess card in your graveyard to your hand, and can discard a Marincess when your opponent attacks to prevent destruction by battle and any damage from said battle. Marincess Wave is a Normal Trap that can negate the effects of an opponent’s monster for the turn and if you control a Marincess Link monster (if it was a Link-2, your face-up monsters are unaffected by the opponent’s card effects for the turn) and if said Link is a Link-3 or higher, it can be activated from the hand. Marincess Current is also a Normal Trap that burns the opponent for 400 times the Link Rating of a Marincess that destroyed a monster in battle and if it was a Link-2 that destroyed your opponent’s Link, they take damage times 500 of their monster’s Link Rating, and this can also be activated from the hand if you control a Link-3 or higher Marincess.
Reading Your Fortune
One of the archetypes that returned after many years with a whole new wave of support is the Fortune Lady archetype. Fortune Lady Past is a Level 1 Tuner whos ATK becomes equal to its Level times 200, boosts her own Level by 1 (max. 12) during your Standby Phase, and once per turn can target a Fortune Lady you control and banish Spellcasters from your hand, field, or graveyard to boost or reduce the Fortune Lady’s Level by 1 times the number of banished cards for the turn. Fortune Lady Every is a Level 7 Synchro of any Tuner and Spellcaster non-Tuners, gains ATK equal to her Level times 400, boosts her own Level by 1 (max. 12)
during your Standby Phase and then can banish a face-up monster your opponent controls, and can banish a Spellcaster to revive herself from the graveyard during your opponent’s End Phase. Fortune Vision is a Continuous Spell that searches for a Fortune Lady card upon activation, gives your monsters immunity from destruction effects for the turn if one of your monsters is banished, and reduces the next damage you take to 0 in a turn if a monster your opponent controls is banished. Fortune Lady Calling is a Normal Spell that lets you summon a Fortune Lady with a different name from one you control from the deck just as long as you even control a Fortune Lady, but locks your Extra Deck summons to Synchro Summons for the rest of that turn. Finally, Fortune Lady Rewind is a Normal Trap that can summon any of your banished Fortune Ladies just as long as they have different names, but they are shuffled into your deck at the end of the turn.
Return to the Yosen Village
Another archetype that got a whole new wave of support was the WIND based Yosenju archetype. Yosenju Sabu is a Level 4 Beast-Warrior that returns to your hand during the End Phase it was Normal Summoned, can search for a Yosenju Pendulum if you control another Yosenju monster upon Normal Summon, and can target a Yosenju card you control to place either Dizzying Winds of Yosen Village or Yosen Whirlwind from your deck face-up onto your field and then shuffle the previously targeted Yosenju into your deck. Yosenju Izna is another Level 4 Beast-Warrior that returns to the hand at the End Phase of the turn it was Normal Summoned, can let you draw a card if you control another Yosenju, and can discard itself from your hand to prevent your opponent from activating cards or effects when you summon a Yosenju. Mayosenju
Hitot is a Level 10 Beast Pendulum with a Scale of 3 and while in the scale can turn a Yosenju card’s scale to 11 for the turn and bounces itself back from the scale to the hand at the End Phase and as a monster can only be Special Summoned via Pendulum Summon, bounces a card your opponent controls to the hand upon summon, boosts your Yosenjus by 500 ATK when your effect returns a card to the hand or main deck, and returns to your hand at the End Phase of the turn it was Special Summoned. Yosenju Wind Worship is a Quick-Play Spell that can be activated if you control 3 or more Yosenju monsters with different names and returns all your Yosenju monsters to your hand and then lets you draw until you have 5 cards in your hand. Yosenjus’ Sword Sting is a Normal Trap that can only be activated when you control no monsters and can reveal up to 2 Yosenju monsters with different names in your hand to return the same number of face-up cards the opponent controls to the hand. Finally, Yosenju Oroshi Channeling is a Normal Spell that can only be activated if you control no monsters, locks your Special Summons for the turn to Yosenjus, and can either search for a Level 5 or higher Yosenju monster or place Yosenju Shinchu R and Yosenju Shinchu L from your deck to your Pendulum Zones, but they are destroyed during your opponent’s next End Phase.
Spirits of the Martial Arts
A new archetype in this set is the Wyrm based Tenyi archetype, which focuses on non-Effect monsters as the Tenyi Spirit monsters summon themselves from your hand if you control no Effect Monsters and can banish themselves from the hand or graveyard to do various things if you control a non-Effect Monster. Adhara is a Level 1 EARTH Tuner that adds a banished Wyrm to your hand. Shthana is a Level 4 WATER that revives a non-Effect monster that is
destroyed by your opponent and then can destroy an opponent’s monster. Mapura is a Level 4 FIRE that negates the activation of a card or effect that targets a non-Effect monster you control and destroys the negated card. Nahata is a Level 4 WIND that debuffs an opponent’s monster that’s battling a non-Effect monster by 1500 ATK for the turn. Vishuda is the final Tenyi Spirit and is a Level 7 DARK that bounces a card your opponent controls to the hand if you control a non-Effect monster. Monk of the
Tenyi is a Link-1 non-Effect EARTH monster with a downward arrow and needs any non-Link Tenyi as material. Shaman of the Tenyi is a Link-2 FIRE of 2 Wyrms, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, can discard a card to revive any Wyrm in your graveyard but locks your Extra Deck summons for the rest of the turn to Tenyi monsters, and destroys a card your opponent controls when a non-Effect monster you control battles. Berserker of the Tenyi is a Link-3 non-Effect DARK monster with arrows pointing Up, Upper Left, and Bottom Left and needs any 2+ monsters as material, including a Link Monster. Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi is a Field Spell that gives your non-Effect monsters immunity from monster effects and lets you draw 2 cards once per turn when your opponent Special Summons an Effect monster while you control a face-down or non-Effect monster. Vessel for the Dragon Cycle is a Normal Spell that sends a Wyrm from the deck to the graveyard, then if you control a non-Effect monster lets you search for a Tenyi monster with a different name from the monster sent from the deck. Finally, Fists of the Unrivaled Tenyi is a Counter Trap that negates the activation of a Spell/Trap card or monster effect while you control a non-Effect monster and if your opponent destroys this set card, then you can summon any non-Effect monster in your Extra Deck.
Lords of the Storm
Technically a new archetype, but this supports the old Simorgh cards from the past. All the low Level Simorghs can revive themselves from the graveyard in Defense Position if your opponent has no cards in their Spell/Trap zone, but they are banished when they leave the field and lock your Special Summons for the rest of the turn to Winged Beasts and offer other various effects. Simorgh, Bird of Beginning is a Level 1 WIND that gives you an additional Normal Summon of a Simorgh during the Main Phase it was Normal Summoned. Bird of Bringing is a Level 2 WIND that searches for a Simorgh card upon Normal Summon. Bird of Calamity is a Level 3 WIND that sends a Simorgh card from the deck to
the graveyard upon Normal Summon. Bird of Protection is a Level 4 WIND and bounces an opponent’s Spell/Trap Zone card to the hand upon Normal Summon. Simorgh, Lord of the Storm is the first Tribute monster and is a Level 8 WIND that prevents your opponent from targeting this Tributed Summoned card with Spell/Trap effects, can tribute a WIND Winged Beast when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap card or effect to target and shuffle a card they control into the deck, and returns itself from the graveyard to the hand when a Winged Beast you control is destroyed in battle. Simorgh of Darkness is a Level 8 DARK that is also treated as a WIND while on the field, can Special Summon itself from the hand or graveyard if you Tribute Summon a DARK or WIND monster, and can tribute a WIND Winged Beast to
negate the activation of an opponent’s Spell/Trap card or effect and destroy it. Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh is a Field Spell that gives all your Winged Beasts monsters 300 ATK and DEF, can reveal a Level 5 or higher WIND Winged Beast from your hand to let you Tribute Summon any Winged Beast with one less tribute, and if you control a WIND Winged Beast then you can immediately Normal Summon another Winged Beast. Simorgh Onslaught is a Normal Spell that at the cost of discarding a Winged Beast can search for 2 Simorgh monsters with different attributes and can banish itself from the graveyard and reveal a Winged Beast in your hand to reduce the levels of all monsters with the same name in your hand by 1 for the turn. Simorgh Repulsion is a Normal Spell that at the same cost of discarding a Winged Beast can return all your opponent’s cards in their Spell/Trap Zone to their hand and can banish itself from your graveyard and reveal a Winged Beast in your hand to reduce all monsters with the same name in your hand by 1 for the turn. Finally, Simorgh Sky Battle is a Continuous Trap that prevents your opponent targeting your Winged Beasts for attacks or card effects except the Winged Beast(s) with the highest ATK and can send itself and two Simorgh monsters with different attributes and original Levels of 7 or higher you control to the graveyard to return every other card on the field to the hand, then you take damage times 500 for each card returned, then your opponent takes the same damage.
A Dream Made of Nightmares
The new TCG exclusive archetype in this set is the Dream Mirror archetype. Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite is a Level 1 LIGHT Fairy that searches for a Dream Mirror card other than itself if Special Summoned by the effect of a Dream Mirror monster and can tribute itself as a Quick Effect if you control Dream Mirror of Terror in the Field Zone to summon Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara from your deck. Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara is a Level 1 DARK Fairy that summons a Dream Mirror monster from your hand if Special Summoned by a Dream Mirror monster’s effect and can tribute itself as a Quick Effect if you control Dream Mirror of Joy to summon Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara from your deck. Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight is a Level 8 LIGHT Warrior that cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects for the turn if summoned by a Dream Mirror monster’s effect and can tribute itself as a Quick Effect if you control Dream Mirror of Terror to summon Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight from your deck. Morpheus, the
Dream Mirror Black Knight is a Level 8 DARK Warrior that destroys a monster your opponent controls if summoned by the effect of a Dream Mirror monster and can tribute itself as a Quick Effect if you control Dream Mirror of Joy to summon Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight from your deck. Dream Mirror of Joy is a Field Spell that can banish itself during the End Phase to activate Dream Mirror of Terror from your hand or deck and prevents your opponent from targeting Dream Mirror monsters for attacks or effects except the one with the highest Level if you control a LIGHT Dream Mirror monster. Dream Mirror of Terror is a Field Spell that can banish itself during the End Phase to activate Dream Mirror of Joy from your hand or deck and burns the opponent for 300 each time they Special Summon if you control a DARK Dream Mirror monster. Dream Mirror Fantasy is a Normal Trap that if you control a Dream Mirror monster, you can target and shuffle a Dream Mirror of Joy and Dream Mirror of Terror from your banished zone into the deck to banish a card your opponent controls and can banish itself from the graveyard to prevent a Dream Mirror card(s) from being destroyed.
New Archetype Support
Now for the few cards that support their own different decks. Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo is a Level 2 EARTH Dinosaur that if a Dinowrestler monster battles an opponent’s monster (Quick Effect), you can discard this card from your hand to give your monster battle destruction immunity and half the ATK of the opponent’s monster until the end of the Damage Step and it can revive itself during the End Phase, but banished when it leaves the field, if sent there from the field that turn. Dinowrestler Rambrachio is a Level 5 EARTH Dinosaur that Special Summons itself from the hand in Defense Position when a Dinowrestler deals battle damage and prevents your opponent from targeting other Dinowrestler monsters with effects. B.E.S. Blaster Cannon
Core is a Level 9 EARTH Machine that Special Summons itself from the hand if your opponent controls more monsters, gains 3 counters upon Normal/Special Summon, cannot be destroyed by battle, and loses a counter after it battles or destroys itself if it can’t remove said counter. Vic Viper T301 is a Level 4 LIGHT Machine that Special Summons itself from the hand or graveyard when your face-up monster battles an opponent’s monster and boosts all other LIGHT Machines you control by 1200 ATK. Reptilianne Lamia is a Level 2 DARK Reptile Tuner that if in your hand and all your face-up monsters are Reptiles, you can target an opponent’s monster and make its ATK 0 and then Special Summon this from your hand and if sent to the graveyard as Synchro Material can target 2 monsters the opponent controls and make their ATK 0. Witchcrafter Golem Aruru is
a Level 8 LIGHT Spellcaster that when your opponent targets a Spellcaster monster with an effect or attack while this is in your hand (Quick Effect), you can target a card your opponent controls or a Witchcrafter Spell in your graveyard and return it to the hand and then Special Summon this card and Aruru returns to your hand during your opponent’s Standby Phase. Defender of the Labyrinth is a Link-2 DARK Warrior of any 2 Normal monsters, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, boosts your non-Effect monsters by 500 ATK while lowering your opponent’s Effect monsters by 500 ATK, and revives any non-Effect monster in your graveyard if destroyed by your opponent. Borreload eXcharge Dragon is a Rank 4 of 2 Level 4 DARK Dragons, prevents both players from targeting this Xyz Summoned monster with card effects that isn’t its own, and can detach a material from itself to target a face-up monster and debuff
it by 600 ATK, then revives a Borrel monster in the graveyard but it is banished during the End Phase and you cannot Special Summon or attack directly for the rest of the turn. Rising Fire is an Equip Spell that’s always treated as a Salamangreat card, revives a FIRE monster if you control no cards and equips it with this, and banishes a monster on the field if destroyed by an opponent’s card effect. World Legacy Bestowal is a Normal Trap that can send a Link Monster your opponent controls to the graveyard or banish 7 World Legacy cards from your graveyard to search for any Cyberse monster. F.A. Shining Star GT is a Link-2 LIGHT Machine of any 2 Machines, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, gains ATK equal to the total Levels of F.A. monsters it points to times 300, prevents either player from taking damage from battles involving this card, gains an Athlete Counter when you activate and resolve a F.A. Spell/Trap, and can remove a counter from itself to negate the activation of an opponent’s monster effect and destroy said monster. Dragunity Knight – Romulus is a Link-2 WIND Dragon of any 2 Dragon and/or Winged Beasts that aren’t Tokens, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, searches for Dragon Ravine or a Dragunity Spell/Trap upon Link Summon, and if a Dragon is summoned from the Extra Deck to a zone it points to, you can summon a Dragon or Winged Beast from your hand in Defense Position with negated effects and it cannot be used as material for a Link Summon that turn. Finally, Rogue of Endymion is a Level 3 FIRE Spellcaster that gains a Spell Counter upon Normal/Special Summon and can remove a Spell Counter from itself and discard a Spellcaster to set a Continuous Spell from your deck, but you can’t activate it or cards with the same name for the rest of the turn.
More Generic Cards
To end it off, I’ll talk about the cards that can be used in a plethora of different decks if not every deck in the game. Capshell is a Level 2 DARK Fiend that lets you draw a card if tributed, used for a Fusion/Synchro/Link Summon, or is detached as an Xyz Material. Ranryu is a Level 4 WIND Dragon that you can only control 1 of, can Special Summon itself from the hand if you control a Spellcaster, and revives another monster with 1500 ATK and 200 DEF upon destruction. Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds is a Level 11 Cyberse that can only be summoned if there are 8 or more Link Monsters with different names on the field and/or in the graveyards, prevents you from Special Summoning for the rest of the turn after you summon it, prevents its Special Summon from being negated, and shuffles every other monster on the field, in the
graveyards, and that are banished into the decks upon being Special Summoned without letting either player respond to this effect. Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher is a Level 8 DARK Machine that can Special Summon itself as a Quick Effect from the hand or graveyard by banishing the top 8 cards from your deck face-down and can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck face-down to target and destroy a face-up monster on the field. Cataclysmic Cryonic Coldo is a Level 8 WIND Fairy that summons itself from the hand when a WIND monster is destroyed and then puts a Spell/Trap on the field to the top of the deck. Beatraptor is a Level 4 EARTH Dinosaur that negates the effects of monsters in the Extra Monster Zone while in the Main Monster Zone and summons another Beatraptor from the deck when destroyed in battle. Spirit Sculptor is a
Level 4 LIGHT Fairy that lets you tribute a monster to search for a monster with a combined original ATK/DEF that equals combined the original ATK/DEF of the tributed monster. Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant is a Link-2 WIND Spellcaster of any 2 monsters, including a WIND monster, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, is always treated as a Familiar-Possessed card, can revive a WIND monster from your opponent’s graveyard to your field to a zone it points to, and upon destruction by the opponent while in the control of its owner can search for any WIND monster with 1500 or less DEF from the deck. Linkmail Archfiend is a Link-4 DARK Cyberse of any 2+ monsters (including a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz), has arrows pointing all to the Right and a Bottom Left one, can target a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz upon Special Summon and debuff all your opponent’s monsters ATK by the ATK of the targeted monster for the turn,
gives your Extra Deck summoned monsters protection from targeting from the opponent via monster effect, and can banish a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz instead of destroying it if it would be destroyed. Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess is a Link-4 WIND Fairy of any 2+ monsters with different names that aren’t Tokens, has arrows pointing all to the bottom and one up, only lets you control one of it, gains 800 original ATK times the number of monsters used as Link Material for this, and can debuff herself by 800 ATK once per chain when a monster effect is activated and negates the activation. Baba Barber is a Link-2 DARK Fiend of any 2 monsters, has arrows pointing Left and Down, and at the start of each Battle Phase can banish itself or a monster it points to until the End Phase. Hypernova Burst is a Normal Spell that banishes 2 monsters from your hand and/or field that cannot be Normal Summoned face-down to let you draw 2 cards. Blockout Curtain is a
Continuous Spell that would destroy itself instead if a card you control would be destroyed and can banish itself from the graveyard instead if a card your opponent controls would be destroyed. Draw Discharge is a Normal Trap that when your opponent draws a card by their own card effect, you can look at the cards they drew and if there are monsters, they take damage equal to the combined original ATK of the monsters, then if they take damage they must banish the cards they drew. Get Out! is a Normal Trap that targets 2 monsters your opponent controls that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck and returns them into the deck. Storm Dragon’s Return is a Normal Trap that Special Summons one of your banished monsters, but returns it to the hand during the End Phase of that turn. Hraesvelgr, the Desperate Doom Eagle is a Link-3 WIND Winged Beast of any 2+ WIND monsters, has Up, Bottom Left, and Bottom
Right arrows, gains 2400 ATK if your opponent has no monsters in their graveyard, and can as a Quick Effect target a monster in the opponent’s graveyard and shuffle it into their deck. Number 29: Mannequin Cat is a Rank 2 EARTH Beast of any 2 Level 2 monsters, can detach a material from herself to target a card in the opponent’s graveyard and Special Summon it to their field, and if a monster it Special Summoned to your opponent’s field while you control this face-up monster, you can target that monster and Special Summon a monster with the same Type or Attribute as the targeted monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard. Kikinagashi Fucho is a Rank 1 WIND Winged Beast of any 2 Level 1 monsters, is unaffected by other card effects, and can once per turn (Quick Effect) detach 2 materials to give it immunity from being destroyed by battle that turn and preventing you from taking damage from battles involving it that turn. White Aura Monoceros is a Level 7 WATER Fish Synchro that needs any WATER Tuner and any non-Tuners to summon, can revive a Fish but prevent it from attacking that turn when Synchro Summoned, and if destroyed by the opponent and sent to the graveyard, you can banish another WATER monster from your graveyard to revive this monster and treat it as a Tuner. Finally, White Howling is a Normal Trap that can be activated if you control a WATER monster and it targets and banishes a Spell in the opponent’s graveyard and negates their Spell effects on your opponent’s field for the rest of the turn.
In Conclusion
For the short term, the set’s value is likely going to be carried big by the new rarity and Apollousa, as she is the only high rarity card that feels like a near staple for now. Gizmek Orochi has potential to make Gren Maju decks viable, and there are cards with potential like Draw Discharge and Get Out! to really make an impact on the meta. Dragunity Knight – Romulus is a great import along with Number 29, and the Dream Mirror archetype seems like it could go somewhere with the right support. The Tenyi archetype probably has some of the biggest potential on the meta, same goes for the Marincess, while Yosenjus can boost their stun strategy a bit with some of the new cards. Overall, this set seems to be more helpful towards boosting other decks than it is shaking the meta up, and that’s perfectly fine. Not the worst set I’ve ever seen.
Thanks for Reading,