Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari
Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari

Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari – #BLTR-EN019

3+ Effect Monsters
Neither player can Tribute cards to activate a card or effect. You can only use each of the following effects of “Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari” once per turn. You can target 1 of your banished “Ritual Beast” cards; return it to the hand or Extra Deck, then, immediately after this effect resolves, you can Normal Summon 1 “Ritual Beast” monster from your hand. During your opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 “Ritual Beast” card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; banish them.

Date Reviewed:  August 9th, 2024

Rating: xx

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.

Reviews Below:

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King of

Hello Pojo Fans,

Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari ends our look at the surprise archetype garnering attention recently.

The second Link Monster for the archetype, Ulti-Reirautari requires three effect monsters to summon, giving it a flexibility to be played outside the archetype, lets see if the effect pans out for that as well. Locking out tributing to activate cards or effects is an effect that can come up in various situations against bigger monsters. If it locked out all tribute effects like Mask of Restrict can do instead of just cost to activate effects, then we would be talking stronger protection/lockdown. As is it may come in handy here and there, but in terms of blanket effects it isn’t the greatest.

Extra Normal Summon for recycling a banished Ritual Beast to the Extra Deck or hand can equal an instant re-summon of the banished Ritual Beast you just got back, or enable more combo plays as Ritual Beasts are dependent on Normal Summoning to get their combos going. The archetype has this ability to grant another Normal Summon and through multiple of these effects you will get more out of your Main Deck Ritual Beast/Spiritual Beast Tamer monsters.

The 1-for-1 banish effect during the opponent’s turn is some good interaction you want to see on your big archetype monsters. Ritual Beasts can recycle banished cards back to the grave, hand,or Deck easily via Cannahawk, and that card is meant to keep looping and empty the banished zone. Having player interaction during their turn was also needed outside of Cannahawk and Ritual Beasts got it in most of their big monsters from the Extra Deck. Banishing will trigger Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara’s effect if she is on the field, netting you another body on board to give you fuel for next turn for Ulti-Reirautari’s effect or for future summons.

Opponent disruption and granting an extra Normal Summon to an archetype that loves doing that, Ulti-Reirautari does what it needs to for furthering the plays on the field. Disruption is lacking in the archetype and you can’t always depend on Cannahawk going through and making several boss monsters off the looping. Sometimes you have to have a backup plan and not only is Ulti-Reirautari a good backup plan, it holds its own as a boss monster for the archetype.

Advanced- 3.5/5     Art- 4.5/5

Until Next Time,

Crunch$G Avatar

The week ends off with Ritual Beasts getting a 2nd Link in the archetype, but this one is more of a boss monster: Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari.

Ulti-Reirautari is a Link-4 WIND Psychic with 2600 ATK and arrows pointing Up with 3 all going down in different directitons. Solid ATK, great arrows, Psychic is solid, tho WIND always leaves a lot to be desired. Materials are any 3+ Effect Monsters, making it completely generic, though needing a bit extra than some Link-4s that can use just 2 monsters. Neither player can tribute cards to activate a card or effect, which is a counter for Decks like Nekroz and Infernoid that feels about a decade late, but better late than never I guess? The remaining effects each are hard once per turn effects, first letting you return a banished Ritual Beast to the hand or Extra Deck, then you can Normal Summon any Ritual Beast from the hand. So despite being a Link-4, it can help you keep comboing off if you still got something to work off of, plus it does recycle names back to your hand or Fusions to return to the Extra Deck if they got banished somehow. Other effect is a Quick Effect on the opponent’s turn, letting you target a Ritual Beast card you control and any card the opponent controls, and banish them. Combos well with the Fusions’ ability to tag back into the Extra Deck to summon your banished monsters, meaning only the opponent’s cards would be banished, though you still don’t mind most of your Ritual Beasts getting banished to begin with since the Fusions summon them back from there, and you could trigger Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara to get another name. It’s a solid boss monster with an interesting floodgate effect, solid way to extend your plays and recover resources, and it has a removal effect so it isn’t just sitting there on the opponent’s turn. It’s an investment to summon, so you play just a copy, but Ritual Beasts should have no issue getting this to their end board.

Advanced Rating: 4/5

Art: 4/5 So Nochiudrago is to this as Taotie is to Yazi?

Mighty Vee

We still haven’t seen the end of Yang Zing as Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari closes the week as a new sub-boss for the Ritual Beast archetype. This time a Link 4 WIND Psychic Link monster, Ulti-Reirautari takes any three or more effect monsters, making it technically generic if you want to make it outside of Ritual Beast. Its up, down, down left, and down right arrows are pretty good, though the same can’t be said for its below-average 2600 attack for a Link 4 monster. Fortunately, it can get a decent boost if Ritual Beast Inheritance is live, hopefully letting you overcome 3000 attack juggernauts.

Ulti-Reirautari has a unique floodgate preventing either player tributing cards to activate cards or effects. This won’t stop cards like Kaiju or Nibiru, but it will put a wrench into cards that tribute for cost to activate their effects. It’s most applicable to effects like Rikka effects or Lair of Darkness effects, so while it’s not totally useless, it’s not an effect I would go out of my way to add to my endboard outside of Ritual Beast. Instead, Ulti-Reirautari’s bread and butter effects will be its two hard once per turn effects, the first letting you return a banished Ritual Beast card to the hand or deck then optionally immediately Normal Summon a Ritual Beast monster. This is a great two-fold effect that not only recycles resources but also helps extend; again, the deck’s bizarre reliance on Normal Summons makes extra Normal Summons always helpful, especially if you recycle a Ritual Beast Tamer. Its final effect is a Quick Effect only usable during your opponent’s turn, targeting and banishing a Ritual Beast card you control and any card your opponent controls. Notably, it can banish any Ritual Beast card, so you could do something like activate Ritual Beast Steeds then chain Ulti-Reirautari to banish it before it resolves, or even simply banish Continuous backrow like Inheritance after it loses its usefulness. Of course, you can also banish other Ritual Beast monsters (with Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara extending if you banish it), or effectively dodge the self-banish by chaining their tag-out effects. In any case, it’s still a solid disruption, and fortunately Ulti-Reirautari is much easier to summon than Ulti-Gaiapelio. In my testing, I can pretty consistently end on at least Ulti-Reirautari, Ulti-Nochiudrago, and a set Ritual Beast Steeds, but depending on how good you open and how much you want to extend with Ulti-Cannahawk, you could even make Gaiapelio and search the other backrow. Overall a fantastic card to end the wave, even if it takes the combined efforts of all four cards to make Ritual Beast the tiered deck it currently is.

+Solid disruption on a relatively easy-to-summon monster
+Great recycling effect that can make use of Ritual Beast Tamer effects
-Takes a decent amount of resources to summon
-Floodgate effect is too niche to provide significant value

Advanced: 3.75/5
Art: 4.5/5 The gang is back together!

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