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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
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Type - Strike
Card Number - REI-044
Tournament- 3
Casual- 3.5
Sealed- 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.31.05 |
islands |
Our next
review this week is a Lola themed card. I
haven't done her in a long time, so let's bring
out "Owned!" Using Internet lingo on TCG cards,
what has this world come too? Anyways, I think
it would kinda be funny to flip this card and
then yell out "owned!" Anyways, this uncommon
strike has a ranged trait restriction. Also this
strike has a card cost of 3 green furyoku.
That's pretty damaging to your green resources,
so you may need to overpay with yellow for this
card cost or a future card cost.
The 6 intercept is very good; It should block
and solid number of strikes from your opponent.
A 4 force is a bit weak. Decent, but not game
breaking. Lastly, Upperdeck added an effect to
take up some space on the card which reads; "-3
intercept -> If you counterattack with Owned!,
add a yellow furyoku." A 6 intercept was great,
but bringing it down to a 3 is just bad. But
then again, if you opponent was kind enough to
give you a 3 force strike, then I think you
deserve the extra yellow furyoku. Don't put this
card in your deck hoping to get this effect
since it's going to rarely happen. The best
place where your opponent would have a 3 force
strike is in Casual events. Tournaments and
Sealed events rarely drop below a 4 force
strike. "Owned!" isn't bad, but it's just not
game breaking.
Casual: 3.5/5
Tournament: 3/5
Sealed: 3/5