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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
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Rain of
Type - Strike
Card Number - REI-035
Tournament- 1
Casual- 1
Sealed- 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.05.05 |
islands |
Rain of
I know you
all can't wait, Spirit Warriors, the 1st
expansion pack for Shaman King TCG on the
stateside is going to be released. So far there
are no spoilers, not even a picture of what the
packs will look like! It sure has it's
mysteries, and hopefully it will be released on
July 5th. But don't worry if it doesn't show up
on the 5th. Upperdeck releases their new sets
starting on the West coast and working towards
the East. Give it a few days to show up. Once a
spoiler list starts to appear we will start
reviewing these new cards. But until then, we
are still working on Reincarnation.
Today we have a Faust card, "Rain of Bones," a
rare strike. This is a guardian strike card with
a card cost of just 2 green furyoku. Fairly
cheap cost for cheap card. The intercept sits an
unsatisfied 4, and the force is a weak 3. You
are going to need some advantage support to help
those card stats to even think it's playable.
The 2nd longest effect in the current game (pre-
Spirit Warriors) states that "Move a yellow
furyoku to your green zone -> If you
counterattack with Rain of Bones, charge this
zone." This effect is very different from other
cards because you don't get rid of furyoku for
the cost you move it. Moving a furyoku from
yellow to green demotes it value alot. It would
be almost as bad as discarding it. You really
don't gain much. Even if you do move the yellow
furyoku down to a green, you still have to
counterattack in order to charge. The only way I
think you could counterattack is by using an
advantage to increase the card stats. If you use
that advantage then you don't need to charge. It
goes in a full circle and makes this card
basically useless. Not good in any format.
Casual: 1/5
Tournament: 1/5
Sealed: 1/5
Blank Zero |
Rain of Bones
Number: REI_035
Cost (G/Y/R): 2/0/0
Type: Strike
Stats: 4/3
Rarity: Rare
Trait: Guardian
Text: "Move a yellow furyoku to your green zone
-> If you counterattack with Rain of Bones,
charge this zone."
Flavor Text: "They have a bone to pick you
Sorry if this is in a bit late... like three
days late. I was on computer restriction because
of a long chain of events that really isn't
memorable enough to jot down here. The point is,
I'm here now. So pack and deal.
Anyhow, since it doesn't look like Andy
explained this week's theme real well, I'll
explain how the cards are all connected. This
week's theme is a tribute to wasted booster
packs. That is to say, this week's cards are all
rares that are worse than most of the commons in
the game. We're starting off with a
glorified...then crapified... version of Bone
Army, called Rain of Bones.
This card sucks because:
-It's got below-par stats
-It winds up costing more than Bone Army
-You have to pay for the effect
-It's traited to Guardian shaman
-It's a rare
In the spirit of this week's theme, I'm not
going to give you any reasons why these cards
could possibly be any good at all. Biased?
Probably. But it's my opinion that I'm trying to
convey here, and my opinion is that there's no
reason this card should have been in any of the
packs I bought. You know, as opposed to three of
the packs I bought... Anyone want to trade for
three Rain of Bones?
Anyhow, first off, the stats on this puppy are
terrible. The only thing it really has going for
it is a massive 2 force above Bone Army. And
it's STILL punishable. A fat lot of good that
does the average player. But, apparently, to the
genius that designed this piece of crap called a
card, that extra two force is worth making the
effect cost the equivalent of a green, and earns
this card the status of RARE.
Next up, this card is traited to Guardian
shaman. Most traitless cards are better. Dear
And last, but certainly not least, the reason
this card makes the list today: It's a rare. I
have three, count 'em, three of these wastes of
dead trees hanging out in my binder. That could
have been three of any DECENT rare card. Or a
spectergram. I'd pretty much be satisfied with
anything but the three cards this week. To find
out what the others are, stay tuned.
To say that this card is a terrible waste of a
rare card would be like saying that the Pacific
Ocean is a wee bit damp. There's really no
reason you could possibly want to run this over
Bone Army... not that I would ever suggest
running Bone Army, due to the fact that it's
stats are so miserable. But at least Bone Army
did us all the favor of being a common card.
Constructed: 0/5
Sealed: 0/5