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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
![](marco.jpg) |
Type - Xlaws
Card Number - REI_015
Limited: 2.7
Constructed: 3.55
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.09.05 |
Scott Gerhardt |
I can see Marco going well in a Survival-style
deck. Decks like this don't really care too much
about throwing back hard volleys, but rather
making sure you throw them back quickly and
making the opponent expend resources to deal
with it. Eventually, you beat the opponent with
a weak strike that they should take care of no
problem, but can't due to a lack of Furyoku. I
have a name for this deck, but it's rather
non-PC, so I will keep it to myself. :)
I digress. Marco fits well into this deck since
you will typically play high intercept cards,
often higher than will be required. Being able
to replenish Furyoku will be required in this
deck, and he will do it well. Sure, it's only a
green, but that green can be incredibly
important when it comes down to the end and you
need to be able to play your strikes. Winning by
attrition is still winning. :)
Not right in every deck, this card I think has a
definite place in the "attrition" deck.
In limited, I don't like it as much since I feel
it is way more situational. On the flip side,
good teamworks do come at a premium in limited,
so it might still find it's way into your deck
just because you have nothing better to play.
If you're looking for Shaman King singles,
please check out
The Not-So-Longwinded CotD Reviewer.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2.5
Dan The
Timid |
Type: Xlaws
Cost: 1/0/0
Effect: -2 Intercept --> If you counterattack
from Marco's zone with this strike, add a green
furyoku. Use only once.
Today we continue are teamwork theme and take
are first look at what team x-laws has to offer.
To be bluntly honest, Marco is quite possibly my
least favorite of the x-law teamworks, but don't
be mistaken, thats not to say he's bad, just a
nod to how good the rest of the x-law teamworks
are (in my opinion anyway).
- Cheap
- Can easily pay for itself right away
- Effect won't always go off and can only be
used once per turn
- Is rarely going to significantly impact the
outcome of a game
Overview: Like most of the x-laws Marco has a
cheap cost with a situational effect that
requires diminishing the stats of your strikes
to activate. Like all cheap teamworks that means
if you've already got a teamwork there he's
effectively got tactical green. -2 Intercept
isn't that bad, aside from punishing weak
attacks you can combine it with cards like Point
Blank to use against medium attacks. If you pull
off the effect even once you've already got back
what you paid for Marco, everything after that
is pure profit. If you just want a teamwork out
there for celebration purposes Marco will more
then suffice.
Deeper Analysis: So why don't I think he's all
that and a bag of chips? Well first off lets be
honest, his effect isn't going to go off that
often, you've gotta be returning a strike from
his row and have 2 intercept to spare, its
probably gonna happen at some point, maybe even
a couple times, but unless your playing a really
high intercept deck or your opponent is playing
a really low force deck odds its just not going
to come up all that much. That said, when it
does come up, your not really getting much out
of the deal. As I said it pays for itself after
one use, but lets say you used the effect 3
times in a duel, he net gained you 2 green.
Thats certaintly not bad, don't get me wrong,
but its not as game changing as many of the othe
teamworks you could be running in his spot. And
that brings me to probably the biggest nock
against him, the Use only once part of his
effect. If not for this you could potentially
really just soak up some green, maybe combine it
with alot of high intercept punisher cards. As
it is the most you can ever hope to get back
from a strike is a single green. Again I
emphasise this is still good, especially for
such a cheap card, theres just alot of other
realy cheap significantly more game changing
effects to be found on the x-laws other
Combos/Uses: Make a deck with alot high
intercept strikes then add these, Jeannes, and
Venster the Punishers. Watch with glee as your
opponent is forced to focus his economical but
low force cards else suffer die consequences.
Marco might be the least threatening of those 3,
but that extra green can be used to set up alot
of Venster the Punishers punishings later.
Constructed: 3/5 (A solid card, just not a great
card in my humble opinion)
Sealed: 3/5 (You can't build a deck around him
but he gains back any points he loses for the
fact that he's a cheap celebration presence)
Vailo |
Card Name| Marco Commander| Card
Type| Teamwork| Card Trait| X-Laws|
Card Cost| Green-1| Rarity|
Set ID Number| REI_015| Art Number|
Card Effect| -2 Intercept >>> If you
counterattack from Marcos zone with
this strike, add a green furyoku.
Use only once.
Hey all how goes the dueling?
Another day another review. Yes, we
are back on schedule, and yes Im
back with another review.
Today we are going to look at Marco
Commander. Marco Commander is one of
those cards that I like to put into
the Defense Deck column. Marco is
a very defensive card and a very
good furyoku controller as well. Now
I will not get into defensive decks
to much since I will be writing an
article up next week for everyone to
(hopefully) enjoy on this very same
subject. So anyway, read on
Card Advantages
Marco Commander is a very big asset
to defense decks. These are decks
loaded with cards that have very
high intercept values and moderate
force. They use their Teamworks and
Advantages in order to beef them up
to a respectable force. (IE-Spirit
of Fire Immortal Legacy plus Point
Blank.) This card serves only one
purpose really and that is to gain
furyoku advantage. With this effect
you gain a green furyoku when you
counter in Marcos zone. It would
seem to me that if one had to pick a
theme for the Reincarnation booster
set it would have to be furyoku
control. There are a plethora of
cards out there in the card pool
that either gain furyoku for you or
destroy the opponents furyoku. The
effect of Marco Commander does not
come free however. You are going to
have to lose two intercept from your
would be strike in order to reap the
benefits of this card. This is not
really a big deal however since you
are going to really only want to
play him in a deck loaded with high
intercept cards.
The other good point of Marco
Commander is his rather dirt cheap
cost. You are getting this guy at
the cost of a mere green furyoku. So
really you could regain the cost of
this guy rather quickly because the
effect can cancel out the cost. In
most cases you could regain the
spent green furyoku during the exact
same turn. This is what makes Marco
Commander so great. Granted you will
not be gaining a furyoku advantage
during the turn you cast Marco. This
does sort of make him slow. But if
you get him in the green zone the
effect can really add up. This is
one thing that sets Marco Commander
apart from most cards, you can
regain the cost of playing him.
Very Versatile Effect.
Cheap Cost.
Contributes To Furyoku Advantage.
Card Disadvantages
Besides the good points of Marco
Commander there are some very big
downsides. Besides the fact that he
is franchised, he is rather slow in
accumulating furyoku advantage.
Really you are only going to gain an
advantage during the next turn at
the earliest. So you are not getting
any immediate payoff besides
breaking even if you use him. Marco
is not the most versatile card in
Reincarnation and he only fits in a
few themes.
Besides the fact that he is not
extremely versatile, Marco Commander
is an uncommon. Again this means he
can be slightly harder to get than
most cards out there. But the good
thing is that this concludes the
disadvantages of Marco Commander. ;)
Is An Uncommon.
Can Be Fairly Slow.
Is Franchised Making His Versatility
All in all I think Marco Commander
is an average card. He is not all to
versatile so he is not a card most
can use. X-Laws are very beefy and
offensive based characters so Marco
does seem out of place. Fact is
though that he can shine with the
right deck set up. He works very
well with Point Blank, Jaded Sphere,
and others. Make a defensive deck
with him and see what you think of
him. If not, dont bother.
Feedback Information
If you have any comments,
question, or suggestions here are
some ways of contacting me,
PM me on the forums at my user
name-Darth Vailo
E-mail me
I ll do my best to get back to you
asap. Thanks to you guys again for
the kind words.
^_^v Peace, Love, and may you never
find yourself on Tilt!
island |
one of the most famous X-Laws. He is pretty
important, he'll probably become a shaman card
in an upcoming set. But' let's worry about this
teamwork card first.
Trait limitations lend it to only be used in
X-Laws decks, with the shamans of Lyserg,
Jeanne, and Duncan.
Similar to Monday's CotD, this card has a low
price of only 1 green cost. So if you need a
filler, this again can do it, if you need it in
an X-Laws deck. The effect is alot better this
time around.
At the cost of 2 intercept you regain your
payment cost for this teamwork. So lose one
green and gain another. You can only use this
effect only once, but once it is used you keep
this card in play. So if this was in the red
zone, you get an extra red furyoku when you
celebrate. The payment of lowering your
intercept in my opinion is one of the best
payments in the game. You can lower it to make
just equal to your opponent's strike and your
opponent has no way to counter this payment.
Also it's optional, so it works great when you
flip something with very high intercept when you
only need something mediocre. You'll always be
counterattacking if you use the effect, so
that's not a problem.
So in review, this card will almost always give
equal or more Furyoku than it's cost. It's
limited to just X-Laws decks, but it can help
you regain some lost furyoku for an almost free
price, unless you lose or win the game before
that happens. It doesn't directly hurt your
opponent so it's not much of a control card, but
you my find a place for it in your deck.
Casual: 4/5
Tournament: 4/5
Sealed: 4/5