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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
![](../Feb/BoneArmy.jpg) |
Baby Steps
Type - Strike
Card Number - REI_141
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.25.05 |
Dan The
Timid |
Type: None
Cost: 0/4/0
Stats: 6/6
Effect: You may play or pitch Baby Steps only if
you are Matti. Pitch --> Put this in your
advantage area. Your strikes have +1 Force and
+1 Intercept.
We bring this ackward card week to a close with
stupendous fashion by taking a look at perhaps
the most ackward and in many peoples opinions
weakest spectergrams in the initial set, Baby
Steps. What exactly is Baby Steps anyway, I'm
not as familar with the show as I'd like to be
(I've read all the released manga however) but
based on the picture I'm not really sure what
this strike is? So she takes small little baby
steps... and then some how in doing this her
opponent takes damage? Oh well, the picture
looks cool none the less and in the end its the
playability that matters most. So the question
is, is baby steps playbe, should matti decks be
running 4 of theses? Should they be running ANY
of these?
- solid stats
- solid pitch effect
- HORRIBLY expensive for stats
- pitching in general is a dangerous and costly
game mechanic
- Only matti can use
Overview: I've ranted on it before and I'll rant
on it again, I seriouslly question how much
upper deck tested the pitching mechanic. This is
a card that looks to me like it wasn't meant to
be horrible, it wasn't meant to be the thing
that balances matti out, because we see so many
other cards like side swipe and triple threat
with lesser pitch effects that they clearly
thought spreading darkness and devoted sentry
were already decent effects to give for a pitch
and that giving matti's spectergram dragon auras
combo effect would make it really good. Well I'm
sorry to tell you that pitch is such a brutal
mechanic that those other effects aren't good...
at all, and baby steps effect while breaking
even, certaintly didn't deserve the harsh price
on the strike portion of the card.
Deeper Analysis: Ok basically the prime place to
pitch baby steps is in your green, if you do it
there you drop to your yellow and you give up
the chance to focus so you effectively lose a
green, but you get dragon aura's effect (minus
the charge and reflipping in the same zone) so
it kind of sort of evens out. It does work
nicely for matti's fierce hitting melee strikes
anyway. However if you have to pitch it anywhere
else its usually not worth it. In yellow your
losing out on a yellow and your forcing yourself
into red, a place you never want to be if you
can help it, even if you manage to return the
strike now your giving your opponent back a
precious red. And of course you'd never pitch it
in your red since you would not only be giving
up a hit and the chance to focus a red, but the
effect would go away immediately. Ok so pitch
effect is pretty situational but atleast the
strike does have solid stats, atleast if you
have the furyoku and it comes up in red and you
can't afford to take a hit it usually will be
able to block for you... but you seriously NEVER
want to be in such a situation. 4 yellow for
anything is pretty absurd, I'd say on average
you'll be over paying 2 of that yellow with red,
for 2 yellow and 2 red you better get some auto
win esque effect but of course you get none, its
just a 6/6. By comparison Burning Onslaught, a
guardian strike which is also a 6/6 with no
effect, costs 4 green, but then green is much
easier to stock pile so your most likely only
over paying 1 green. Joco could turn baby steps
into Burning Onslaught... except matti doesn't
have access to him. Just all around you dont'
want to ever use this card as a strike unless
you have to live.
Uses/Combos: Uh... well the pitch effect combos
well with crackback, broom corn beat down, come
uppance, pretty much any of melees 5/5 attacks
as they all have annoying effects that get more
annoying if you can't block them easily (which
by making them 6/6s you'll increase the odds of
that happening). There really isn't a good combo
for using it just as a strike (atleast that I'm
aware of... )
Final Stat Breakdown:
Constructed: 3/5 (what can I say, I'm in a
generous mood. No seriouslly, the cards not
beyond horrible, its just really bad compared to
the other spectergrams. I'd suggest never
running more then 2 though or you're gonna have
them come up in your red way more then you'd
like. You can certaintly live with out them if
you don't have them and want to play matti
though. Consider the common and yet superior
card Dragon Aura for isntance...)
Sealed: 3/5 (If your playing matti anyway you
might as well take it but don't play matti just
because you pulled this)
Vailo |
Card Name| Baby Steps| Card Type|
Strike| Card Trait| Melee|
Card Cost| 4 Yellow| Rarity|
Spectrogram| Force| 6| Intercept| 6|
Set ID Number| REI_141| Art Number|
Card Effect| You may play or pitch Baby
Steps only if you are Matti. <p> Pitch
>>> Put this in your advantage area.
Your strikes have +1 Force and +1
end this week with yet another
spectrogram foil. This time it is
Mattis foil, Baby Steps. How does it
measure up to cards like Spirit of Fire
Immortal Legacy and Amidamaru? Read on
Card Advantages
is the case with any spectrogram foil I
will only be reviewing Baby Steps for a
Matti deck. This might seem like an
irrelevant statement, but it is
important since I will not deduct points
for it being franchised. Anyway Baby
Steps is a very sought after card
nowadays. Mostly due to Mattis
popularity for her extremely broken
signature move Pumpkin Dumpkin. It is
really the only signature move that can
rank up there with Yohs Double Medium.
But we are not reviewing Matti we are
reviewing Baby Steps. (Slaps self) Baby
Steps has a few very nice qualities. The
biggest being its power. Six intercept
can really stop any basic strike in its
tracks fairly easily. It can also block
several signature moves. Six force on
the other hand has the potential to
score about 60% of the time. Not to bad
odds wise. If anything it can basically
guarantee you a replenish in your yellow
furyoku zone. That isnt that bad at
Besides the stats Baby Steps has a
pretty nice pitch effect. You can pitch
Baby Steps in order to place it in your
advantage area and get +1 force and
intercept. This may not seem like much
but in a game like Shaman King one force
and intercept can make or break a game.
You will probably use this effect more
than casting Baby Steps. (And rightfully
sothe cost is high.) But that is not
terrible and it is really what makes
this card so good. I am not one that
will usually support pitching cards, but
in this case you get an even trade off.
Good effect.
Good stats.
Card Disadvantages
see a few things that make Baby Steps a
little bit watered down compared to some
other cards. For one the cost is
terrible. Paying 4 furyoku of any color
is high as it is, but to be paying four
yellow is just plain outrageous. This is
why I said you will be pitching it
often. Even if you overpay you will have
to use up valuable red furyoku. This is
definitely not a good thing. This is
really what I see as Mattis main flaw.
Now granted you can prepare for this
card with yellow gaining cards such as
Relax. But it can be a pain in the neck
in situations where you are in the
yellow or red zone where you will not
want to pitch. This basically forces you
to cast or lose a point. That can be
troublesome. This is why most people
stick to running just two copies.
Besides that Baby Steps is a
spectrogram. This means it will be tough
to get. In fact seeing as Matti is so
popular it will also be harder to get
for that reason.
very rare.
Can be very costly.
Can be a bad top deck.
All in all you cannot argue that Baby
Steps is a staple in Matti decks. This
can be a game saver or winner in many a
situations. Just be careful with your
yellow furyoku. Try and stick to just
two copies of this thing. It is good,
but again to much of a good thing can
turn into poison.
Feedback Information
If you have any comments, question,
or suggestions here are some ways of
contacting me,
PM me on the forums at my user
name-Darth Vailo
E-mail me
I ll do my best to get back to you asap.
Thanks to you guys again for the kind
^_^v Peace, Love, and may you never find
yourself on Tilt!
island |
The Final
card in Reincarnation base set, in terms of REI
numbers. Today is a good day with Matti's
spectergram card, "Baby Steps".
This card can only be played if you are Matti,
so this review reflects if you are playing as
4 yellows. The only time 4 is a good number in
this game is if the force of your strike. Paying
4 yellow furyoku is a very heavy price. That
would be about all of your yellow furyoku, if
not a red or 2 for overpaying. The price is
high, I wouldn't expect you to recover very easy
from this furyoku drain if you played it.
6 Intercept and 6 Force. Good numbers and ratio,
maybe alittle too low for the 4 yellow. "Point
Blank" has a 7 intercept for less.
It's Pitch effect is actually good. If you pitch
it, you place this card in your advantage area
and all strikes get a +1 intercept and force.
Remember, if you pitch a card you don't have to
pay for the 4 yellow cost. This gives "Baby
Steps" more playability, just for that effect.
The cost is heavy, but the pitch is good. You
won't be using the strike to counterattack more
than once (since you won't have very much
furyoku) so that lowers it down. The chances you
will use it alot are slim. Hardly even playable
in sealed.
Casual: 2/5
Tournament: 2/5
Sealed: 1/5