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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
![](hij.jpg) |
Type -
Tournament- 4.87
Casual- 4.75
Sealed- 3.90
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.10.05 |
Dan The
Timid |
Daniel Roslan
Pojo nick: DanTheTimid
Type: None
Cost: 2/0/0
Effect: You may play Hijinks only if you are
Lola. Your opponent may not focus, charge,
pitch, or play his signature move.
Yay, survived finals week, well atleast I hope I
did, I could be an undead zombie now, that would
explain this bizzare craving for brains I've
been having lately.... well anyway we start this
new week with a first, a spectrogram that isn't
are friday week finisher but rather a monday
week opener. Apparently its lola week and this
weeks card chooser decided to start things off
with a bang. Hijinks is perhaps one of the most
potent and highly feared of the spectergrams in
the intial set. But is it feared with good
reason? Lets take a closer look:
- Only costs greens
- Extremely Limits your opponents options
- Charges a zone
- Only Lola can use
- 2 of any furyoku can be a little expensive for
a non strike...
Overview: Ok ok, so I was really reaching there
to find another con but its true 2 green does
add up. Still for that effect I doubt few will
complain (except those facing it). Basically you
take brain grab, a rare mind advantage costing a
green to keep your opponent from charging or
sigging, and toss on Broom Corn Beatdowns
effect. The broom corn effect is what makes this
card so potent though. Play it and then play a
large strike and watch your opponent squirm as
they not only take a hit but gain no furyoku
advantage from focusing AND can't focus or block
the attack with there signature.
Deeper Analysis: Of course most lola decks I've
seen aren't offensively minded, and since lola
is the only one that can run Hijinks we've gotta
keep in mind her options. In general Iv'e found
most good lola decks focus on control, and for
such a deck this card is insane. Just think,
you've wittled down all their furyoku and then
block with fetish frenzy sending a 1 at them....
but they have 1 green, nothing else, and can't
focus, so unless they flip 1080
flash/manifestation of power you've got yourself
an easy score and possibly more furyoku
advantage if you ahd teamworks out to celebrate
with. As if those effects weren't enough it
shouldn't be forgotten that it can charge a zone
as well, I've seen people play it just for the
zone charge though I wouldn't neccesarily
recommend that too often as again 2 green while
not extremely expensive, does add up.
Combos/Uses: Well I've kind of gone over all of
them already but if you want to see insane
control, play it then use unnering garrote in a
turbine zone, destroying one of their teamworks,
sending a 8 force at them, and now they can't
focus, sig, charge, or pitch. Just watch out for
flying cards that may suddenly be whizzing past
your head.
Final Stat Breakdown:
Constructed: 5/5 (I can't really think of a good
reason for a Lola deck to not run this card)
Sealed: 5/5 (If you can run this card, do it,
its that simple) |
Vailo |
Well we kick
off another week with cards chosen by…uh…wait
just who did choose these cards? <voice on
shoulder> “Wasn’t it the new guy’s turn?” Uhm…maybe.
I dunno. But in reality welcome to the team
This week of
mystery cards kicks off with a kick butt
spectrogram! Read on…
Well to kick
off Lola week we have her signature move,
Hijinks. And unlike Viaticum last week I like
this card.
Hijinks is a
straight forward card and I have come up with a
good way to summarize the effect in one little
word, lockdown. That is basically what this card
was designed to do it locks the opponent out
next turn so that they cannot do anything but
play his cards. All other options he/she might
have had are gone. This means many things. One
that the opponent cannot use advantages to power
up his strikes. Two that he will never gain any
furyoku next turn because he cannot focus. And
thirdly it means he cannot use some nasty little
pitch effect. This makes this one good signature
move. Control is not funny, especially if you
are not the one in control. This card is nasty
and will be a force to be reckoned with during
the game.
The next good
thing about Hijinks is the cost. Two green
furyoku is so very cheap for the great effect
you are getting. Or maybe I should rephrase that
and say the good effectS. Anyways this card
would usually cost 4 furyoku or so to get this
many good effects. That makes this card great.
Nice cost.
Well I’m here
to tell you the bad points now…Uhhh….thinking…thinking…wait
I know! No that’s not it…MAYBE! No that’s not a
bad thing…Okay guys I gotta admit it, there are
no cons that I can think of! There just aren’t.
Usually I would give it a con for being
franchised, but I have a rule against it with
siggy moves. Sorry guys I got nothing when it
comes to the cards playability. But it is very
hard to get…
Hard to get.
Well this
card is a staple in Lola decks plain as that.
Play 4 and have fun beating the opponent to
(The rating
of two is due to spectrograms being unplayable
unless you have the correct Shaman. And the
overall rating reflects that and it evens out to
If you have any comments,
question, or suggestions here are some ways of
contacting me,
PM me on the forums at my user name-Darth Vailo
E-mail me
I ll do my best to get back to you asap. Thanks
to you guys again for the kind words.
^_^v Peace, Love, and may you never find
yourself on Tilt! |
island |
week, another bunch of reviews! This week is
Lola week. All of the card art is made by UDE,
since Lola is not a shaman created by Hiroyuki
Takei. She is never in the anime, and not in the
manga. Personally, she could never be a member
of Hao (Zeke's) Team. Each member Hao picked
out, all had meaning, he saved all of them from
death. In return the swear to serve him. In the
anime they make Hao look like a punk by killing
Lyserg's parents but that's just not true. By
that time his team has mostly been formed. So
there is alot of differences between the Anime,
the manga, and what UDE writes on the cards as
favor text.
Today we start off with "Hijinks," Lola's
spectergram. This card can only be played by
Lola, so this review is of course based on that.
This advantage is very cheap with a cost of just
2 green furyoku. Not very damaging to your stock
piles of furyoku. For all the spectergrams right
now, it's the 4th cheapest.
Her effect is something you don't want to be
against. The effect is "Your opponent may not
focus, charge, pitch, or play his signature
move." That really should be his/her signature
move, so if you are playing a girl, you still
get her effect. So your opponent may ask what
could he/she still do during his/her turn?
Basically, play any card he/she flips and
discard any he/she doesn't/can't play. If your
opponent discards, then he/she doesn't add a
card to the zone he/she was defending from (such
as they would do when focusing), and move into
the next zone.
This card is built for control decks. For the
cost of 2 greens you limit your opponent from
focusing, charging, pitching, and a signature
move for a whole turn. That's alot of control. I
am not a big fan of Lola, but this card, along
with a powerful strike could really hurt your
opponent. Great for Casual, Tournament, and
Sealed. You probably won't be getting 4 of these
in Sealed, but I suggest you put any that you do
get in if you run Lola. I don't want to give a
"5/5" rating, but I suggest that if you run "Hijinks"
that there should be as many of them as you can
Casual: 4.5/5
Tournament: 4.5/5
Sealed: 4.5/5 |
Horner |
Number: REI_027
Cost: (G/Y/R): 2/0/0
Type: Advantage
Rarity: Spectergram
Text: "You may play Hijinks only if you are
Lola. Your opponent may not focus, charge,
pitch, or play his signature move."
This card rocks because:
-It's cheap to play
-It has an excellent ability
First off, we can immediately establish that
this card is dirt cheap. Especially because
Lola is the shaman who runs it; you have
access to furyoku enhancers such as
Stalefish Grab, Rail Bird, etc. Two green is
pretty cheap for any deck, but the sort of
situation a Lola deck is often in makes this
card more than playable, cost-wise.
Incidentally, the card is more than
playable, effect-wise, as well. It
essentially stops your opponent from doing
anything but playing cards. This has the
potential to be a severe furyoku burner,
forcing the opponent to play cards because
focusing is useless. And because they can't
block with their signature move, you know
the ability's always going to be activated.
This card sucks because:
-Only Lola can use it.
Seems a bit self-explanatory, seeing as it's
the first line of the card text. Only Lola
can use this card, meaning not every deck
can run it. But that's not really a bad
thing, it's just how the game works.
Kids, don't try these combos at home:
Well, since Lola's a Zeke teamwork shaman,
she has plenty of other furyoku burn cards
at her disposal, such as Kanna, Mari, and
Matti. Imagine how disgruntled your opponent
would be if you countered from the green
zone while kanna was in it, with Hijinks in
your advantage area. no replenishing, and no
other way to get furyoku, gives you an easy
point. And you'll get the green back for
Kanna's cost from celebrating, you lucky
The other combos pretty much fall along
those lines; you can run a strike like
Incendiary Disposition, making your opponent
spend another green to counter... which
they're going to find hard to do with their
focusing and pitching disabled.
This card has an excellent effect, and it's
very cheap to play. It gives you a real
ADVANTAGE if you can play it! (Laughs
hysterically at own joke, then realizes no
one is laughing with him) No, seriously, if
you're running a Lola deck, I'd max out on
them. If you're running anyone else, tough
Constructed: 5/5
Sealed: 5/5 if you pull a worthwhile Lola
Shaman card, otherwise... I don't really
want to think about the disappointment...