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Pojo's Shaman King TCG Card of the Day
![](reverberate.jpg) |
Type - Strike
Card Number - REI-051
Tournament- 4
Casual- 4
Sealed- 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the
highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.07.05 |
islands |
about no review on Monday. It's a holiday, what
can I say. Anyways, the school year is coming
fast so everybody should hit the books. Sadly
this also includes me. Yup, this is the final
week of Card of the Day reviews by me. Enjoy
them while they last. I've been here almost
every week, and I think now is the best time to
part ways. So, make sure you come back on Friday
for the final Card of the Day review!
Today's card is "Reverberate" featuring Matti's
spirit of Jack. This card has a melee trait
restriction, so it limits it a bit. Perfect for
Matti themed decks. A card cost of 1 red isn't
too bad. Not great, but not horrible. A red cost
usually prevents you from running too many
multiples. The intercept and force both have a
golden 5, the ideal number. So it's looking like
this card is right no track of where a solid
strike should be and a good effect only makes it
"Reverberate" has a cool effect which states;
"Whenever your opponent focuses, +1 force." This
effect really puts the burn on your opponent.
Focusing just any card might not be the best
thing. By the time your opponent reaches the red
zone, if he/she focuses twice, you'll have a 7
force strike at the cost of a red furyoku.
That's very powerful. But your opponent has ways
to get around the increase. He/she can discard
cards instead of focusing in order to dodge the
effect. Even if your opponent doesn't increase
your force, he/she will help you by giving you
more replenishing furyoku next turn. This is a
pretty fun card, very solid in all formats. Use
it if you can afford the red cost.
Casual: 4/5
Tournament: 4/5
Sealed: 4/5