Stalk Exchange is a garden-themed economic strategy game where players compete to grow the most valuable flower portfolio. It’s a bit like playing the stock market, but with petals instead of stocks. Let’s see if this game is worth cultivating. 

Stalk Exchange is manufactured by The Op Games.  The game is for 2-5 players, ages 10+, and takes about 45 minutes to play.  

What’s in the box?

Stalk Exchange comes in a fairly hefty box.  The box is 9″ x 12″ x 4″, and weighs over 3 lbs.  Inside the box, you get:

  • 1 Garden Board
  • 1 Market Board
  • 5 Stalk Value Tokens
  • 125 Double-Sided Flower Tokens – nice wooden tokens
  • Greenhouse Cloth Bag 
  • Compost Cloth Bag
  • 5 Garden Sheds – minor assembly required
  • 20 Seedy Business Tokens
  • Pad of Score Sheets
  • 5 Reference Cards
  • 1 Rulebook

Overall, the game presently itself very nice on the table!

The game is a beauty while sitting out on the table.

Core Gameplay

Players take on the roles of gardeners dedicated to growing flowers and profits. When the game ends, the Gardner with the most valuable Stalk portfolio wins. 

Each player is given a Garden Shed (essentially a privacy screen) to hide their private flowers from other players.  Players will start with 8 to 12 flowers in theirs sheds depending on the payer count.  Each player is trying increase the value of their flowers during the game.

Turns in this Stalk Exchange are very simple. Each players gets 2 Basic Actions each turn.  You can either:

  1. Plant flower bulbs on the Garden Board
  2. or Swap flowers in your Garden Shed with flowers in the Stalk Exchange.  

You can do each action twice per turn, or both actions one per turn.  You plant flowers on the Garden Board in hopes of raising the values of certain flowers.  If you can completely surround a grouping of flowers on the Garden Board, you harvest those flowers and raise their values on the Market Board.  

Harvested Flowers are added to the Market Track. And the number harvested is added to the Stalk Value track.  Example: If a player harvests 3 White Flowers, then those 3 White Flowers are added to the Market Track, and the Stalk Value of White Flowers is increased by 3 as well.  

Stalk Exchange Gameplay

The game ends when the Harvested Flower tokens meet or pass the highest Stalk Value token on the Market track.  But then, just like the Dutch Tulip Trade of the 1600’s, the market crashes – the highest valued flower on the board has it’s value cut in half!

After the crash, everyone reveals which flower colors they are hoarding in the their Garden Sheds.  Values are calculated to determine the winner.   The Op has a short video on YouTube explaining gameplay if you want a little more detail.  

The Good

  • She’s a Beauty: The game looks stunning on the table!
  • Accessible and Engaging: Stalk Exchange does a great job of simplifying complex economic concepts into a fun and easy-to-learn game.
  • Strategic Depth: Despite its simplicity, the game offers plenty of room for strategic decision-making.
  • Thematic Enjoyment: The garden theme is charming and adds a fresh perspective to the economic strategy genre.
  • Quick Gameplay – The game genuinely plays in 45 minutes. 
Stalk Exchange – Back of the box

The Not-So-Good

  • Luck Factor: While strategy plays a significant role, the random element of flower values can sometimes overshadow player skill. Other players could be working against you.


Stalk Exchange is a delightful game that successfully blends economic strategy with a touch of gardening fun. It’s a great choice for casual gamers looking for a light but engaging experience. While the luck factor might frustrate some, it doesn’t completely overshadow the strategic elements.

Worth a sniff? Definitely! If you enjoy economic games or simply want a relaxing yet thought-provoking experience, Stalk Exchange is worth adding to your garden.  This is a large game that retails for about $49.  Click here to check the current price at