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General Veers
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: April 10, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon |
General Veers
Cost: 21
HP: 70
ATK: +6
DEF: 16
DAM: 10
CE: Non-Unigue followers within 6 gain accurate
We kick off 'Killer Commander Effects' week with
General Veers from Rebel Storm. His HP is pretty
impressive for 21 points. Characters that have odd
numbered HP are characters I consider beefy for one
reason. While its only 10 HP, it can make a big
difference because a character with 60 HP can be
taken out in three attacks. Its that extra 10 that
makes an opponent burn that one more attack to kill
him that can help your other attackers do that much
more damage before they take a beating themselves,
as is th ecase with Veers here. At 70 Hp he can be
too costly to bother taking down, so generally your
opponents will leave him alone and attack the pieces
that can actually hurt them the most, but be mindful
of other multi-accurate shooting squads. If you run
into those, you will want to keep Veers within 6 of
his comrades, but hidden behind a wall where he
cannot be shot at. His positioning can be key.
At a +6 for 10 damage and not being a follower, he
really isn't going to be doing much shooting. If
anything, he is a better help combining fire to make
sure someone with a higher ATK/DAM can hit their
It's his Commander effect that makes him a must for
any Imperial shooting squad. For those that haven't
played long, or havent been to too many tourneys,
accurate shot is one of the most powerful abilities
in the game. A squad without it is forced to attack
the lead character of your opponent's army, which
most of the time is going to be the character with
the highest defense, or lightsaber defleect or
damage reduction. Softer pieces will be hidden
behind them, such as gonks and med droids.
Accurate shooters let you pick off bodyguards,
gimmick pieces, and softer characters, often times
eliminating a gimmick your opponent was counting on
to help their squad.
While he works well with any non-unique characters,
he is perhaps at his most powerful when used in
conjunction with the AT-STs and/or heavy
stormtroopers. The 40 damage an AT-ST can dish out
can flatten smaller characters with one hit, hurting
your activation count early, or it can concentrate
on your main character, leaving him all but dead by
the time they can get close enough to bypass damage
100/200 pt: With his cost, he rates the same for
either format. All you have to do is ask yourself,
am I running a lot of non-unique Imperial/fringe? If
you are, this guy is a must! Being able to shoot who
you want when you want is a huge part of the game.
You will not go wrong running Veers with non-unique
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
Xoulrath |
General Veers is
our featured review for today. I'm just going to
dispense with the formalities, and get right to the
heart of what makes Veers such a great piece. His
CE, which gives all non-Unique Followers Accurate
Shot. You have to be within six squares to benefit,
but that isn't all that hard. The other downside is
that you have to be playing Imperial. That isn't
really a downside, so much as a hardship for other
factions, particularly at the 200 point level.
Combine Veers with Thrawn and Tarkin in a 200 point
game, and you have a very good chance of winning,
provided you know how to use the abilities bestowed
upon you.
His stats are lacking for a figure whose cost is 21,
yet that great CE more than makes up for it. He has
the following stats: 70 HP's, 16 Defense, +6 Attack,
and 10 Damage. His HP's are in line with most other
figures of this cost, but his other stats are
lacking a bit. His Damage stat, in particular, is a
letdown. He has a decent chance of surviving with
the 70 HP's and solid 16 Defense, yet he won't help
you win any games with that 10 Damage. As stated
before, though, you are really paying for an
excellent CE.
Accurate Shot is one of the two premier abilities of
the game (I feel that it and Override have equal
billing). It breaks the taregetting rules wide open,
and allows you to target whom you wish, regardless
of cover. In addition, the fact that the CE only
affects non-Uniques is great, because it really
gives you a reason to play with some of the lesser
figures in the game; rather than constantly relying
on Unique heavy hitters.
That is really all there is to Veers; a great CE,
adequate HP's for the cost, and sub-par stats that
are there to keep Veers cost down, because of the
CE. In 100, he really can't shine, because you can't
fit enough troopers to deal the necessary damage to
win, after bringing in more Commanders to boost the
Attack value of the common Stormtrooper. Even
playing him with Elite Stormies and Snowtroopers
won't get the job done, as they are too cost
prohibitive to fit enough of the stronger troopers
to warrant paying for Veers in the first place. In
the event that you are playing with point cost
limits on Uniques, then Veers can be very powerful
in 100, otherwise 200 is where it's at for Veers.
As previously alluded to, Veers teamed with the
great Grand Admiral Thrawn (review on Friday), and
Tarkin are to be feared in 200. Another great
commander to team with Veers and Thrawn is none
other than the, in my humble opinion, best character
in the game for the cost, Lando, HoT. He will be
reviewed Wednesday. His Mobile Attack CE allows you
to pop your troopers out, shoot, and jump back to
safety. Veers lets them shoot who they want, and
Thrawn makes them much more accurate, while boosting
their defense and giving you initiative control, and
allowing you to swap, say, Lando, so he can get his
Double Opportunist off. Then that same initiative
control keeps Lando safe from return fire.
All in all, Veers is a great piece who is easy to
track down, as he is only a Rare. I highly recommend
any serious player, especially Imperial players, to
grab one, if you don't own him already. To recap, he
isn't worth playing in 100, unless there are special
rules involved. In 200, he and the Imperials
threaten to rule all.
Vesuvan |
This week is
killer commanders week. We start off with one of my
personal favorites General Veers. For 21 points you
get a 70 hit points, 16 defense, +6 attack and 10
damage. With alone he is not a bad figure to have.
The kicker is in his command effect, Accurate Shot.
I will say that again for all of you Accurate Shot.
All non-unique followers within 6 squares gain
Accurate Shot. With those two words he from being
not bad to well a killer. In the tournament
environment we have now you are always hard pressed
to main characters hiding behind the mass of cannon
fodder. The most popular in my area being those
stupid ewoks. With Mr. Veers however that is no
longer a problem. The boys in white finally start to
use that precision shooting he was telling Luke
about and firing wildly like we recall from the
movies. The great draw back of Veers is he is
unique. duh. If you truly wanted to make your
stormtroopers a threat you would need more than one
to properly cover the field.
100pts rating 4
200pts rating 3.4
300pts rating 3
Just for Fun
all points rating 3.5
Darth Sideous |
General Veers
Faction: Imperial
Cost: 21
HP: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: +6
Damage: 10
Special Ability: Unique
These stats alone are horrible for a 21-point
figure. He's pretty much a grunt with high HP and
that's it, but he does have a commander effect. Is
the commander effect worth the high extra cost in
His commander effect: Non Unique followers with 6
squares of this character gain Accurate Shot.
Accurate shot makes all of the bad characters kick
major butt. Top Tier squads include Aurra Sing and
Boba Fett. Both of them have accurate shot and it
makes a huge difference in games. It's almost
impossible not to play Aurra or Boba in a game. It's
a killer ability.
Accurate shot is pretty much
where you have no targeting rules. So if a character
is far away then you can shoot it rather than
shooting the nearest character.
The good from Veers: Veers is a great a great
commander. Accurate shot is a nice ability in which
very few characters have and can make use of it.
Think of all the possibilities you can put with
Veers to get an awesome team. Accurate Shooting
Stormtroopers, Quarren Assassins, and other good
units work well with Veers. Veers is almost a
flawless commander for the Imperials. Accurate shot
is probably the number one special ability in the
game at the moment with nothing but Nom's super
stealth to stop Accurate shot for good. Veers is a
great commander to start off with. Although, I
personally don't use him a lot.
Drawbacks from Veers: Accurate Shot is good, as we
all should know. But in order for Veers'
Commander Effect to be effective, you need to be
within 6 squares of him to use it. Sometimes, this
is a good thing, but in most cases ranged commander
effects blow major chunks. You would love to move
and spread your army out across the map and shoot
from all sides. But in this case, you have to have
all of your characters around Veers, which makes for
a huge drawback. It also lets your enemy use
abilities like Missiles that affect adjacent
characters or Force Lightning. So 6 squares makes
Veers not such a great commander. One other drawback
is that it only affects non-unique followers. It
makes a lot of sense why it is like this though. It
would make a lot of characters too strong for their
own good. At the moment, there aren't all that many
"strong" non-unique characters. There are a few like
the AT-ST who would benefit from it. So being
non-unique sometimes is a drawback. Just another
thing I should mention, keep Veers out of sight from
Accurate Shooters. Good players would get rid of a
strong commander first and then go after the small
100 Pt Games: Veers can be a nice little threat in
100-point format games.
He isn't spectacular like
he is in 200 pt games. Lots of Stormtroopers and
some Quarren Assassins would be your team in 100
points and you'd easily get blown apart by high
damage hitters. Not too much else to say about him
in 100 points. He's decent but not game breaking.
200 Points: This guy teamed up with Thrawn(Hint,
Hint) is a deadly combo.
You throw in an AT-ST
and you have yourself an army that is easily top
tier. You can easily throw in a bunch of grunts and
just keep shooting. Having too many grunts in 200
points could cause some of your characters to be out
his 6 square range, especially when you're on
certain maps. Veers is a great Imperial Commander
and is unrecognized as a great commander.
Overall: Veers is a great commander if you know how
to play correctly and how to take advantage of his
commander effect. He is only a Rare as well and is
from the famous Rebel Storm set. He's a solid
commander with just 2 drawbacks that set him apart
from being an awesome commander
Rating: 3.5/5 in 100 Point Games; 4/5 in 200 Point
KC Tyler |
With General
Veer you have a general that is worth 21 point, 70
hitpoints and 16 defense, +6 attack and 10 damage.
General Veer most usefulness comes from his
commander effect where Non-Unique followers within 6
squares of this character gain Accurate Shot (This
character can attack an enemy with cover even if
it's not the nearest enemy). Playing this character
with stormtrooper can be a treat you could take down
the most important character from the enemy team.
Even if you have a AT-ST he can give them accurate
shot where they can target whoever they want. He is
one of the best Imperial figures you don’t need high
price guy just so grunts to be effective.
Man |
General Veers
When Rebel Storm came out, I was convinced that
General Veers was secretly awesome, and I was the
only one who saw his greatness. Accurate Shot, free
for the asking! Jawas that can target R2-D2 in the
back rank! Heavy Stormtroopers that can pick off
Jedi Luke before he gets to the fight! How could he
not be awesome?
It turns out that there was at least one way in
which he could not be awesome, which was that
non-Unique scrubs at that point were simply not as
good as a handful of powerful Uniques. This made
General Veers, who is a complete waste of points if
he doesn’t have some followers to benefit from his
leadership, a fairly poor choice back then
(especially when compared with the identically
costed 4-LOM).
Times change, especially in collectable strategy
games. Universe brought us not one, not two, but
three pieces to help justify General Veers’ salary.
Two of these, Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab and
Grand Admiral Thrawn, are also the subjects of
reviews this week. The other noteworthy piece for
Veers is the AT-ST. Once you’ve got an Accurately
Shooting 40-damage monstrosity on your side (with
Damage Reduction, no less), you don’t need to
The short version of this review is that with the
release of Universe, the metagame finally supports
the “followers benefitting from Commander Effects”
squad model. Now that that’s true, Veers is the
terrific commander I always knew he could be.
Overall Rating in 100 points: 3 out of 5
Overall Rating in 200 points: 4 out of 5