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Mini of the Day
Lando Calrissian,
Hero of Tanaab
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: April 12, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Lando, Hero
of Taanab
Cost: 23
HP: 60
DEF: 18
ATK: +9
DAM: 10
Double Attack, Mobile Attack, Opportunist (+4 ATK/+10
DAM against activated characters)
CE: Non-Unique followers within 6 squares gain
Mobile attack.
Today's character is perhaps the most solid low cost
piece in the game right now. Lando, HoT, for 23
points, has very good stats. The 60 HP means he can
take at least a couple of hits if need be and
survive. The 18 DEF is just high enough to make it
hard for grunts to take him down, and a +9 is pretty
good for either grunt attacks or mid-level
characters. The 10 damage can normally be a downer
as DR characters won't need to worry about it.
Lando's abilities make him even better. If he can
stay behind larger characters he can stand still and
double attack, or he can hide behind walls and use
his mobile attack to pop out and shoot. His
opportunist turns Lando into a +13 for 20 damage
against characters who have already activated. If he
gets his double attack off with opportunist, he can
really do some damage.
At this point I would play Lando just for his
abilities, as he is a very solid shooting character
at the low 20 point level. But they gave him a
commander effect that ca really make a squad if
designed right. All non-unique followers gain Mobile
attack, making it very hard for them to get hit. The
number of effective characters this helps out is
pretty amazing and universal. You will see Lando
thrown into almost any squad as it can keep smaller
shooters alive longer by using the mobile attack,
thus protecting your activations as well as the
ability to do damage. Mobile attacking AT-RT's or
AT-ST's can be a scary thing.
You can play Lando with or without making use of his
commander effect. In my opinion, Lando is THE best
universal, utility, low cost characters in the game.
Others have good attacks while others have good CEs.
Lando has BOTH!
100pt: At this level you will probably want to play
him in a squad centered around his CE. You do not
want to get into a point where you need the
initiative to avoid losing him as his attacking
first is never a good thing. An opportunist always
wants to be buried in a semi-deep squad.
200pt: Here you can either use his CE, or simply
recruit him to fill in the last handful of points.
He is great either way. At this level I would avoid
running the whole squad around him as that many
mobile attackers will end up in trouble when they
run out of places to hide. It is generally a good
idea to have a couple followers with him providing
shooting support from the back row, while someone
else keeps the front occupied.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab
Today we
review perhaps my favorite character from a
gameplay perspective. He also ranks fairly
high up there on my list of favorite
characters in regards to the Star Wars
Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab. I don't even
know where to start with him. Not because of
lack of Stats, Abilities, or a Commander
Effect, but because he is loaded with them.
If you read my previous review on General
Veers, then you already know I feel Lando,
HoT is the best character in the game for
the point cost. He is strong enough, that
played savvy, he can go up against the best
of the shooters one on one. His real
strength, however, is the already mentioned
would you be willing to pay for a figure
that had these base stats: 60 HP's, 18
Defense, +9 Attack, and 10 Damage; these
On its turn, this character can make 1 extra
attack instead of moving.
Attack Can move both before and
after attacking.
Opportunist +4 Attack and +10
Damage against an enemy who has activated
this round.
and this CE:
followers within 6 squares gain
Attack (Can move both before and
after attacking).
points, you say? Well, guess what? I'll sell
this 2005 Lando to you for the low, low
price of 23 points! I'm just going to give
you the Commander Effect for free.
Lando has
to be played carefully for several reasons,
first being low HP's that tend to be typical
of shooters. Lucky for him (and us), he has
Mobile to protect him from other shooters;
while the fact he is a non-Melee affords him
the necessary protection against beatstick
Melee figures. Double shooters tend to rule
the game, and again, he has that, as well.
I've boasted about how great L:ando is, and
with a 10 base Damage, most of you must
think I'm crazy. Opportunist is the biggest
ability (and weakness) Lando possesses.
+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an
activated opponent. When utilized, Lando has
a +13 for 20, and the option to
Double. Against an activated non-Unique,
Lando is more effective than the vaunted
Boba Fett. I have waited for an ability like
this since Rebel Storm came out, and I first
saw Han Solo and his Cunning Attack.
Effects often absolutely need to be
utilized, otherwise paying for the figure is
a waste. I normally adhere to this rule hard
and fast. With Lando, though, you get great
stats, boosted by great Abilities, and a CE
that affects non-Uniques equally well at 100
or 200. Yet if you can't take advantage of
his CE, it doesn't matter, because you
aren't really paying for it to begin with.
every piece has a weakness, correct? So,
what is Lando's? Well, Lando has two. First,
he has Mobile Attack to protect himself from
return fire. Unfortunately, he has Double
Attack. This can be a problem in the hands
of less experienced players who try to get
off the Double, when they should be bobbing
and weaving with Mobile.
and more severe, is his Opportunist. The
base 10 Damage becomes a real problem in the
late game, in a situation where you win
initiative, and must go first. The solid,
but not incredible +9 Attack, also
hurts. You really want to go last, but
Lando's fairly high, but
not unhittable Defense and relatively low
HP's won't allow it. So you lose a lot of
attack power. You also stand the chance of
losing the game if Lando is your last man
The great
thing about Lando, despite those two
weaknesses, is the fact that his cost is so
low, you can provide more than enough extra
firepower with the remaining 77 points in a
100, that you rarely have to worry about a
game coming down to Lando getting burned by
the very Ability that makes him so powerful.
Generally, in a 100, you really bring in
Lando as fire support for a more threatening
shooter, such as Boba Fett; or as ranged
support for a strong Melee character. Just
make sure you have at least FIVE
activations, or Opportunist won't seem
like such a good opportunity at all. In 100,
if you can make use of his CE, it is a
In 200,
the sky is the limit, and at the moment,
Lando shines brightest when teamed with
Thrawn and Veers. Lando's CE keeps Elite
Stormtroopers and Snowtroopers alive, by
bestowing them with Mobile Attack. Veers, as
we found out Monday, allows them to shoot
whoever they darn well please, and finally,
Thrawn helps them to become sharpshooters
with a nice Attack boost. Thrawn's
initiative control and swap also help a
great deal, and we will discuss him more on
Hero of Tanaab. A great piece that any
collector should have, as Lando, IMO, was
always a fitting touch to the Star Wars
Universe. Any player who wants the best
support shooter in the game (with the bonus
of a CE, no less) need look no further than
Lando, HoT. This version really makes up for
the very lackluster and very unispired
figure from Rebel Storm. His pose is very
respectable, and Lando-esque. Bottom line;
If you don't own him yet, get him.
Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab
The Rebel Storm version of Lando was so sadly
under-used that this one might as well have been
called Lando II: The Apology. Presumably in an
effort to ensure that some version of Lando would
see use, the “Hero of Tanaab” one is pretty
incredible for the points. HoT Lando improves his
stats in every category over his predecessor, adds
Mobile Attack and Opportunist, and tops it all off
with a tasty Commander Effect icing.
This is the remarkable thing about the new HoTness
that is Lando: I’d probably pay 23 points for his
stats without the Commander Effect, and in the right
squad, I might pay it for just the ability to give
my non-unique followers Mobile Attack. The fact that
you get both for your 23 measly points is nothing
short of amazing. Let me explain why Lando is all
things to all squads.
First, there’s Opportunist. There are only two
pieces in the game at the moment that have this
remarkable ability. It seems like it’s just the flip
side of Cunning Attack (+4 to hit, +10 damage
against any enemy that has already activated this
turn), but it is in fact strictly better than
Cunning Attack. In order to get the most out of
Cunning, you need to be able to activate before the
opponent, which means either initiative control or
Accurate Shot (to hit the guy in the back that your
opponent didn’t start with that round). Opportunist,
however, only requires that you activate Lando
relatively late in the round. Every figure activates
every round, so as long as you can use Lando later
than the figure you want to shoot, you’re golden (by
contrast with Cunning Attack, every figure starts
the round unactivated, but may or may not still be
that way by the time you get to use your Cunning
Attacker). The only tricky part of using Opportunist
well is making sure that your opponent can’t
out-activate you, which means using Lando in squads
with a fair number of figures in it. This isn’t too
difficult, though, as he’s fairly cheap.
Mobile Attack is the other terrific ingredient in
this King of Landos. Any time you can shoot at an
enemy with no possibility of counterattack, you’re
winning, and Mobile Attack easily allows for just
that. If you can also grant that ability to the rest
of your squad, then you’ve forced your opponent to
come to you or turtle helplessly in a corner.
Finally, there’s Double Attack, for that point a
little later in the game when you’ve picked off
enough of his support pieces that Lando doesn’t need
to keep jumping back behind a rock after shooting.
When you’re just trying to score a little more
damage, HoT Lando once again has your back with the
ability to stand still and just keep shooting (at 40
points per round, since Opportunist works on both
Really, the only flaw with our man Lando is hit
points. At 60, he’s better than the Rebel Storm
Lando, but still pretty fragile. Hopefully you can
use Mobile Attack to keep that from mattering,
Overall rating in 100: 4.5
Overall rating in 200: 4.5
KC Tyler |
Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab is one of the best pieces
in the game today he has 60 hitpoints, 18 defense,
+9 attack and 10 damage after see this you would
think that this guy is not useful but it is his
special abilities and commander effect that set him
apart. He has opportunist where he gets +4 Attack
and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated
this round but he has a double attack and mobile
attack. This gives him the ability to shoot and move
or shoot twice coup this with his commander effect
which he gives non- unique followers mobile attack.
Then once you see that Lando is fringe and 23 points
you would see his worth for any faction put with the
empire and there are stronger rebels pretty much.
Then if you put him with the Vong give them mobile
just a tough character that many players have to put
in their squads.
Vesuvan |
Calrissian, Hero of Taanab number 2 on our list for
killer comander week. Lets see what made him hero,
Hit points 60, Defense 18, Attack +9, Damage 10.
While his stats alone are not enough for the 23
points you will need to sheel out in order to get
him he starts to make this up with his abilities.
Double Attack, Mobile Attack, Opportunist. Now those
23 points are starting to look like they were such a
waste. Howerver this is killer commander week so
lets look at his commander effect, all non unique
followers gain mobile attack. At last he is worth
the 23 points. You can use Lando to make some fun
squads, but in the tournament enviroment his is just
outclassed by the damange reduction and shields.
Most of the followers who would gain mobile attack
have trouble hitting the nastys that roam the
tournament and lack the damage to hurt them when
they do hit. He does proform a good filler role in
larger games because you can take lando and small
group of followers and use them to take pot shots
and your opponents support pieces and get away.
Overall land is a fun piece to play but not
practical in high defense tournament enviroment we
have right now.
100pts 3/5
200pts 2/5
300pts 2/5
Just for fun
Darth Sideous |
Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab
Hitpoints: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: +9
Damage: 10
Points: 23
Special Abilities:
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1
extra attack instead of moving.
Mobile Attack Can move both before and after
Opportunist +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an
enemy who has activated this round.
Commander Effect:
Non-unique followers within 6 squares gain Mobile
Attack (Can move both before and after attacking).
Today is another Killer Commander in the Killer
Commander week! Today it is no other than Lando
Calrissian, Hero of Taanab!
First off this guy is a really awesome commander
from the new universe set. For 23 points, you get a
guy who can, at most, do 40 damage a round and also
gives your non- unique followers Mobile Attack. He
is an excellent commander. A pretty high damage
attacker along with a sweet commander effect to your
grunts and you are set for the long journey ahead of
you in your skirmish.
Pros: This guy when he can use Opportunist can dish
out 40 damage a turn with a +13 attack, which is
excellent for a 23 point piece. If you hide behind a
wall, then you can use his Mobile Attack to shoot
and then hide again. This makes for a very versatile
team and that can really do well in the current meta
game. His commander effect is one of a kind. Mobile
Attack on anybody can be deadly. Think of the
options of gaining Mobile Attack to hurt your
opponents then hide again. Your opponent would be
pretty pissed off by this strategy, but it is a very
effective one.
Cons: I really can’t complain about him that much.
He has a nice defense to keep him alive. He can dish
out the damage and has a killer commander effect and
All for the nice cost of 23 points. I don’t believe
that he is under-costed or over-costed at all. The
only thing that I would complain about is, his
commander effect only affects non-uniques, and only
has 60 HP compared to 4 LOM who has 70 HP and only
costs 21 Points, but that would be my only
100 Points: This guy can be decent in here. If you
have the right team on the right map with good
tactics, you should do fine here.
200 Points: He shines in this format. You can put in
the heavy hitters along with you grunts and you’re
set in demolishing your opponent, especially if
you’re playing him correctly.
100 Points: 4/5 200 Points: 4.9999999/5
The General |
Clarissian, Hero of Tanaab
Lando has a fairly low cost of 23 points and belongs
to the Fringe. This means he can fit into just about
any squad that needs him. He has a solid 60 Hit
Points, so it will take a few hits to take him down
and combined with defense 18 means he won't be
leaving the table any time soon. +9 attack allows
him to hit troops easily, and while 10 damage means
he can't hit anything with damage reduction his
abilities make up for it.
He has Double attack, Mobile attack, Opportunist,
and a CE that grants Mobile Attack to non-unique
followers withen 6 squares. Mobile attack allows a
character to move before and after attacking and
with Opportunist which adds +4 attack and +10 damage
against characters who have activated this round
means Lando can jump out and attack right when he
needs to.
His CE combines well with characters who have
Stealth, allowing them to stay safe from attacks and
attack at the perfect moment. The Abyssin Black Sun
Thug is perfect for this, and with Cunning attack
makes a great strategy that requires two Abyssins
and Lando. First attack a character who has not
activated with your Abyssins hopefully doing 40
damage, and after that character has activated use
Lando to attack and hopefully hit for 20 damage.
100 point: 4/5
200 point: 4/5