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Mini of the Day
Emperor Palpatine,
Sith Lord
Set: Revenge of the
Date Reviewed: April 19, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Palpatine, Sith Lord
Cost: 62
HP: 130
DEF: 20
ATK: +15
DAM: 20
Betrayal: characters rolling a 1 when attacking SL
join this character's squad for the rest of the
skirmish (or this character is defeated).
Execute Order 66: Characters with Order 66 cannot
target this character.
melee/triple attack
Force 6
Force Powers: Lightsaber assault (F1), replaces
attacks can attack twice, Sith Lightning (F3), range
6 - 30 damage.
CE: Your squad may include characters with Order 66
Our second character for Triple threat week is a
character that is underused, easily beatable, yet is
THE most feared character in the game as we will
find out.
His stats place him with the elite of the Jedi with
stats akin to the Vaders, Yodas, Maces, and Kenobis.
He has stout stats all the way around. His abilities
and force powers are his real strength though.
Of course being Triple threat week, he has triple
attack, so when he attacks he can dish out some
serious damage attacking at a +15.
With Thrawn, we talked about how he can almost
single-handedly shut down Jedi. The emperor DID kill
an entire squad. Clones used to be a viable shooting
squad, but when Sith Lord came out, he ended their
playability. Clones cannot target him, so you either
leave the rest of the squad behind and let him
annihilate them single handed, or run everyone
behind him so he is the only legal target. Since
EO66 says only that they cannot attack him (instead
of removing him from the list of available targets),
the clones have no one to attack.
It is this next ability that makes him THE most
feared character in the game. IF a character rolls a
natural 1 against him, they betray their original
controller, and join SL's squad. Jedi can avoid this
with their force rerolls (provided Thrawn isn't
lingering), but I have seen many Jedi roll two 1s in
a row, or they roll the 1 after they are out of
force points when late in the game. Power pieces
like Fett, AT-STs, Vipers have no protection and all
of a sudden you are down a very big piece and they
have an extra body to deal damage with. I once had a
Master Yoda AND Master Kenobi roll consecutive 1's
(Yoda was out of force and Obi used lightsaber
assault). My remaining Wookiee scout ran for the
His force powers are awesome and augment his
powerful stats. He is one of only 3 character with
lightsaber assault right now. As long as Thrawn is
MIA, lightsaber can be one of the best force powers
int he game, especially for someone who has triple
attack going into the next round. Sith lightning is
also powerful. Any time a Jedi can do damage from a
distance, they automatically get bumped into the
next class of Jedi. It isn't as good as his
counterparts Force lightning that does 30 to 2
adjacent characters, it also lacks the backlash of
HAVING to hit two other characters even if one is
the emperor himself.
His CE would be very good if the SL wasn't so
expensive. The only time you would really use this
CE is if you are using clones and stormies to make a
hybrid shooting army. The problem is that 62 pts is
a lot to give up in a 200 pt game just to get the
two squads to cross. It can also help if you need to
finish off your points and want to use an ARC or
clone trooper.
100 pt: A triple attacker with lightsaber assault
will always be good, but he lacks any type of
protection such as deflect or block. All he has are
bodyguards that can go down very fast with the
number of characters that now do 30 DAM.
200 pt: Here, as with most cases, you can build
around him more effectively and he becomes a real
threat. A solid squad is to combine him, Thrawn and
Jedi Hunter with filler. He assaults the target,
Thrawn switches and Vader triples. It is a deadly
squad with a lot of dish power.
Note: Betrayal is currently ruled that when SL dies,
the character that betrayed you for the emperor,
returns to their original squad upon the defeat of
SL(he dies you get your guy back). I note this
because unless you happen to catch it in the
rulebook you will play this ability wrong (our
entire group has since it came out).
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
Palpatine, Sith Lord
First of all, I just want to say that I love this
piece. When the Revenge of the Sith set first came
out, I happily told my friends who were Star Wars
fans but didn’t play the game about the Betrayal
ability, and they loved it, and I hoped against hope
that Sith Palpatine could become a tournament
It wasn’t meant to be, though. Sith Palpatine is
good, but he’s since been pretty much overshadowed
in terms of Imperial monsters by Darth Vader, Jedi
His numbers are solid, but not stellar (mostly a
Defense issue; at 62 points, you expect something
higher than 20). You also sort of expect a +16
attack (though that’s as high as the game currently
goes, so one shy is maybe forgiveable).
As with many Jedi and Sith types, it’s the abilities
that really set Sith Palpatine apart. Triple Attack
is pretty much a gimme in a 60+ point figure, but
he’s got it. He also has a whopping six Force
points, which is still not as good as having four
and Force Renewal, per his other version. Lightsaber
Assault is fantastic, allowing serious mobile
offense, and Sith Lightning gives you some
guaranteed damage (though I will usually choose
Lightsaber Assault, since it does more damage at a
lower Force cost, with the important down side that
it can miss).
The above abilities are all very useful, but not all
that interesting. Fortunately, Emperor Palpatine,
Sith Lord has not one, not two, but three tricks up
his billowing sleeve that are completely unique in
the game. The previously mentioned Betrayal, while
it doesn’t go off all that often, does mean that
your opponent will always have to think twice about
his attacks. Consider that if Obi-Wan, Jedi Master
wants to make a Lightsaber Assault on Palpatine,
there is almost a 10% chance that he’ll turn to the
Dark Side and not be able to spend another Force
Point to reroll. Given odds like that, many players
will instead have Obi-Wan just walk up and attack
once, saving that Force Point as a safety net.
Betrayal is not remotely as useful in terms of “a
thing that happens all the time” as it is a “thing
that scares your opponent into making bad
Execute Order 66 is a weirdly different ability.
Where Betrayal is all about gambling and odds, Order
66 is all about guarantees, with the big guarantee
being that if your opponent is playing a clone or
AT-RT squad, you’ve got a guaranteed win. The idea
that a pretty large number of figures, some of whom
are the best shooting options the Republic has,
simply can’t target Sith Palpatine, makes it easy to
see why serious tournament play doesn’t really
include clones.
Which is why Palpatine’s Commander Effect is sort of
a mixed blessing. Once again, it’s a trick unlike
anything else in the game, because it allows you to
mix factions, but only with pieces that will be
completely crippled if you go up against another
Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord.
This, then, is the strangest thing about Sith
Palpatine: he’s one of the most metagame-dependent
pieces in the game. If your local environment
involves a large number of Order 66 pieces, then
you’ll do very well with him (though it might be a
dull game). If your local environment involves a lot
of Sith Palpatine, however, you might not want to
use him (or at least not use his Commander Effect).
As a pure beatstick, you can do better with either
Darth Vader, Sith Lord (two points less) or Darth
Vader, Jedi Hunter (13 points more). As a “reinforce
everyone in your squad while doing a bunch of direct
damage piece,” you should use the original Emperor
Palpatine from Rebel Storm. As a “keep your opponent
guessing and have some really memorable games”
piece, you can’t really do better at all.
Overall rating in 100: 2.5
Overall rating in 200: 3.5
Overall rating in fun, casual games: 5
KC Tyler |
Palpatine, Sith Lord is a one of the most powerful
character in the game today. First Palpatine has 130
hitpoints, Defense 20, Attack +15, Damage 20 and he
is a very rare unique figure worth 62 points. He has
triple attack and can only attack adjacent
characters but with his Execute Order 66, he cannot
be attack by characters with this ability on their
card with clone in their name. Emperor best power is
betrayal where if you roll a natural 1 against this
character the attacking enemy joins this character’s
squad until the end of the skirmish. He has six
force and powers are Lightsaber assault which take 1
force to use and Sith Lightning 30 which requires 2
force to use. Palpaltine Sith Lord is a team leader
where you can build around him Like shooter Aurra or
Boba, maybe Anakin Skywalker Sith Apprentice then
with his commander effect you can add clone troopers
with could turn the table against any squad. Emperor
Palpatine SL is playing against the Republic and
lets say it is Obi Wan Jedi master and the rest of
the team is clone trooper they can’t attack him so
it would be your team against Obi Wan which show his
value to a team. A very good character one that can
be great in 200 point game or above average in a 100
point game.
Vesuvan |
Palpatine Sith Lord
Emperor Palpatine is one scary mini to see across
the table. He has 130hp with a solid defense of 20
and fair attack of 15 you would wonder why. Betrayal
is one of the most unlikely events to occur in the
game and yet the fear of it can be a powerful
weapon. True it only has a one in 20 chance of going
off, but that can be enough to make many players
think twice. The true power lies in his order 66
abilities. The first one is Execute Order 66 which
protects the Emperor from all characters with order
66. This includes the nasty clone trooper on brac
speeder. The other is his commander effect which
allows you to use characters with order 66 in your
squad. The empire already has access to some
extremely powerful figures and then you throw in
power from over half of the Old Republic you can
make some very nasty combos. With this being triple
threat week he also has melee triple attack with the
standard lightsaber damage of 20. His force powers
are nothing to slouch at. Lightsaber assault allows
you to basically move and double attack which is
always cool. Sith lighting is the Emperors trademark
attack that give him a little range, but is somewhat
lacking when compared to his rebel storm version, I
suggest that you stick with the lightsaber assault.
Overall he is not a bad mini, but his best place is
in high point games.
100pts 3/5
200pts 3.5/5
300pts 4/5
He is a good mini, but his points cost are a killer.
Darth Sideous |
Palpatine, Sith Lord
Revenge of the Sith #59
Points: 62/x-tad-smaller>
Special Abilities:
On an attack roll of 1 against this character,
the attacking enemy joins this character's squad
until the end of the skirmish.
Execute Order 66/x-tad-smaller>
Cannot be targeted by characters with
Order 66/x-tad-smaller>.
Melee Attack/x-tad-smaller>
This character can attack only adjacent enemies.
Triple Attack/x-tad-smaller>
On it's turn, this character can make 2 extra
attacks instead of moving.
Force Powers:
Force: 6
Lightsaber Assault/x-tad-smaller>
Force 1, replaces attacks; Make two attacks.
Sith Lightning 30/x-tad-smaller>
Force 2; replaces attacks; range 6. 30 Damage to
1 target enemy.
Commander Effect:
squad may contain characters with
Order 66/x-tad-smaller>.
/x-tad-smaller>This is another 60+ Point Jedi
character. This guy is pretty decent overall. He
has unique abilities that others don’t have, but
then again, he does have his flaws.
Pros: Betrayal is a nifty special ability. When
someone attacks the Emperor and rolls a 1, they
change sides to the Emperor’s team. That could
be game breaking right there. The odds of this
is 1/20, which is only 5% of the time and the
odds shrink depending on who’s on your squad.
His Order 66 Commander effect is nice because
you can include Clones and other Order 66
memebers, which is really a nice ability to mix
up your Imperial Squad. He has a nice array of
Cons: 20 defense on a 62 point character is crap
especially when you have to go into melee to do
damage. His other 2 versions have Force Renewal,
this one doesn’t. The Imperial Version also had
Force Lightning, which is a plus over Sith
Lightning. 130 Hit Points isn’t something to
brag about either. Lastly, he has no force
special abilities to defend himself from
onslaughting attacks besides if they roll a 1.
Overall, He could be worth the points if
Betrayal works. If it doesn’t and this guy ends
up falling, then you’ve lost a huge piece in
your army.
100 Points: He’s not worth it. Let’s just put it
at that. Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter can whoop is
but in 1 on 1 combat.
200 Points: This guy is a bit more flexible in
this format, but I still don’t think he’s worth
all those points for that low HP and low
Defense, But I’ll say he’s better here than in
100 points.
2/5 in 100 Points. I don’t see how this guy can
change the game besides Betrayal, which is just
random luck
3/5 in 200 Points. This is because he can have
more order 66 followers to make the Imperials
Emperor Palpatine
– Sith Lord
Cost: 62
HP: 130
DEF: 20
ATT: +15
DMG: 20
Abilities: Betrayal / Execute Order 66 /
Melee / Triple Attack
Force 6:
Lightsaber Assault / Sith Lightning 30
Commander Effect:
Squad may include characters with Order 66
Here’s a character whose effectiveness is greatly
determined by circumstance. If you know that your
opponent is using a Republic force, Palpy can really
work in your favor. If you’re in a skirmish against
any other faction, this character’s abilities are
greatly diminished, and he all of a sudden becomes
target practice.
Fortunately, he can handle his own in a melee. His
CE is also interesting, but not that great… sure you
can mix clones and stormies together – even share
commander effects, but the versatility is not worth
the points you will pay to have the Emperor on your
team. You’ll have access to clone grenadiers, ARCs
and sergeants. Clone sergeants are the only units I
see working effectively with imperial troopers.
Imperials have a very effective grunt force already
as it is.
Palpy’s other interesting ability is betrayal. Like
his CE, it sounds nicer that it really is. True,
your opponents are bound to roll at least one “1”
during the game, but it doesn't necessarily occur
when attacking this character.
I used him once, but he didn’t win the skirmish for
me. I knew my opponent was putting together a
Republic squad, but it consisted of Jedi and
fringers. He rolled two “1’s” attacking my
characters – just not the Emperor guy. He barely
came out alive with only 10 HP left. Stormies and
officers managed to score some lucky hits while
Palpy's role was diminished to keeping the enemy at
Rating by Skirmish Size
100 pt.:
… the cost is too high to effectively build support,
and the circumstantial nature of order 66 is too
much of a gamble.
200 pt.:
… you’ll have more support, but you're still
gambling on his abilities.
Emperor Palpy from Rebel Storm is more useful and
reliable (22 pts. Cheaper). His circumstantial
abilities seem designed for special scenarios.
Prince Yaken |
Palpatine, Sith Lord
Hitpoints: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: +15
Damage: 20
Points: 62
Special Abilities:
On an attack roll of 1 against this character, the
attacking enemy joins this character's squad until
the end of the skirmish.
Execute Order 66 Cannot be targeted by characters
with Order 66.
Melee Attack This character can attack only adjacent
Triple Attack On it's turn, this character can make
2 extra attacks instead of moving.
Force Powers:
Force: 6
Lightsaber Assault Force 1, replaces attacks; Make
two attacks.
Sith Lightning 30 Force 2; replaces attacks; range
6. 30 Damage to 1 target enemy.
Commander Effect:
Your squad may contain characters with Order 66.
Where to begin, where to begin... Well at this point
in his life, Palpatine had just claimed dominance
alongside his apprentice Darth Vader over the former
Galactic Senate. Seemingly sealing the takeover
after holding off his equal Jedi Master Yoda,
Palatine was one of the most powerful forces in the
galaxy even outside of his political position.
Out of his special abilities Betrayal stands out
most in mind opinion. Not even having to use Force
Points, a simple critical miss (a die roll of 1)
would wisk away whatever force was about to attack
him. This often can leave someone who doesn't use a
force wielding squad to ponder any movement against
this Lord of Darkness. An attack from a fairly weak
foe normally would do no good except a critical hit
from a Gothal Fringer. A wise person will avoid
using a powerhouse such as Boba Fett with full
health unless really there is little choice. Mind
you Triple Attack and Execute Order 66 are nothing
to scoff at but I've seen the unfortunate luck of
half a squad rolling 1 against Palpy.
Boasting 6 Force Points to distribute between a 99%
guarrenteed 30 damage and the ability to find
placement for anywhere between 2 to 5 attacks is
something that would make even a character with
mediocre offensive and defensive values usable.
Sometimes only being able to deal 90 damage for a
close-to-medium combat is only worth it if you can
follow up with a strong attack from a shooter. What
a minute, what am I saying?! Of course its worth
Sorry that I am not going over his excellency's full
assortment of abilities but I am sure my COTD
comrades did it well enough that I can focus on a
few particular feats.
100 Points: I've found him to work well only in
sealed pack situations since this format is still
plagued with Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter and mixed
bgroups boasting Boba, Aurra, or Mace Windu. 2.5/5
200 Points: This guy gets nasty since with Order 66
you can swarm with
Clones or even just AT-RTs to support this self made
Monarch. With more
points to add threats like Grand Admiral Thrawn
(yeah I'm crazy enough to
combo them), Anakin Sith Apprentice, or a hired hand
can surely difference
in a tight game. 4/5
David Dunn
Palpatine, Sith Lord
This is a decent imperial figure. His stats are
pretty impressive. Like the other one, he has 130 hp
and 20 def. But, unlike the first one, he has an
attack value and deals 20 damage. Triple attack is
always a god ability that, with the right amount of
attack, can be devastating. Betrayal effect is very
good but it won’t be used as much than thought
because natural 1s aren’t very common, but when they
do occur this ability could be devastating.
Lightsaber assault is an ok ability but won’t be
used as much as sith lightning. Though it isn’t as
good as force lightning, doing 30 damage without a
save is still very good. His commander effect can be
used for some good clones, but stick to the stronger
Overall he is a good figure that can be use for
multiple reasons
100 game 3/5
200 game 4/5
Xoulrath |
Today, we
review Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord. I'm just going
to start out with what I have always hated about
this version of the character.
Betrayal and Order 66. While rolling a one is
normally not a big deal, it can be disastrous
against this Sith Lord. You roll a one with any
character in the game, and that character is now
fighting for your opponent. Certainly, you now get
the points for killing your once ally, but depending
on when he Betrays, that may or may not be possible.
Force users, at least, can reroll (so long as he
isn't teamed up with Thrawn in a 200). I have always
thought there should be a save for this ability,
after the one is actually rolled.
On to Order 66. While Clones were never a threat in
the tournament scene, this all but eliminates them.
If/when the designers want to give the Clones some
love with powerful CE's and some tougher units, a la
the ARC, it will first be necessary to do something
about Order 66, otherwise everyone and there brother
will bring Palpy for a counter squad. At the moment,
it really is a moot point. Clones aren't worth
anything more than fodder currently, ARC's excepted.
Again, just like with Betrayal, I would have liked
to see a save for the Clones attempting to target
Palpatine. If they make it, they can shoot as
normal; if they fail, then Order 66 prevents them
from attacking Palpy for that turn. But alas, that
is not to be.
Now, with those gripes out of the way, let's get to
the review. 62 points and here is what you get: 130
HP's, 20 Defense, +15 Attack, and 20 Damage. Melee
Attack and Triple Attack, in addition to Betrayal
(On an attack roll of 1 against this character, the
attacking enemy joins this character's squad until
the end of the skirmish.) and Order 66 (Cannot be
targeted by characters with Order 66.)
He has Lightsaber Assault and Sith Lightning to
spend his six Force points on.
You would get the feeling that this version of Palpy
is all about offensive output, simply glancing at
his stats, and you would be right. LS Assault is
great, as you can wait for an opponent's figure to
activate, move six, and still get two attacks off.
With access to the Probe Droid, or Thrawn in 200,
winning initiative and getting off that Triple
Attack is even easier. Sith Lightning is a direct
attack dealing 30 damage, with no roll required.
Spend the two FP's needed to use it, and instant
With 130 HP's, and a solid 20 defense, he will be
around for a while. The threat of rolling a 1 is
always something of a boost to his defense, as
oppponent's are generally cautious in how they
approach him. Other than this, however, he has no
real defensive measures. For a figure of this high a
cost, that would be unacceptable were it not for
Order 66, Betrayal, and his CE which allows him
access to some great troops from the Republic, such
as the AT-RT and ARC Troopers. Like a lot of the
CE's out there, however, it is best when taken
advantage of in a 200 point game, as Palpy's high
cost leaves almost no room for real support in a 100
for utilizing Order 66.
Bottom line: He is fragile for the cost. He can't
Deflect the likes of attacks from Boba or Aurra. He
can't Block the likes of Mace Windu or Darth Vader,
JH. He is a pure offensive powerhouse, who is worth
the points in 200 simply because ARC's and AT-RT's
can become insane when given Thrawn's +3/+3, and
Veers Accurate; he may even be worth playing in 100,
simply because of Betrayal and the fact most players
wouldn't expect it. Just keep him hidden until you
can attack, because if your opponent isn't rolling
one's, Palpy will fall fast to most well built
shooter squads.