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Mini of the Day
Darth Vader, Jedi
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: April 7, 2006

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Rating: 5.0
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Darth Vader,
Jedi Hunter
Cost: 75
HP: 140
ATK: +16
DEF: 23
DAM: 20
Triple attack; Dark Armor - When this character
takes damage, reduce by 10, save 11; Jedi hunter -
+4 ATK/+10 DAM against characters with a force
Force 2
Force Renewal - +1 force when he activates; Force
grip(F1) - replace attacks sight, 10 DAM; Force
whirlwind(F2) - replace attacks range 6, 20 damage
to target and each adjacent target, save 11; Block;
Deflect; Sweep.
Today we come to the biggest character in the game
at 75 points! (At least for now. He will soon fall
to third or fourth biggest after Champions of the
Force). But this bad boy comes loaded with all the
options. His stats are impressive to say the least.
While his HP is the same as the other Vader's, that
is all they share. His defense is going to make him
extremely hard to hit, especially in cover, from
anyone not toting a mid to upper double digit base
attack, and with a +16 attack he won't miss very
often either.
Dark armor is going to almost double his already
impressive HP with some effective save rolling. The
only way to get around this is to use a lightsaber
(note lightsaber throw also gets around dark armor),
BUT! and this is a big but, if you carry a
lightsaber in this game, it also means you have a
force rating which means Vader is going to deal out
a whopping 30 DAM each hit. Add this to his triple
attack and very few if any Jedi are going to last
long against this behemoth. Right now I would say
only Clone Strike Mace and Master Skywalker would
have a prayer, but even they are fighting an uphill
He is one of the few characters that has force
renewal, so his force arsenal will never likely run
out unless you are needing lots of help from force
powers and save rerolls. Grip can be nice against a
grunt, but will not be used hardly ever. Whirlwind
can be as good as Wednesday's RotS Vader and helps
by also damaging adjacent characters. Since it
cannot be bodyguarded, this is a good way to get
around pesky bodyguards who are protecting a gonk or
med droid. Down side is it is going to suck up force
points and has a range of 6. Sweep will rarely be
used also, but can be handy at times. The block and
deflect is what really puts him over the top. Not
only is he hard to hit....Not only is he hard to
kill with damage reduction 10, save 11......But you
finally hit him, and he can simply block/deflect the
damage away.
The only two downsides to Jedi Hunter are 1) Thrawn
cancels out his deflect and making him awful pricey
for not being able to use it, and 2) he is extremely
expensive. This Vader is not some one you build an
army with. He IS the army! People love him because
he is an instant threat, especially if they run
Thrawn to control initiatives.
So is this Guy unbeatable? When he came out he was.
People did not know how to come at him and Jedi were
much more prevalent then they are now. If he had
Sith Rage, then I might say he is broken, but as is,
shooting squads can handle him if they can keep
their distance. Because of Vader and Thrawn,
shooting armies are pretty dominant right now, so he
is being held in check by smart play. But with CotF
coming, look for the the Jedi to strike back soon,
and for one or two of the Jedi to attempt to knock
Vader off his throne of power.
To defeat Vader you need to do as much damage from
afar as possible. Shooters, Yesterday's Vader with
RS Emperor, and the like can soften him up quite a
bit. If you are running Jedi, Mace or Master
Skywalker better be one of your Jedi or you are
going to have a long day of short games against him.
100pt: This Guy is it! he isn't the only squad, but
not many squads will be able to handle him outside
of Boba and Aurra shooting squads. You will be low
on activations, but with that much of an arsenal,
just play smart and you will be fine.
200pt: Again a top tier team, but with the
prevalence of the shooting squads he is a bit more
vulnerable. Choose his support carefully because at
200 points he can get mowed down by power hitters
and effect squads pretty quickly despite his awesome
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
Darth Vader,
Jedi Hunter
Probably the most discussed piece in the game.
Arguably the most powerful, and certainly the most
expensive piece short of the AT-AT, Darth Vader,
Jedi Hunter is almost comically good. His numbers
are all insanely high, being obviously taken from
Darth Vader, Sith Lord (they share the distinction
of the highest base Defense in the game). His Force
powers are so numerous that they had to break out
the teeny font in order to print them all on one
card. He has Force Renewal, allowing him to use his
many powers for as long as the game goes on.
Finally, there are two abilities that make the whole
package actually worth your 75 point investment:
Jedi Hunter and Dark Armor. Jedi Hunter means that
against most of the high-end pieces in the game
(almost all of which have Force ratings), he’s
attacking at a +20 for 30 damage per. Since he’s got
Triple Attack (of course), this is a virtually
guaranteed 90 damage per turn. Even against
non-Force-users, he’s insanely formidable. Dark
Armor means, on the average, that he’s taking 5
fewer points of damage from every attack that hits
him (assuming it can get past Lightsaber Block and
Lightsaber Deflect). He can therefore stretch his
140 hit points out much further than the five pieces
in the game that have more than that.
The short version is, he really is worth his 75
points. In 100-point squads, he’s obviously most of
your squad, which seems like it shouldn’t work (ask
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master), and yet it does.
What’s more, it works so well that unless your
opponent has brought one of the tier one squads,
you’ll probably mop them up (at least in 100; I have
much less experience with the piece in 200 points,
where he can’t be quite as dominant).
I like Darth Vader (who doesn’t?). I like the idea
of the 800-pound gorilla of this game being a
version of Darth Vader. I really think WOTC went
overboard on this one, however. He can be beaten,
but I don’t like any one piece being such a powerful
force on the tourney scene (Aurra Sing, I’m also
looking in your direction).
Overall rating: 5
KC Tyler |
We it comes
down to Darth Vader Jedi Hunter it only one answer
the best character in the game pound for pound he is
a Mike Tyson in his prime just a killer in terms of
play. He has the same hitpoints as the other Vaders
at 140 hitpoints, Defense is 23 which is the highest
in the game and + 16 which also is the tied for the
highest and 20 damage with a triple attack. This
Vader has Dark Armor which any damage taken other
than a lightsaber he gets to roll to decrease the
damage by 10. Then he can do 30 damage and extra +4
to his attack againt any character with a force
rating. Well to me these ability alone get him so
much power but this isn’t all he has 6 different
force abilities like sweep, grip from Dark Jedi
Vader and that with Block and deflected he can block
any type of attack. Vader also has Renewal which
only Yoda from Clone Strike, Emperor Palpatine for
Rebel Storm, Darth Sidious Clone Strike and , Luke
Skywalker Jedi Master to regenerate force have but
that not all he has a power which is called force
whirlwind which he causes one target and two
adjacent within 6 squares 20 damage with a save of
11. The best figure in all the sets and he is just a
rare figure not hard to get in booster.
Xoulrath |
140 HP's, +16
Attack, 23 Defense, 20 Damage. Triple Attack, Melee
Attack, and the two most important abilities that
this version of Vader posesses, Jedi Hunter and Dark
Armor. These last two abilities are primarily
responsible for Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter being a
main stay piece in the competitive scene.
Dark Armor gives Vader a chance to reduce any damage
recieved from all but adjacent lightsaber attacks,
by 10 HP's. This ability is very nice when Boba Fett
or Aurra Sing are on the opposite side of the table.
If they manage to hit, and Vader fails his Deflect
roll, then Dark Armor still leaves a chance to
reduce the hit, making for a very rough time for non
Melee figures. Aurra can deal full damage due to her
having a lightsaber if she is adjacent to Vader, but
then she risks Vader's other brutal ability, Jedi
Somehow, a Triple Attacking Jedi Hunting Vader tends
to keep Aurra Sing at bay. It tends to keep most
Force users at bay. On the one hand, characters with
lightsabers deal the most reliable damage to Vader,
yet those same characters are all Force users and
suffer from the wrath of Jedi Hunter. This situation
is made more dire for the common Force user because
of Vader's Triple Attack.
Vader also has a large variety of Force powers to
choose from:
Force Grip (Force 1, replaces attacks: sight; 10
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets Force 1 each
time he activates.)
Force Whirlwind (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6;
20 damage to target and each character adjacent to
that target; save 11.)
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee
attack, this character takes no damage on a save of
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a non-melee
attack, this character takes no damage with a save
of 11.)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: This
character can attack every adjacent enemy once.)
Lightsaber Deflect, combined with his high defense,
and his Dark Armor, are a large reason for him being
able to take on the likes of the best shooters in
the game, while giving himself the time he needs to
close, and deal out the hurt. Block is necessary to
protect himself against the Lightsaber wielders who
are able to bypass his Dark Armor. Grip gives him
some range. Whirlwind and Sweep are both great crowd
control measures. Whirlwind can be especially useful
against towed figures, for dealing some damage to
said figure, while hurting the little astromech
droid carrying them around. Force Renewal is an
absolute must, to be able to take advantage of his
Force powers, and keeping his points up for
All in all, he is worth his 75 points, but it really
comes down to you making your saves. Especially the
Dark Armor saves. In a 100 point format, he can
dominate because he is able to absorb so much
damage. He also negates a lot of once very useful
Jedi. With Gambit, he can camp the center, relying
on his defense, Deflect, and Dark Armor to keep him
safe, forcing the opponent to play on your terms.
Far from unbeatable, but very tough to take down, if
you aren't building as if you will face him. At the
200 point level, he becomes an incredible tank/beatstick.
With access to Thrawn, you can guarantee initiative
to make sure you get his Triple off, and Swap is
probably the next best thing to R2, Astro.
An interesting pose, not my favorite, but not my
least liked, either. Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter should
be a must have for any collector, simply because he
is Darth Vader. For players, he is an absolute must,
espsecially if you play in a Force user heavy
environment. A great piece that is both easy for
newcomers and younger children to use, while being a
serious menace in the hands of an experienced