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Mini of the Day
Queen Amidala
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: August 04, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 4.5
200 pt: 4.5
Sorry, we don't have this card image yet. |
Sith Dragon |
Queen Amidala
Cost: 16
DEF: 17
ATK: +9
DAM: 10
Double Attack; Mobile Attack; Rapport (noon-unique
republic followers)
CE: Non-unique republic followers gain Mobile Attack
Not only is Padme Amidala hot on screen, she is hot
on the game board as well. CS Padme is one of the
most underrated characters in the game, and Queen
Amidala can benefit any squad with non-unique
shooters in it.
Her stats for only 16 points are quite good. The Hp
is stellar, DEF is good and the +9 is about where it
should be, as is the damage. I like the inclusion of
both mobile attack and double attack. It allows her
to adapt to the situation. With accurate shooters
present, she can mobile - When she has a screen to
hide behind, she can sit still and double. Rapport
is also nice and broad. By running any non-unique
republic followers, you are essentially making her
cheaper. It isn't uncommon to knock off 4-8 points
with her rapport, making her all the more effective
for her price.
Her CE is awesome because it allows republic to
bring in mobile attack for 16 points or less,
instead of the 23 needed for Lando, Hero of Tanaab.
Lando is worth his cost, but Amidala allows a few
points for something else. Also the great thing
about Amidala is that her CE does not have the range
limit that Lando has. While Mas can remedy this now,
Amidala is just more efficient. Combine this with
the other commanders we have reviewed and you get,
not only some awesome help for the republic
shooters, but you also see some ways to bring life
to the AT-RT, with mobile attack, wall climber, etc.
100pts: I don't know that you can get the support
with her needed to run her here, although it would
allow your Jedi Weapon Masters to mobile attack
helping them to last longer. Try her for fun, but i
don't see here doing much here.
200pts: Here she can have all sorts of fun. Giving
mobile to the republic is huge, especially as cheap
as it is done here. I love using the wall climber of
Cody with the mobile attack of Amidala, because you
get a heavy hitting AT-RT that becomes very hard to
hit back. You will need to design around her, but
that shouldn't be hard. Also if you combine Cody and
Amidala, you get a clone trooper that is now worth
only 7 points! They suddenly become a very good
piece for only 7 pts. While she may not be top tier,
she brings some power to a shooting faction that has
been greatly overlooked. Try her out. She is loads
of hard to hit fun!
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |
Good news for
those of you who have been running squads with 16 or
more Naboo Soldiers: Queen Amidala is free to add to
your squad and doesn't compromise the theme!
Seriously, Queen Amidala actually can be added for
free to certain squads, because of her incredibly
wide-ranging Rapport ability: all non-Unique
Republic followers cost one point less. Incredible.
That's 26 distinct units, by the way. What's more,
all of those followers gain Mobile Attack, one of
the better abilities in the game, with no range
restriction on the CE.
Given her modest cost of 16 points and the fact that
her inclusion is likely to be effectively discounted
by something else you're already running, Amidala
would be worth including if she just stood in the
back like a Battle Droid Officer and did nothing.
Incredibly, she's also a nice little attacker, with
a healthy 70 hit points, decent Attack and Defense,
and Double Attack, as well as the Mobile Attack she
grants to her minions.
The bottom line is that there are a LOT of Republic
builds that can benefit hugely from Queen Amidala.
You should be using her.
Overall rating in 100: 4.5
Overall rating in 200: 5

Zeroph Zeal |
Queen Amidala
Points: 16
Hitpoints: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: +9
Damage: 10
Abilities: Unique, Double Attack, Mobile Attack,
Rapport (Non-Unique Repulic followers cost 1 less)
Commander Effect: Non-Unique Republic followers gain
Mobile Attack.
Queen Amidala is simply, the only good piece with
Rapport, IMO. Most of the time, when a unit has
Rapport, it only saves you one point, not even
enough to add in an Ugnaught. However, Queen
Amildala is quite a different story... if played
For 16 points, her stats aren't terrible, but aren't
legendary. 70 hitpoints is the medium for a non-jedi
of this cost, along with 17 and +9 Attack. 10 damage
is kind of low, as I perfer the seemingly better 20
damage, but whatever.
Queen Amidala is Unique, but also has a few other
interesting abilities. Double Attack is never a bad
thing, but with only 10 damage, a maximum of 20
damage leaves something to be desired. Mobile Attack
has always been one of my favorite abilities. The
ability to move and hit an enemy without cover, then
move back into cover (or even out of sight!) is
simply too good to pass up on. This is half the
reason that Queen Amidala is so good. Next, her
Rapport ability is by far the best Rapport in the
game. Most of the time, when using a unit with
Rapport, you only get one extra point. That extra
point really won't do a whole lot for you...
however, Queen Amidala's Rapport gives all
non-unique followers 1 less point! This will only
help in a squad full of non-unique followers
however. Do notn try this in a squad full of jedi-
even if they are not unique. Downgrading the Jedi
Weapon Master to
25 points really doesn't make too much of a
difference, but making a Clone Trooper 8 points
The reason being, each Trooper you have saves you a
point. So, if you use 8 Clone Troopers, you have
8 points, which is enough for another downgraded
Trooper! While it may not seem like its too entirely
useful, an extra Trooper could be the difference
from victory and defeat.
Her Commander Effect also benefits non-unique
Republic followers. It gives them the ever so useful
Mobile Attack. Sure, having one unit with Mobile
Attack is nice, but having your entire army running,
shooting, and running some more can really be
fustrating to your opponent. A good player with a
Mobile Attack army should be able to do quite well.
100 points: 2/5 She falls like most commanders do
here... there is simply not enough support to make
her useful.
200 points: 4/5 There we go, thats a little better!
The key to use Amidala is to throw her into a squad
full of non-unique followers that are tiny, don't
choose Jedi Weapon Masters! All of your units should
be below 15, at the most. You'll save tons of points
this way... and tons of points could be game!