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Mini of the Day
Yuuzhan Vong
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: August 09, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.2
200 pt: 2
Sorry, we don't have this card image yet. |
The Yuuzhan
Vong Subaltern has always bothered me. It costs
slightly more than two Yuuzhan Vong Warriors, and I
just can't figure out why.
On paper, for your slightly-more-than-doubled point
cost, you get +1 Defense, +2 Attack, +10 Hit Points,
Double Attack, improved Crab Armor, Razor Bug, and a
Commander Effect that grants Double Attack to Vong
Warriors. It sounds perfectly reasonable, except for
one thing: all I really want out of non-Unique Vong
is Thud Bug.
Let's go point by point:
The extra Defense and Hit Points don't matter,
because the Defense increase is trivial, and two
Vong Warriors have more HP than one Subaltern. The
improved Crab Armor (now reducing damage by 10 a
full 50% of the time) helps somewhat, but still
generally not as tough as two Warriors.
The extra Attack value, Double Attack, and Commander
Effect don't matter either, because the Subaltern is
going to be using either Thud Bug or Razor Bug every
turn, and the Warrior is going to be using Thud Bug
every turn. Double Attack can't help with that, and
the 50/50 odds you get with a 'Bug are way better
than the odds you would get using the pathetic
Attack scores of either piece. The Commander Effect
moves past useless into the realm of detrimental
because it means that the Subaltern can't take
advantage of Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab's free
Mobile Attack for all followers.
Razor Bug is the one thing that a Subaltern can give
you that a Warrior just can't. The advantage to
Razor Bug is that it works at any range, using the
standard targeting rules. It amounts to a 50% chance
to do 10 damage. It lacks the extra kick of a Thud
Bug, but it lacks the range limit as well. Huh. Too
little; too late.
If the Subaltern cost even two points less, I might
use them, because I wouldn't then have to choose it
over two Warriors and an extra point. As it stands,
they're just never worth it.
Overall rating in 100: 1.5
Overall rating in 200: 2
Kevin |
Well, after a
long and boring move (and a lack of internet access
for about
2 1/2 weeks) I am back. Seems I came just in time to
review......the vong?!?!?! Well, its about time I
Up first (for me) this week is the Vong Subaltern.
Stats are, as always, first.
Cost: 17
HP: 40
Defence: 14
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Special abilities:
--Melee attack (Can only attack adjacent enemies)
--Double attack (On his turn, this character can
make one extra attack instead of moving) --Force
Immunity (Enemies can not effect this character with
force powers, or spend force points to reroll
attacks against this character or in responce to
this characters attacks and abilities) --Razor bug
(Replaces attacks; sight; 10 damage, save 11) --Thud
bug (Replaces attacks; range 6; 10 damage, target is
concidered activated this round, save 11 negates.
Droids, huge characters, and characters with mounted
weapon ignore non damageing effect.) --Vonduun crab
armor 11 (When this character takes damage, it can
reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11)
Commander effect:
Allied Yuuzhan Vong Warriors within 6 squares gain
DOUBLE ATTACK (On his turn, this character can make
one extra attack instead of moving)
To be very blunt, the first problem with this peice
is that it is a vong.
The vong total 4 characters, one of which is almost
never feilded with the
other vong. As such they have no faction support and
rely almost completly
on fringe. But that aside, this peice is full of
As a stand alone character, this peice seems
worthless. It has very few
hitpoints, low defence, and low attack. Bring in the
10 damage and you have
enough to not ever want to use it. It has double
attack, but I see that as
useless when you can't hit anything with either
attack or do any real
damage. Razor bug is somewhat useful, if you can
target a melee character
with it you're fine, but if the target is non melee,
next turn this
character dies. Thud bug is probably one of the best
things going for this
character. It can do damage, but more importantly,
it can activate your
opponents vader or bane or other heavy hitter. Best
part is, they only get
the one save of 11, no force rerolls due to the
force immunity. That is
where this peices strength lies, it can activate the
other peices on the
feild and they have to make the save the first time.
Aside from all that,
the CE gives other vong warriors double attack,
which, as I stated earlier,
is useless if you can't hit anything or do damage
(note the melee on all the
vong aside from nom, no combining fire so your stuck
with the +3 and +5)
As I said before, the vong have no support. They are
almost all melee
attackers, none do more then a base of 10 damage,
but they do have a few
100 points: What can I say? Its the vong. This one
will die very quickly.
Even with the crab armor save of 11, you're better
off with two
Klatooninian enforcers here, same hitpoints, simular
defence, less combined
cost, and they can combine fire and possibly do 20
damage at range (not to
mention they are fringe and can benifit from CE's
unlike this peice here).
If you play this game a lot you know just how sad
that is. This vong isn't
scary at all in 100. 1/5 (wish I could give it a 0)
200 points: Here I will give them some more credit.
They can be paired
with the warmaster and still have room left over for
more, they can use
their CE on a few warriors, they can be used to
activate the bigger
characters, and they might, just, survive for a
little bit. Still at 17
points this figure isn't anywhere near average for
its cost. 2/5
(If you plan on useing this character, I would
suggest it being the main
leader. Use it with a few warriors and some fringe
support that is much
better then the vong. Like that the warriors can run
in and try to activate
everybody while maybe doing damage and prooving
distractions. Then the
fringers can shoot the now immobile enemies. Thats
the best use I can see
for this vong in 100. In 200, use it with the
warmaster and 15 warriors to
out activate and thudbug everything, then use the CE
and let the warriors
thud bug what they can then the rest can double

Zeroph Zeal |
Yuuzhan Vong
Points: 17
Hitpoints: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Force
Immunity, Razorbug, Thud Bug, Vonduun Crab Armor 11
Commander Effect: Allied Yuuzhan Vong Warriors
6 squares gain Double Attack.
Aah, the Sabaltern. Yesterday, I mentioned that
there was only one good Yuuzhan Vong unit. That goes
to Nom Anor, not this. Although, if it does mean
anything, it is a slightly better unit than
Again, its stats are not legendary. For 17 points,
40 hitpoints means that he falls to a double
attacking jedi, 14 defense is decent but still not
great. +5 attack is horrible, and 10 damage is
also... horrible.
Of course, that bad attacking skill is mutliplied
once again with Melee Attack.
Double Attack, while a good ability, doesn't help
this unit much. The fact of the matter is, with a
maximum damage of mere 20, and an attack of +5, most
of the time you will only deal 10 damage, sometimes
0 when you attack with this unit... even if it is a
Double Attack. Force Immunity is a good ability,
Vonduun Crab Armor is at 11 for this character,
quite the step in the right direction from the
Warrior. This means instead of a 25% chance of
making a save, this character has a 50% chance. This
is much better. And of course, this means that Force
Immunity can see some use.
This character has two attacking abilities as well.
Thud Bug is just as useless as Monday's, but it is a
tad better on this unit simply because this unit is
slightly more defensive. Razorbug, however, is a
great ability. With its only requirement being
sight, he has a 50% chance of dealing 10 damage.
Sure, it doesn't sound legendary, but just put the
guy in cover, and you can attempt to pick apart your
opponent's back row, such as evil commanders that
are in cover and you can therefore not attack. (not
that it would matter playing with the Vong anyway...
none of them have range except for fringe units you
may be plaing...) This can be a major help taking
out Battle Droid Officers, Thrawn, Mas Amedda, you
name it. Hell, this could even help against charging
grunts. Put a few of these guys in your army, say 6,
and you will be dealing an average of 30 damage per
turn against basically any unit you want. Not too
The Sabaltern's Commander Effect is pretty much
useless, though. Because of it, he doesn't count as
a follower, meaning that he can't get the Commander
Effects of some of the Fringe commanders, such as
Lando, Hero of Tanab. What it does isn't that good,
either. It gives all your crappy Vong Warriors
Double Attack. Oh goodie. Now they can hit for 20...
still an average of 0. And they still have Melee
Attack with horrible HP/Armor. I'm sorry, I don't
think a unlikely (yet possible) extra 10 damage from
a Melee Attack is worth being a Commander Effect.
This Commander Effect is almost as bad as Obi Wan
Kenobi, Jedi Master's...
or Nute Gunray's... xP
100 points: 2/5 You really can't take advantage of
Razorbug here, but he is still the best grunt you
are going to get for the Vong if you're not playing
Nom Anor.
200 points: 3/5 A tad better here. I guess you can
incoperate more Warriors and other Sabalterns,
allowing you to get more uses out of Razorbug and
maybe getting some use out of the Double Attack for
the Warriors.