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Mini of the Day
Jedi Weapons
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: August 14, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 4.5
200 pt: 5
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Sith Dragon |
Jedi Weapons
Cost: 26
HP: 90
DEF: 19
ATK: +12
DAM: 20
Double Attack; Lightsaber Duelist
Force 3
Lightsaber Assault; Block; Deflect; Riposte; Sweep
I remember when this piece was first previewed
before the set came out. A firestorm of controversy
erupted about how this piece is too cheap to have
all the powers it has, and that it relegated all of
the uniques, especially from CS to the garbage heap.
Well, now that the set is out lets see if the cries
of brokenness were justified or not.
The JWM is a non-unique follower, so right there it
will get all the CEs the republic has for Jedi, and
will not be hurt from the bounty hunter ability. A
+12 ATK is very solid and double attack is great for
any Jedi. It also has lightsaber duelist. This is
very good on top of a 19 DEF, although with the huge
Jedi we have in the game right now, it only makes it
harder to hit by a very small margin. The 90 HP is
good for 26 points, but I am finding that with all
the 30 DAM characters out there, that is only three
hits and he is gone.
When it comes to force powers, this guy has
everything dealing with a lightsaber, hence the
weapons master. For only 26 points this is a HUGE
package of abilities. The balance is that he has
only 3 force points and there is no force battery
for the republic, so when this guy loses his FP he
is done. Getting shot up on the way to a target will
take away the riposte or assault once you get
So is this guy the be all and end all? Many would
have liked to see him be unique if they were going
to make him this good, since he was based on Nick
Guillard's (stunt coordinator for the films)
character from epIII. People would not of had as
many problems with him if you could only run one,
but since you can run as many as you want and add
characters like Tarfful, or CS Yoda it was thought
broken. He is one helluva package - no doubts there
- but in the end he isn't all that he was complained
to be. I just don't like the 90HP. While he is more
versatile that many of the other unique Jedi, I
actually prefer the uniques. The extra HP negates a
lot of the pros of the JWM. Being able to survive
that one more hit can be really huge when they are
trying to take you down in 3 turns. Plus if used
correctly there are uses the uniques have that make
them - well - unique. Even all those extra powers
are nice, if you miss any deflects this guy will go
down quick, and as good as he is he cant stand
toe-to-toe with the big Jedi for very long. Is he
good - oh yeah - but he hasn't had the impact that
everyone feared he would. Very good, not great.
100pts: Not sure he has quite enough for here, but
he can be worth a shot. Some good saves and he will
hold his own for quite awhile.
200pts: Here he will really shine as he has access
to loads of CEs. But when building a squad, don't be
so quick to overlook the unique Jedi. In certain
builds the difference can be huge. Should you use
this guy with CS Yoda, Tarfful, or Gen Windu he
becomes a mini beast, or as filler for the last few
points he will do good, too.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Kevin |
First up on
return of the jedi week (as its being called, i
would say republic god week) we have the jedi
weapons master. Lets contemplate the word "Broken".
Stats first.
Cost: 26
HP: 90
Defence: 19
Attack: 12
Damage: 20
Special abilities:
--Melee attack
--Double attack
--Lightsaber duelist (+4 Defence when attacked by an
adjacent character with a force rating)
Force Powers:
Force 3
--Lightsaber assult (Force 1, Replaces attacks, Make
two extra attacks) --Lightsaber block (Force 1, when
hit by a melee attack this character takes no damage
with a save of 11) --Lightsaber Deflect (force 1,
when hit by a non melee attack this character takes
no damage with a save of 11) --Lightsaber Riposte
(force 1, when hit by a melee attack this character
can make an immediate attack against that attacker)
--Lightsaber sweep (force 1, replaces attacks, this
character can attack each adjacent enemy once)
OK, I get it, he has a lightsaber. This character
has nearly every ability with the word lightsaber in
it there is. In essence we have every jedi beatstick
rolled into one very small package. All he needs is
lightsaber throw and reflect and you have a perfect
jedi. With one small exception, he only has 3 force.
All the force powers in the game can't save you
without force to use for them. But that is just the
most obvious trait of this character. Now for the
lesser known. First up, he has double attack with an
attack of 12...that's right...12. This character can
hit things. Next up, he has a Defence of 19, which
is nice, but against those jedi/sith pests, he has
an impressive 23 Defence. Godly for 26 points. There
is that melee attack restriction but otherwise this
is a solid piece. Even its 90 hitpoints are good for
its cost. I really have nothing bad to say about
this character other then the 3 force. If the
republic ever gets a force battery, the JWM will be
in every major republic squad.
100 point: He has offence with LS assult and sweep,
Defence with block and deflect, and double attack
for good measure. The stats this guy has puts CS
agen to shame and will annoy anybody until he runs
out of force. 4.5/5
200 point: at 26 points, he goes in any republic
squad. If you need a cheap beatstick for the Defence
of your shooters, this is your man. 5/5
Tip: As you might have noticed, the JWM (as its
called) has 3 force but 5 force powers. Meaning he
can't use them all. Save the force for the right
moment. You have to be conservative with him.
However, if you have CS yoda and CotF qui gon jinn
you can avoid this issue. Run jinn up and get him
killed, then give the force to the JWM and that 3
force becomes 9 force.
Combine that with the ability to reroll saves from
yoda and you have an untouchable character (since he
can spend the force twice a turn he will not be hurt
for a long time) If you are more offensive minded,
do the same but run the weapons master with Jinn and
lightsaber assult/double attack everything in your
path. This character has the offence and Defence of
everything you can ever want, but keep a close eye
on the 3 force and the 90 HP. If either runs out, he
is done.

Zeroph Zeal |
Jedi Weapons
Points: 26
Hitpoints: 90
Defense: 19
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Abilites: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Lightsaber
Force 3, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Block,
Lightsaber Deflect, Lightsaber Riposte, Lightsaber
To start, you don't get anymore solid than the Jedi
Weapons Master. Period. The Jedi Weapons Master
alone puts many unique jedi of simular cost to
shame, making them completely useless in this game.
Why? Because a non-unique jedi is simply better than
them. Period.
The Jedi Weapons Master has so many things going for
it, and its stats are no exception. 90 hitpoints is
solid, expessially when backed by an impressive 19
defense. Furthermore, +12 Attack is enough that it
can hit just about anything with a good ratio, and
the 20 damage he has is standard.
His normal abilities may seem normal for a jedi
character, but its still a great help. Double Attack
is not even the norm for some jedi of this cost, and
it serves the Jedi Weapons Master well. Furthermore,
Lightsaber Duelist helps him "duke it out" with
other jedi characters, giving him a +4 defense when
one of these attacks the Jedi Weapons Master. A few
of these could easily make mincemeat of a Darth
Vader-Jedi Hunter or Darth Bane.
The only downside with these guys is thier low force
count. As you can see, the Jedi Weapons Master has
an array of Force abilities, but only 3 Force. This
means, unless altered by another means, you will
only be able to use 3 of his amazing abilities. That
aside, the Jedi Weapons Master has just about every
standard force ability in the game. With both
Lightsaber Block and Lightsaber Deflect, combined
with the 19 defense and Lightsaber Duelist, this
thing becomes a pain in the ass to kill. Let's face
it. Defensive abilities on a jedi is a must. This
thing has both. Lightsaber Assault is a great
ability as well, giving the Jedi Weapons Master
Double Attack, even if it did move.
While I am no fan of Lightsaber Sweep, I'm sure in
some situations it can be useful. Finally,
Lightsaber Riposte can help you finish off annoying
enemies before those annoying enemies finish off
As previously mentioned, the only real downside to
this guy is his low force rating. So... if you can
manage to get his Force up... that is the key to
breaking this guy, really. Put a few of these in a
squad with Qui Gon Jinn- Jedi Master (who will be
reviewed Wednesday), and then you get to start
seeing sparks fly. Just go on and march in the Qui
Gon, doing as much damage as possible before he
dies, give the Force Spirit to the Jedi Weapons
Master, and see what he can do with 6 extra force
points, and being able to activate two force
abilities per turn... ;)
100 points: 4.5/5 Near perfect, expessially with Qui
Gon Jinn-Jedi Master.
200 points: 5/5 Did you expect anything less for a
near-broken piece?

ninjaduelist |
Jedi Weapon
Master (Champions of the Force)
Faction: Republic
Cost: 26
HP: 90
DEF: 19
ATK: 12
DMG: 20
Melee Attack
Double Attack
Lightsaber Duelist
Force 3
Lightsaber Sweep
Lightsaber Reposte
Lightsaber Assault
Lightsaber Block
Lightsaber Deflect
Welcome to "Return of the Jedi" week, as we start
off with one of my most favorite lightsaber-wielding
pieces in the game: Jedi Weapon Master.
For starters, his stats for a 26 point non-unique
character is impressive. 90 HP gives him enough
juice to keep going, 19 DEF makes him hard to hit
(especially with cover and Lightsaber Duelist), 12
ATK which is about average for his cost, and the
common 20 DMG to wrap up his stats.
As for effects, he has Melee Attack (go figure),
Double Attack (better than most Clone Strike jedis),
and Lightsaber Duelist (Exar Kun defense, anyone?).
So, as you can tell, he's good enough to use just
because of those alone. However, what really makes
him shine is the force points.
Although he only starts with three force points, he
has 5 different force powers that allows him to be
hard to defeat. Block and Deflect helps with attacks
on him, while the other three helps with dealing
damage. If only he had more force points, then he'd
be a major hassle to defeat. However, that's where
the death of Qui-Gon Jinn, JM comes in. If he dies,
give the force powers to JWM and you'll be having a
26 point, non-unique tank running around the
battlefield. Throw Yoda from Clone Strike into the
fray, and you'll be blocking and deflecting even
more than before! So, for just an uncommon, this
piece is on the verge of being broken (and it would
be if it had more force).
In 100 PT or 200 PT, this piece shines with the
right pieces. However, don't get carried away, as
there are a few beefy Jedi Hunters out (Bane, Darth
Vader JH, etc.). If you need jedis for your Republic
team, consider this as a piece to use.
100 PT: 4.8/5
200 PT: 4.8/5
"May the force be with you."