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Mini of the Day
Darth Maul,
Champion of the Sith
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: August 22, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3
200 pt: 2
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Sith Dragon |
Darth Maul,
Champion of the Sith
Cost: 53
HP: 150
DEF: 20
DAM: 20
Deadly Attack; Quadruple Attack
Force 3
Force Leap; Lightsaber Assault; Deflect; Sith Rage
In what i could only think to call Force
Manipulators week, we kick it off with a heck of a
fighter. The new Maul is both better and worse than
CS Maul. Firstly he is a rare and is no where near
the astronomical price of the CS version. This one
is two points cheaper and has 10 more HP, but the
price is that he loses a vital Defense point as well
as an attack point. These were adequate to begin
with, but even that one point drop down can be huge.
Ask any one that plays Maul a good deal. his
multiple attacks are great, but you usually end up
missing so many of them that using Sith rage gets
scary. Squeaking of multiple attacks the new version
gains an attack to up it to four whopping swings. It
makes deadly attack all the more impressive. The
price for getting the extra attack is pretty high in
my opinion. The old Maul's greatest power was his
rolling cleave. It let you get to another enemy or
if they have a grunt next to a big gun, you can get
away from it for free if you play smart.
The old Maul had 3 force points and only Rage to
spend. The new version is packed with offensive
abilities. He gets the standard Rage, but also gets
leap, assault, and the all important deflect. He can
lightsaber assault in and force leap out. Three
force points dint go very far with all those
options, but luckily he has two different force
batteries to chose from.
100pts: Here he wont stand up to the likes of Vader
and Bane, but his offensive power puts him in a
class with Gen Windu as a solid tier two build.
Outside of the dominators of 100pts he can be pretty
200pts: Unlike most characters that get better the
more points you give them, Maul really doesn't
benefit as well as one might think. The problem with
non-droid CIS is that there is no support for mid
range characters. Hopefully the CIS will finally see
some real team love with BH, as we know that they
are getting several pieces (mostly huge so far).
While you can make some really good teams with him,
you generally have 3-4 solid characters before you
hit filler. Sidious can help with force points,
Tyranus can give him duelist and Jango/Boba/Aurra
give nice ranged support, but they need some solid
grunts or 20-30 pt characters that can whoop some
butt. To be honest, for those that have played
Yugioh, the CIS are the Dragons of this game. Some
very nice heavy swingers, but no synergy/support
cards. As such, they can be a good squad but never a
serious contender in DCI games.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Man |
Maul, besides being a crowd-pleaser on Ladies' Night
at the Evildrome Boozarama*, is a pretty fair new
version of the hard-to-get Clone Strike favorite.
Others will tell you that Quadruple Attack is the
reason to play him, but I completely disagree. At
+13 to hit, Quad Attack is better spent here than
any other piece that already has it, but is still a
little low for a 53-point piece. I would have
preferred Triple and a higher Attack value, but I'm
fine with an aggressive and imprecise piece. The
unfortunate thing about multiple attacks is that if
you don't have a way to control initiative (and the
Separatists don't)
The reasons I find this Maul fairly playable are
Lightsaber Assault and Lightsaber Deflect. My
affection for Lightsaber Assault is well-documented
in other reviews, and Lightsaber Deflect is the way
to get a melee character to the fight without
suffering too much on the way.
Deadly Attack remains Maul's signature ability,
along with Sith Rage. Apparently he's the angry
clown that goes with the sad Pagliacci. Force Leap
is a novel new ability for Maul, and may allow him
to get to prime targets on the battlefield.
All in all, the new Maul is perfectly playable, if
lacking in faction synergy.
Consider teaming him with the Clone Strike Darth
Sidious as a Force battery (the new Sidious is too
expensive to use, see review). If you're looking for
ways to get his Quadruple Attack off, you might try
a Dominate character (Sly Moore or B'omarr Monk).
Overall rating in 100: 3
Overall rating in 200: 3.5
*If you know this reference off the top of your
head, I owe you a cookie.