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Mini of the Day
Luke Skywalker on
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: August 28, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3
200 pt: 2.5
Sith Dragon |
Skywalker on Taun Taun
Cost: 16
HP: 60
DEF: 17
ATK: +8
DAM: 10
Lightsaber; Speed 8
Force 3
"Use the Force"
We kick off Luke Skywalker week With this fun little
piece. It is terribly competitive, but it can sure
be a lot of fun to play. He only costs 16 points,
but it may as well be a 29 as you will never run
this guy without the Chagrian Mercenary Commander.
For that low price you can fit him in easily, even
with the commander, into your rebel squad. From here
on you can throw any other stats out. His DEF is
good for the cost. His HP is again good for the cost
as most in this range are only 40 HP, but you can
ignore that because you will have Chewie RH. His ATK
is also meaningless because you will use his force
power just about every time.
The reason Luke is so fun to play is his use the
force. It works against droids and force immune
characters, but will be stopped by deflectors. An
Auto Crit is a great thing. His base DAM wont double
against a droid, but you would still get the +20 DAM
from the Chag, so its still 30 DAM. In fact if you
set up the perfect string of effects (something you
will never pull off in a real game) you get the
Base 10 + 10Crit + 10 lightsaber + 20 Chag + 10 Han
RH CE + 10 aqualish spotter = 70 DAM guaranteed hit
if the character doesn't have deflect. (i think i am
still missing +10 somewhere.)
The downside used to be that you could only use this
once (three times if Ben gets killed first) so you
had to maneuver him to get the shot on the beat
stick you wanted to kill, but with Yoda of Dagobah
you now have unlimited force points to use. His
speed 8 gives him some nice mobility to keep him
hidden between shots as well.
100pts: He is way too fragile here, so don't even
try it.
200pts: Here he gets all his rebel buddies to help
him out. It wont win you many tourneys, but it is
one heck of a fun squad to play, especially if Yoda
can get some stuns off to slow the opponent down.
Just play him carefully as Chewie will be the only
one holding him up in a world of accurate shooters
that can all do 30 DAM a pop.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Skywalker on Tauntaun has the interesting pair of
distinctions of being the cheapest Luke and the one
that currently sees the most competitive play. The
reason for this is his lone Force Power, so I'm
going to talk about it last.
For 16 points, Horsey Luke presents an attractive
package, with very reasonable base stats, the huge
advantage of Speed 8, and the ability to both shoot
and use a lightsaber for extra damage up close. If
he did nothing else, he'd be fine filler, but
nothing to base a squad around.
Like all Lukes, he has some Force Points, but only
enough to use his one Force Power once. "Use the
Force" is obviously intended to evoke his amazing
kill shot on the Death Star, allowing Luke to score
an automatic critical hit. Why the Death
Star-killing power is on a version of Luke from
three years after the Battle of Yavin is a matter
for the philosophers to discuss.
Anyway, Use the Force is obviously handy, working
almost like Sith Grip or other auto-damage powers,
and I have actually finished a game on it, killing
an enemy Mace Windu before he could get back to a
medic in a locked room. The reason that this is the
Luke for competitive play, however, is because of
the combos available with it.
First of all, one use of the ability isn't anything
to base a squad around. The old way to fuel Luke was
to get Obi-Wan killed and let Luke have some Force
Spirit lovin'. The fancy new way to keep the auto-crits
coming is Yoda of Dagobah and his stellar Force
Renewal 2. Also, if you know you're going to be
scoring criticals, you clearly need a Chagrian
Mercenary Commander, he of the +20 to damage on
critical hits. Finally, with Han Solo, Rebel Hero
around, if Luke is shooting an unactivated
character, we can make this automatic hit worth a
total of 50 damage (60 if adjacent). The big down
side here is that the combo is fairly fragile,
requiring a number of pieces to work properly, and a
good Accurate Shooter can really ruin your day.
Bodyguards are therefore essential, but the good
news is that the Rebels are blessed with the best
Bodyguard in the game. I won't tell you his name,
but it rhymes with "Mewbacca, Febel Zero."
As filler or the core of the squad, Luke on Tauntaun
is an extremely solid buy for your paltry 16 points.
If you do try to make him the core of your squad,
however, I strongly suggest you have a backup plan,
as you really have to devote a lot of fragile pieces
to the auto-crit gimmick.
Overall rating in 100: 4
Overall rating in 200: 3.5 (wider selection of
opponents makes the auto-crit ability less
tjmk |
Skywalker on Tauntaun
Special Abilities:
Lightsaber(+10 damage against adjacent enemies.)
Speed 8(Can move 8 squares or 16 without attacking.)
Unique(Counts as Luke Skywalker.)
Force Powers:
"Use the Force" (Force:3 This character's next
attack is a critical hit.)
Well, I'm back. For those of you who noticed I was
gone (because I don't expect to be missed) my
computer crashed during this awesome series of
storms we had here at home a few weeks back and now
I am finally set up enough on this computer to get
back to rating minis. So, here we go.
So, Luke the scout. Now I see why he fell against
the wampa. Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun was my very
first Rare, ever. Quite simply though, I do not like
him. Sure, he has some awesome mobility, so he can
get to the battle quick and all, but he isn't going
to be doing much when he gets there. He has terrible
damage output and poor attack. Low defence for a
unique, especially a unique that has to get up close
if he wants to do any decent damage. His hp is also
low, falling in three hits from most characters, its
becoming two hits more and more often though. And if
you try and argue with me about how he has the
force, don't even try. Yeah, he has three force
points, a step up from the two that his rookie
version has, but I really prefer the rookie version
of Luke to this guy, because if I'm going to be
using a puny unique character, then I want him to be
doing some decent damage, and Luke Skywalker, Rebel
does just that with his good damage ability. This
guy has the option of a critical hit, true, but that
critical is only going to be doing 20 damage, 30 if
you get up alongside of the enemy, and that is what
really bites is that the lightsaber damage doesn't
get factored in for critical hits. I really wish the
"Use the Force" ability was given to the rookie
version of Luke, after all, that's where it was
used, or maybe a pilot version of Luke, but
whatever, it doesn't belong on this guy.
Bottom Line: Fast though he is, Luke and mount are
not able to utilize that speed very well due to his
sub-par combat abilities. He may have the force,
making him better than your standard trooper, but
those force points will be used completely for
rerolling things unless someone really wanted to
waste all three of them for a measly 20 or 30 points
of damage. I suppose if you had 16 points left in
your squad and wanted a soldier that is just a cut
above the rest, then you could use this guy, but I
just don't want to go near him. Makes a decent
follower though.
This is tjmk, signing out.