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Mini of the Day
Defel Spy
Set: Bounty Hunter
Date Reviewed: December 01, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2
200 pt: 2
The Defel Spy
is... unextraordinary. At 14 points, he's just a
little too expensive to be a grunt, but he's also
not a powerhouse by any means. He's sort of a piece
without a home; let's look at why.
As a Fringe piece with Stealth, one of my first
thoughts has to be teaming him with Nom Anor. The
problem with this is that he's not hugely better
than an Abyssin Black Sun Thug in this role, costs
almost twice as much, and wastes points on Evasion
(which is completely useless if you're under the
super-stealth Commander Effect). With the
combination of Cunning Attack and Loner, he can
theoretically shoot with a +14, which is extremely
respectable in such a low-cost figure.
Unfortunately, Loner is harder to use than it seems,
as having all of his allies more than six squares
away means that help is also more than six squares
away. A canny opponent will separate and eliminate
him. Cunning Attack is pretty cool, if you've got
initiative control and/or Accurate Shot to make sure
he hits unactivated enemies. This naturally brings
us to the Imperials, who have Thrawn and Veers to
give you both. While this is great for the Defel
Spy, the Empire has the best grunts in the game, and
doesn't really need help from the Fringe for their
cannon fodder.
The only other commanders I can come up with to help
out the poor Defel are Clone Strike Yoda, who lets
him reroll Evade saves (and if Mas Amedda is
involved, Yoda doesn't have to screw up the Defel's
Loner by hanging around nearby), and Prince Xizor,
who gives him Accurate Shot from any distance. Now
the only problem is that these are both rather
expensive commanders, and you don't really want to
use Defels en masse (as you would usually try to do
when using a specific CE/ability combo, so you can
get the benefit over and over), because using a
bunch of Loner pieces means you're trying to get all
of your pieces more than six squares from each
other, and usually means easy points for your
This is the Defel Spy's problem: he's a standalone
piece. He might be some filler at the end of your
squad (especially if you're using one of the above
commanders), but he's just not worth building a
squad around because he synergizes poorly.
Personally, I don't much care for standalone pieces
unless they're also powerhouses in their own right,
because competitive squad-building is an exercise in
synergy. If he works for you, more power to you, but
I won't be quaking in my boots to see him across the
table from me.
Overall rating in 100: 2
Overall rating in 200: 2
P.S. The question has come up a few times on the
WOTC message boards, so it's probably worth
addressing: the Defel Spy, despite his total lack of
apparent armament, is not supposed to have Melee
Attack. There has been no errata, and there isn't
likely to be. Just assume that, as a spy, he has
access to a wide variety of Bondian weapons
disguised as wristwatches and the like.