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Mini of the Day
Utapaun on
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: December 11, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 3
The Utapaun
on Dactillon is almost functionally identical to the
Flash Speeder, which sort of weirds me out. The
Utapaun has a slightly higher Attack rating and no
Mounted Weapon, but loses Speed 12 in favor of Speed
10. Sounds roughly fair, right? You might expect
them to cost around the same, right? As it turns
out, the crazy dinosaur thing costs about two thirds
what the flying car will run you, which is a good
thing, because the Flash Speeder is an overpriced
piece of unplayable garbage.
For 27 points, the Utapaun on Dactillon is pretty
passable. It’s fast, flies, and has Mobile Attack,
with good damage output, so it’s got a good chance
of knocking off support pieces, and might be able to
help against the hard targets with some combined
fire assistance.
In terms of good pairings for it, consider Thrawn
(as usual), who can give it +3 to Attack and
Defense, and possibly use its great mobility to get
an AT-ST behind enemy lines. You might also consider
dusting off Tion Medon, who will grant Double Attack
to his dinosaur pal, but Double Attack requires you
to hold still, which means you lose the benefit of
this great speed and flying ability. This comes down
to play style, of course, and your results may vary.
Another commander you might not have considered for
the Dactillon is Nom Anor, who can give the thing
Stealth with his Ooglith Masquer ability. A flying
huge piece with high Speed will have no trouble
getting cover again after making its attacks, so it
should always benefit from super-stealth, and a huge
character can grant cover to your other characters
(beware Sniper, though).
The Utapaun on Dactillon is a perfectly respectable
piece, but not a game-breaker. If your play style
involves moving around a lot and sniping from around
corners, try it out; it’s a better mobile artillery
piece than any pterodactyl-creature has the right to
Overall rating in 100: 2 (not dominant enough to be
more than a quarter of your points)
Overall rating in 200: 3 (playable, but not great)
wookie lover 11 |
Utapaun on
27 Points
SA: Flight, Mobile Attack, Speed 10
The Dactillon is a interesting piece, so I will
start with the pros. It had Flight, which is
goodPERIOD. He also has Speed 10, another bonus, and
Mobile, which pairs with Speed well. An interesting
combo is with Tion Medon and Mas and Thrawn, a
double 30 dam at +11 is great, and he is great for
getting a good swap position for an AT-ST. 20
squares, no slowing sort of terrain, and squeezing
is good. Now sadly, 80 HP is only average for the
points. 16 DEF sucks, and 8 ATK without a booster is
pretty bad too. Still with Thrawn, I think he is
100: 3/5. With flight and Speed 10, he is playable
with someone like Lord Vader
200: 4.25/5 with Thrawn and an AT-ST, and Medon and
Mas and Tarkin, and the you move up the Dactillon,
win init, double with the Dactillon, get Thrawn to
drop the AT-ST in his place, and have the AT-ST
double. Can kill Darth Vader Jedi Hunter in one turn
if the dice go your way.