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Mini of the Day
Komari Vosa
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: December 14, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1
200 pt: 1.5
Just before
Bounty Hunters came out, there was much discussion
of the leaked stats for Komari Vosa. Could they
possibly be correct? She was surely going to be the
new Aurra Sing! Four attacks at range! (why doesn't
she have a ranged weapon in the sculpt?) She's going
to blast everyone into oblivion! (she only fought
with lightsabers in the video game where she
originated...) She's the best thing since bread was
pre-sliced for your convenience!
Then release day came, and with it, the official
errata that Komari was supposed to have Melee
Attack. This simple change turns her into pretty
much a useless mess. At 47 points, 80 hit points and
18 Defense are laughably bad for a melee piece.
She's not going to make it to the fight; any
competent player will shoot her long before then.
Even if she does make it all the way up to an enemy
piece through the hail of blaster bolts, her +9
Attack isn't doing her any favors. Those four
attacks she can make will amount to maybe a 50% hit
rate against any kind of reasonable beatstick.
She also sports Control Minds, another Force Power
that turns into a Commander Effect when used. It's
cute, but not game winning by any stretch, and using
it makes Vosa ineligible for other commander's
Effects, which she desperately needs in order to be
any good at all.
So, the fundamental problems in trying to get some
quality violence out of Vosa are (a) getting her to
an enemy safely, and (b) raising her Attack so she
can actually hit that enemy. R2-D2, Astromech Droid
can do the former, while Tarfful could help with the
latter. Thrawn can teleport her into position, and
maybe Emperor Palpatine could give her additional
Force Point rerolls. Chewbacca, Rebel Hero can
Bodyguard her trip up to the fight, while Admiral
Ackbar helps her Attack. That's about all I can do.
She's a bad piece. Don't use her if you care about
Overall rating in 100: 1
Overall rating in 200: 1.5