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Mini of the Day
Rebel Officer
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: December 20, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 2.5
The Rebel
Officer suffers from much the same problem as
several of the Separatist Sith-types. Looking at the
piece alone, he's not bad at all, but when put in
the context of his faction, he's really hard to use.
At first glance, for 13 points the Officer is a
steal. His numbers are only okay, but his
Attack-boosting Commander Effect is great. Or would
be, if it wasn't for non-Uniques only and in the
Rebel faction. The Rebels are arguably the most
Unique-driven faction in the game (the Sith and Vong
are the only ones I can think of that might be more
so, but they're minor factions), so you're just not
usually going to find a lot of use for this CE. You
might consider it for the Rebel Snowspeeder, a
terrific non-Unique that could use a bit more
Attack, but there's no way the poor Officer can keep
up with the insanely fast 'speeders, and the Rebels
aren't one of the two factions that can use Booming
Voice to make it irrelevant where the commander
stands. Top it all off with the fact that for a mere
eight points more you can get the amazing Admiral
Ackbar, and the Rebel Officer is simply in the wrong
His one redeeming feature, really, is that he looks
great with the other Hoth-themed Rebel pieces. Enjoy
that feature, if nothing else.
Overall rating in 100: 2.5
Overall rating in 200: 2.5