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Mini of the Day
Hoth Trooper with
Atgar Cannon
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: December 21, 2006

Image from
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.5
200 pt: 2.5
Hoth Trooper
with Atgar Cannon might be the weirdest piece in the
game. It has the best hit points to cost ratio there
is, but loses most of its utility after it takes a
certain amount of damage. It's a Living piece that
can be healed with Industrial Repair (as well as
normal healing abilities). It's attack works like
the Missiles ability, in addition to being a normal
attack. It also has Speed 2 and Heavy Weapon, making
it effectively even slower than Jabba the Hutt. Oh,
and did I mention the very worst Defense score in
the game?
Given all this, opinions are sort of sharply divided
on the Atgar's effectiveness. No one (to my
knowledge) thinks it's top tier by any stretch, but
it actually can be used, and fairly effectively.
The first secret to using the thing well is to use
it in multiples. It requires a fair amount of
support in its squad, so you should probably
maximize your synergy by having more than one piece
that benefits from that support. Your first stop is
the Rebel Captain, who can give the Atgar Twin
Attack, thanks to the fact that it's called the "Hoth
TROOPER with Atgar Cannon" and not some other
variant of the name. Twin Attack makes these guys
much scarier, because twice the splash and twice the
chance of a lucky critical on that 30 base damage
can only help you.
The other completely critical support is Admiral
Ackbar (or a Rebel Officer, if Ackbar is
unavailable). +4 to hit almost brings the Atgar to
respectability, and vastly increases the chances of
landing some of that juicy damage.
You should probably bring Princess Leia, Senator,
who will let you move your Atgars 50% faster than
they can go on their own. When you've got Speed 2,
getting to move an extra two squares at the end your
turn is a big deal. You might also consider Hoth
Commander Leia, except that, since the Atgar stops
being able to attack when it's reduced to 30 or
fewer hit points, most opponents won't finish them
off, so the resurrection Commander Effect helps less
than usual. You know you can use the speed boost
from Senator Leia, though, so that's my preference.
Finally, a piece or two with Industrial Repair is a
good idea. Chewbacca, Rebel Hero; BoShek; or an
Iktotchi Tech Specialist are all valid options. Keep
those Atgars at 40 and above, and they can keep
attacking. A sneaky thing to remember, however, is
that even an Atgar at 10 hit points can still
combine fire. Your opponent may forget about this,
and sufficient combined fire can turn even a measly
+3 Attack into a virtually sure hit, so remember
combined fire if you choose to play an Atgar squad.
The bottom line is that the Atgar is not a bad
piece, but it's definitely not easy to play. If
you're looking for a challenge, try it out, but
watch out for highly mobile opponents.
Overall rating in 100: 1.5 (tough to get sufficient
support in here)
Overall rating in 200: 3.5 (if you can get them
pointed at the main fight, they can be pretty
effective backup)
The Fang |
Hoth Trooper
on Atgar Cannon---Rebel
Hit Points---80
Fragile 40
Heavy Weapon
Speed 2
Splash 10
What a joke. This tops my list of ‘Worst figures in
the game’. It has 80 hit points which is phenomenal
at 15 points, but just look at his defense. A BATTLE
DROID HAS A HIGHER DEFENSE!!!!! With the lowest
defense in the entire game, (assuming you have a
remotely experience opponent), he’ll take 40 damage,
and be virtually useless right in the beginning. He
has +3 attack, which I spit on. 30 damage is great,
but with his attack, he’ll never do any damage at
Heavy Weapon is never good, nor is SPEED 2. You read
it right, not only does he have the lowest defense
in the game as of now, he also is at the top of the
list for ‘slowest minis in the game’. So it’ll take
him many turns to get into his position, and by
then, he will be at 30/40 hit points. He won’t be
able to attack because of heavy weapon, and fragile
40. Machinery is okay, as you might want to throw
Chewbacca, RH in there. Splash 10 is good, but with
a measly attack rating of +3, he’ll never get to
utilize that ability. If you’re going to play this
thing at all, you need Chewbacca, RH. Not only can
he bodyguard, he can repair, and combine fire, as it
will need the highest attack it can get. This piece
should never be played if you want to win. Usually I
don’t rate low, but I make exceptions for joke
100pt: 1 (you’re just wasting Chewbacca’s turns)
150pt: 1 (it’s not any different here)
200pt: 1.25 (with Chewbacca)