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Mini of the Day
Exar Kun
Set: Champions
Date Reviewed: July 07, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3.75
200 pt: 5
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have this card image. |
Sith Dragon |
Exar Kun
Cost: 84
HP: 180
ATK: +19
DAM: 20
Triple attack
Force 3
Force renewal 1; Dark Force Spirit (F1) - when Exar
is defeated, each enemy character loses 1 force
point each time they activate for the rest of the
skirmish; Lightsaber Assault; Sith Rage; Sith
Sorcery (F1) - On this character's turn only, all
enemies are activated, save 11; Transfer Essence
(F1) - usable only on this character's turn. Choose
1 living ally. Remove that ally from play and place
Exar in that character's spot.
CE: Savage characters gain Jedi Hunter and Momentum.
Today we look at the most beefy character in the
game. Exar is just plain huge. Darth Bane's fear
comes from the base 30 DAM and Jedi hunter, but Exar
is the biggest all the way across the board. With
his 23 DEF and 180 HP it will take a concentrated
effort to get him down before he can take down your
squad, and the +19 is the largest natural attack in
the game. His triple attack isn't going to miss very
Exar has perhaps the most effective arsenal of force
powers in the game. He starts the game with force 3,
but he has force renewal, so he is set for force
points. Lightsaber assault makes him a deadly
attacker as he will always get the 2 attacks form
that or his triple off. He also has Sith rage. The
down side to Sith rage is that if you miss an attack
you cannot reroll it, but with his +19 ATK he won't
be missing very often with it.
Now we have some new powers. Sith Sorcery is your
basic 'all enemies activate save 11' power, but what
makes this one different from all others is that it
doesn't replace turn or attack, so you can use every
turn if you like to slow your opponent down even
more. His most useful power though is his transfer
essence. The best way to use it is to take some
weenie character like an ewok or ugnaught and run it
up and base a main character. Exar then uses
transfer essence to defeat that character and take
his spot. This gives him the ability to triple in
record time. You can also use this on a character of
yours that is about t die anyway. Nothing like dying
for the cause. His final ability is dark force
spirit. At this point Exar is dead. Every time an
enemy character activates, it will lose a force
point. This can be a great power to rid your
opponent of any force powers they have remaining
after taking out Exar. A thing to note here is that
characters with force renewal can choose in what
order they resolve Dark Force Spirit and their
renewal since they happen simultaneously. If you are
at 0, you can resolve DFS first, and then do your
force renewal, so you will always have 1 FP
Now if all of that isn't enough Exar is a lover of
all things savage. He turns them into Jedi hunters
with momentum, giving most savage characters a huge
attack for 20-30 DAM a swing. The reek can plow for
60 DAM against a Jedi, and the Acklay and rancor can
triple attack with a +12 for 30 DAM. A piece that we
have yet to review is the gundark. These generally
not a good piece. It has Quad attack, but only does
10 DAM a pop, which really hurts it, even though it
has great attack and HP for its low cost. Couple the
Gundark with Exar and you get a +16 ATK for 20 DAM
quad attack. Yet backing away form a Gundark will
only give it momentum, so either way its a 1 -2
punch that is really hard to deal with. The Jedi
really do not like Exar.
100pt: Exar is a real threat in the 100 pt games,
although the exact build that utilizes him the best
is still up for debate. At 84 pts, he IS your squad.
You can run lots of ewoks and ugnaughts so he can
teleport around the board very easily, or you can
squeeze in a savage only giving you 2-3 activations.
200pt: Non-Jedi shooting armies can usually handle
Kun as they can have his team weakened by the time
he gets down the board, but Jedi are going to have
one heck of a time against Exar and his savage
friends. It usually comes down to who wins that
first init after the battle starts. If the Jedi win
they can generally take out the savages pretty
quickly, but if Exar wins, the savages can dismantle
the toughest of Jedi with little problem. Right now
Exar is THE best the Sith have to offer!
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
The General |
Exar Kun
I haven't written a review in a long while as I'm
incredibly busy over the summer, so here we go.
Exar Kun, Points: 84, Faction: Sith
Hit Points: 180
Defense: 23
Attack: +19
Damage: 20
Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, and Triple Attack
Force Powers: Force 3. Force Renewal 1
Dark Force Spirit 1(if this character is defeated,
each enemy character with a Force rating loses 1
Force point each time it activates for the rest of
the skirmish)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make
2 attacks)
Sith Rage (Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this
Sith Sorcery (Force 2, usable only on this
character’s turn: Enemy characters within 6 squares
are considered activated this round; save 11)
Transfer Essence (Force 1, usable only on this
character’s turn: Choose 1 living ally. Remove that
ally from play and place Exar Kun in that ally’s
space; that ally is defeated.)
Commander Effect: Savage characters are subject to
this effect: Followers with savage gain Jedi Hunter
and Momentum.
Wow. Exar Kun is one of the most expensive
characters in the game taking all but 16 points in
100 pt games. Great stats in every category, Triple
attack, starts out with 3 force points and Force
Renewal. Kun has only one problem, no Block or
Deflect, but that's where Transfer Essence comes in.
By using Transfer Essence, Kun move from one side of
the field to the other, With some fast characters
Kun can get up close incredibly quickly. Even if Kun
gets hit while making his way towards the enemy not
much can beat him. With Triple Attack, Sith Rage,
and Lightsaber Assault, Kun can beat even Jedi
Hunter in direct combat. Kun is so powerful even
when he dies he can still help by causing all
enemies with force ratings to lose one force point
each time they activate, therefore stopping Force
Renewal entirely. Vader doesn't look so tough now.
Finally Kun's CE, grants Savage characters Jedi
Hunter and Momentum making beasts like Rancor tough
opponents for Jedi. Kun works best with savage
characters or a big squad of shooters.
100 pt 3/5 A great beatstick but with no followers.
200 pt 5/5 Fantastic

ninjaduelist |
Hello, and
welcome to the final review of this week: Exar Kun!
Now, I'm sorry to make this a short review, but I
have to leave in a little bit to see Pirates of the
Carribean in theatres, but I wanted to at least drop
a few sentences here for everyone to read. So, here
they are:
For starters, he has decent stats. Unlike Darth
Bane, he holds his own better against a swarm of
jedis or a firing squad, while Bane usually takes
the worst of it. Triple Attack alongside Sith Rage
makes him a Darth Vader JH, without having to smack
jedis only. He has cool force powers, with Transfer
Essence allowing him to bounce around the board when
he wants, Force Renewal 1 to regenerate, and Dark
Spirit (I think that's what its called, seeing as I
don't have the card on me) making the opponent
wishing they didn't rely too much on the force. Most
people, though, will use Exar Kun with his
affiliance with savage creatures. Therefore,
Gundarks become General Grievious, JHs, and all of
the other savage creatures actually become a threat.
Remember that Jedi Hunter AND Momentum is nothing to
scoff off at, seeing as how most characters in the
game somehow involves force (except for Yuuzhan Vong).
In 100 PT, he costs too much. You could use Ewoks
alongside him so he can bounce around the board and
take out some of the threats, but basing yourself
around just one piece isn't very good, especially in
100 PT squads. So if you want a beatstick stick with
Darth Vader, JH. In 200 PT, he is a threat to the
opponent, as well as the savage followers swarming
the enemy. So, the ratings are:
100 PT: 2.5/5
200 PT: 4.5/5
"May the force be with you."