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Mini of the Day
Jedi Guardian
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 10, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3
200 pt: 3
Sorry, we don't have this card. |
Sith Dragon |
Jedi Guardian
Old Republic
Cost: 23
HP: 80
DEF: 18
ATK: +12
DAM: 20
Double attack
Force 2
Lightsaber Sweep
This might as well be generic unique week. This week
we are doing generic Jedi from Knights of the Old
Republic II video game. In the game most of these
were uniques, but here they are generics.
There really isn't a lot to say about today's fig.
For the points he ends up being a very good Jedi
with average stats for the older unique Jedi that
are costed in the upper 20s. He only has force 2,
but with only sweep as a power it isn't too bad.
The one problem you are going to find with Old
Republic in general is that it just doesn't have the
strength and depth of the other factions yet. They
are in the same boat New Republic was in until this
set, in which they effectively gained five new
characters to the team. Old republic will take 1-2
sets to gain some real power, depending on what
Bounty Hunters holds for them.
100pts/200pts: With the depth at both levels very
low for the Old Republic it should be very easy to
get at least one of these in if not more into your
team. While he is a very good piece, especially for
the cost, he just doesn't have anything special
about him.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
The Jedi
Guardian is obviously Wizards' attempt to make us
feel better about the poor Old Republic having only
one Unique piece. "Look!" the Jedi Guardian seems to
say, "I have Double Attack and Lightsaber Sweep with
a +12 to hit! You don't need any fancy named Jedi!
You've got me! Or a half-dozen of me!"
The surprising thing is, she's pretty much right.
While not a particularly inspired piece (as befits a
non-Unique), the Jedi Guardian is extremely
efficient for the points, and it's worthwhile to ask
yourself if you should even be using Bastila Shan
(the Old Republic's one actual Unique), when she
costs exactly the same as two Jedi Guardians. The
answer may be in the ranged component of your squad.
If you have a significant ranged component to your
squad, Bastila is probably the better choice with
her Battle Meditation ability. If you're just making
a squad of bruisers, two Jedi Guardians may fit the
bill better (although Force Valor is pretty
excellent for a bruiser-centric squad...).
The significant weakness of the Jedi Guardian is
that against a ranged squad, she's going to get into
trouble. With a mere 18 Defense and 80 hit points,
she might not make it to the fight if you're not
very careful with your positioning (this is true of
most melee pieces, actually, but the JG has no
special defenses and no speed-related powers, so
she's extra vulnerable).
The long and the short is that if you want to play
the Old Republic at this point in the game's
history, you probably need to run a Jedi Guardian or
two. They're the solid anchor that will probably be
dealing most of your damage.
Overall rating in 100: 4
Overall rating in 200: 3 (there are probably more
enemy guns to hide from at this point level)

Jedi Guardian
Cost: 23
HP: 80
DEF: 18
ATK: 12
DMG: 20
Melee Attack
Double Attack
Force 2
Lightsaber Sweep
Hello, and welcome to KOTOR week! For those who
haven't heard of KOTOR, or simply have no idea what
the initials mean, KOTOR stands for Knights of the
Old Republic. This is a game that has been released
a while ago for the XBOX and maybe (can't remember)
the PS2. So, we now start with Jedi Guardian.
Other than resembling the character from KOTOR, she
has fairly decent stats. However, that's almost all
that she is. She seems to be a decent 23 point
beatstick, having 80 HP to last in battle, 18 DEF to
dodge from firing squads (not jedis), 12 ATK to hit
on an average basis, and the average lightsaber-wielding
20 DMG. Other than that, she has Double Attack and
Lightsaber Sweep, which is good for a low-cost
For her faction, Old Republic could use some
support. They have only a few pieces for variety,
and little support compared to the other factions.
Bastilla is their only unique, as well as their only
support, so most squads using Old Republic will want
to use Bastilla with her Force Valor. So, Jedi
Guardian is needed in this faction due to the lack
of variety, but she won't get the right support
until more sets come out, and that's what we all
hope to see in the upcoming Bounty Hunters.
In 100 PT or 200 PT, she is the average beatstick in
a low-supportive faction. What more is there to say?
She's good, but she'd be higher if her comrades
would pick up the pace. So her rating might be a bit
low, but she'll be back someday.
100 PT: 2.5/5
200 PT: 2.5/5
"May the force be with you."
tjmk |
Jedi Guardian
Cost: 23
HP: 80
Def: 18
Atk: +12
Dam: 20
Special Abilities:
Melee Attack,
Double Attack
Force Powers:
Force 2
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks, attack
each adjacent enemy
Now we come to Old Republic week. This week it seems
we are looking at the Jedi of the Old Republic. They
don't have too many, yet. I really like this piece,
it is a good solid combat piece. This guy is almost
better than a lot of the Unique Republic Jedi in the
same price range. The +12 attack is awesome for a
non-unique piece, he'll have a hard time missing
grunts and it won't be too difficult for him to hit
a lot of the Jedi either. The 20 damage is standard,
but double attack on a piece under 30 points doesn't
happen too often, and it's usually on Unique Very
Rare pieces. After that though the piece is pretty
standard for a non-unique. The 2 force points are
nice for rerolling, though the guardian here might
actually be able to pull off the lightsaber sweep
since he'll be fighting mostly grunts. The low HP
and Defense will hurt him a lot, so that kind of
deters me from wanting to use him. That being said,
he is the best all out combatant the Old Republic
has (aside from Bastilla, of course) and he is still
a solid piece, despite his low HP and Defense.
Shoot, Luke's and Anakin's Defenses are the same and
their HP isn't a whole lot better, and they cost
MORE than this guy.
Rating: 3/5
Bottom Line: He is a really solid combatant.
However, that being said, the Old Republic has
Bastilla Shan to be a really solid Jedi combatant.
If you want to just go all out with straight up
combat then this is your Jedi, but the other Jedi
offer interesting options that will be discussed
later on in the week.
This is tjmk, signing out.
Zeroph Zeal |
Jedi Guardian
Faction: Old Replubic
Points: 23
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Abilities: Double Attack, Melee Attack
Force 2, Lightsaber Sweep
I, personally, love all the unique-wannabes coming
out in the Champions of the Force set, and Jedi
Guardian is no exception. Not being an unique jedi
has certian advantages over unique ones. For one,
you could have many of them, as opposed to just one.
Let's see if the Guardian is worth it, shall we?
At 23 points, the Guardian has pretty standard
80 hit points is enough to stand four hits from the
average jedi, and 18 defense is good for 23 points.
+12 is a solid attack, and the normal 20 lightsaber
damage is nice.
As for her abilities, she has the standard Double
Attack and Melee Attack that most jedi have. With
2 Force, however, she will run out quickly,
expessially in a hard and drawn out battle. Her
force power, Lightsaber Sweep, is hard to make the
most of and will usually end up only has a Double
Attack anyway, which she already has. I never was
fond of Lightsaber Sweep myself, because in order to
make it really worthwhile, you usually must endure
an attack of oppurtunity or two. With 18 defense and
80 hit points, she can't take many attacks from the
standard Jedi, and it will even hurt if a few
troopers get an attack in.
Another thing about this Jedi, and all the other
Jedi we are reviewing this week, is that they are
part of a new Old Republic faction. Unlike the Sith
faction, this faction is far less supported. While
the Sith have powerhouses such as Exar Kun, Darth
Bane, and a great trooper leader, Dark Malak, the
Old Republic lack in support. Sure you can use
fringe, but so can any other faction. No really
great support hurts this character too, with the
only Unique Old Republic unit being Bastilla.
100 PT: 3/5 I think that a All-Jedi squad can do
well here, picking apart other squads.
200 PT: 2/5 Honestly, they lose thier charm here
where you will have to deal with one or two, perhaps
several stronger opponents. She really can't hold
her own here. |