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Mini of the Day
Jedi Sentinel
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 12, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3.85
200 pt: 3.60
Sorry, we don't have this card image yet. |
Sith Dragon |
Jedi Sentinel
Old Republic
Cost: 17
HP: 70
DEF: 18
ATK: 8
DAM: 10
Lightsaber; repair 10; satchel charge; stealth
Force 2
Today's character is an interesting grab bag of
effects. For 17 points you get a stellar 70 HP and
18 DEF, but while the +8 ATK is a bit lacking for
the cost. Most figs in this price range have an
effect to boost their attack. The 10 DAM stinks, but
you trade that off for a Jedi that can shoot.
For effects you get lightsaber for the +10 DAM to
adjacent characters. I have never liked this effect
(mainly on Kyle). It would be nice if instead it was
worded as the base DAM for this character is 20 when
attacking an adjacent character, simply because a
crit will only get you a 30 DAM hit. Repair 10 can
be interesting. In the Old Republic there isn't
anything you can use it on yet, but there is always
the tried and true Viper. Combine this with the
Sentinel's stealth and a Black Sun Vigo and you get
a Viper that will take a LONG time to go down. The
Sentinel also has the new gimmick of the set with
satchel charge. No R2 or Lobot will slow these guys
100/200pt: I am going to lump these together again.
The Sentinel isn't a bad character, but it is simply
left wanting. It has only a single attack, 10 base
DAM, and +8 ATK. Granted with Bastila and some cheap
5pt fringe you can ratchet her ATK up rather easily,
but for only `10 DAM she just really doesn't cut it
as a shooter. I would rather take Utapaun soldiers
form the RotS set. And as for Jedi, their +8 ATK
wont help them hit the big Jedi before being wiped
out by a triple or quad attack. However, as i said,
these may be the best character to run with a Viper
outside of the separatists. She will fit more of a
gimmick roll in your squad then an attacker.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5

Jedi Sentinel
Cost: 17
HP: 70
DEF: 18
ATK: 8
DMG: 10
Repair 10
Sachel Charge
Force 2
Does this piece look familiar to you? No, I'm not
talking about KOTOR, but stat-wise does she have
similar stats compared to someone else? Perhaps Dark
Jedi and Dark Side Adept? Now, I would throw in Dark
Side Acolyte, but he doesn't have a gun. This jedi
isn't too bad for what she is, and probably the best
of what's listed.
Although she is in a low-variety faction, she does
get some of the support she needs kudos to Bastilla.
She also isn't unique, which allows you to run
multiple copies of her. Good. As for her stats, it's
not too bad considering its only a 17 point piece.
Granted, the damage is only 10, but you have
lightsaber in your arsenal, so it isn't too bad.
Unlike Dark Side Adept, she also has Repair 10
(which won't be used too often unless you use
HK-47), Sachel Charge and Stealth, giving her a bit
more usefulness. Also, like a jedi, she has two
force points.
Now, would I use her in a Old Republic squad?
Probably. Seeing as how little variety there is (for
now) I seem to have little choice in the matter.
She's solid for her score, but don't think she's a
Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter. Use her wisely.
In 100 PT and 200 PT she is a decent piece for how
much she's worth. Run a few of these alongside
Bastilla, and you'll be dealing some damage.
However, Old Republic hasn't reached its maximum
potential, so unless you REALLY wanna run it, run
her alongside your squad.
100 PT: 3.5/5
200 PT: 3.5/5
"May the force be with you."
tjmk |
Jedi Sentinel
Cost: 17
HP: 70
Def: 18
Atk: +8
Dam: 10
Special Abilities:
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks, touch, remove 10 damage
from one Droid
Satchel Charge (replaces attacks, remove an adjacent
door from the map for the remainder of the game)
Stealth (if this character has cover, it does not
count as the nearest enemy for an attacker more than
6 squares away)
Force Powers:
Force 2
Wow, talk about cost-efficient. This is my favorite
of the Old Republic Jedi. The Guardian has good
combat skills. The Consular has some good and
interesting abilities. This guy has a bit of both
mixed in for a very solid and strategic character.
Excellent stats for the cost he has, especially for
a non-unique. His attack is a little lacking, but he
makes up for it by having the versatility of range.
Yeah, that's right. This Jedi has a gun.
True, it makes him a little lacking for damage in
the ranged category, but if you need to overcome
damage reduction or deal some extra damage you can
always rush in there with the lightsaber ability.
Repair is an okay ability, healing for droids is
nice, but the old republic doesn't have any droids
yet, and although there are a few fringe droids that
you might want to use this is more of an "oh, that's
nice" ability. Satchel Charge is what really makes
this character stand out, and really what makes this
set stand out is it's introduction of this ability.
Satchel Charge finally gives us an answer to
Override. It is also a form of Override in itself.
Instead of posting a sentry at the door to keep it
open for your shooters to keep firing through, you
can just blow the door off and move on. However, the
real use of this ability is to get around Override,
and it does a marvelous job at it.
Stealth just makes this guy all the better. You can
snipe from cover and not worry about being hit, or
if you need to use your Lightsaber you can sneak in
and not have to worry too much about being gunned
down until you get close enough to strike. The
standard 2 Force Points will are welcome for the
added mobility or for the rerolls. So all in all, a
character I really like for all the strategic
abilities it offers as well as for a decent
However, I will admit that he has difficulty hitting
at times, and he is also rather fragile and lacking
in damage dealing capabilities unless you get in
close. So if you're looking for a Jedi to get into
the fray and hack their way through legions of foes,
go with the Guadian and/or Bastilla, but if you want
a "jack-of-all-trades" Jedi, then this is the one
for you.
Rating: 4/5
Bottom Line: If only for the Satchel Charge this
character gets a good rating. The ability is quite
rare at the moment, and it is one that many will be
wanting to use, depending on the meta. However, when
you throw in all the other abilities, and the
versatility of using a gun OR a Lightsaber, that
makes this guy a good, solid character. Just
remember that this guy is an special
ops/infiltration Jedi, and not a warrior Jedi.
This is tjmk, signing out.

Zeroph Zeal |
Jedi Sentinel
Faction: Old Republic
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +8
Damage: 10
Abilities: Lightsaber, Repair 10, Satchel Charge,
Stealth Force 2
Of the non-unique Old Republic Jedi coming out in
Champions of the Force, this is by far my favorite.
This piece simply has so much going for it its not
even funny. At 17 points, 70 hitpoints is a steal.
18 defense, decent Attack, with good abilties? You
get a very solid piece for the Old Republic.
Unlike the other Old Republic Jedi in this set, the
Sentinel has ranged attacks. Sure, it only does 10
damage ranged, but this is understandable as it also
has Stealth. The Jedi Sentinel can stand in the
backrow shooting enemies and charge if needed. While
Repair 10 really doesn't help the faction any, it
could be useful repairing a X-1 Viper Droid you are
using for cover, if needed. Satchel Charge is a
great ability that I simply love from this set.
Although the Ugnaught and Scorch have this ability
too, having it is a great plus. In my opinion, I'd
rather have this unit over Scorch anyday.
Lightsaber gives her the ability to charge her
enemies, recieving the normal 20 damage. While 2
Force is hardly stellar, it is great for a piece of
the Sentinel's cost. However, it has the same
downfall as the previously reviewed Guardian. The
faction. The faction of the Old Republic, if you
didn't get to read my review from Monday, is
extremely undersupported.
They need more good units like the Jedi Sentinel to
actually see competitive play. This, however, is a
step in the right direction.
100 PTs: 4/5 If you are running Old Republic, run
It's really that simple. In 100 point format, she
will do much better than the Guardian or Consular.
200 PTs: 3.5/5 Due to less support, the Old Republic
falls through here. You may yet still be able to
create a decent Stealth-based squad here with the
Old Republic here, and running a few of these would
definatly be helpful.