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Mini of the Day
Set: Champion of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 24, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3.5
200 pt: 3
Sorry, we don't have this card. |
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 32
HP: 60
DEF: 18
ATK: +10
DAM: 30
Unique Droid; Cunning Attack; Flame Thrower
We kick off the week with KOTOR week. Our first
character from the blockbuster game is a droid with
little hesitation when it comes to killing 'meat
For Base stats, we have a character that comes up a
bit short for a 32 point character. His HP is
horrible at 60. HK's DEF is pretty good at 18, but
the +10 ATK isn't real great either. HK's damage is
awesome though, and half of the reason that he is
costed so high.
HK-47's abilities are the other half of the reason
he is 32 points. With cunning attack he becomes a
+14 for 40 DAM!! That's better than an AT-ST. You
can also combine fire with him to up the attack some
more. That's a pretty good shot, but when an enemy
gets closer, he has one more trick up his sleeves
that grunt armies are going to fear. Flame thrower
20 is bigger than the Zabrak's 10 DAM, and gives the
flamethrower a bit more to be afraid of. I have
always loved flamethrowers as they are an underrated
way to inflict mass damage.
100pt: Here you don't want to play him. With Thrawn
absent from this format, his cunning has a decent
chance of going off, but with only a single attack
and super low HP, he cant last long enough to be
worth the points.
200pts: Here HK can see play, but only by
experienced players. While not my first choice in
characters at this format, If you build around him
he can be quite deadly. A bodyguard of some sort is
almost a prerequisite as any accurate shooting team
is going to take him down fast. he would work well
with Imperials because Thrawn can give him his
cunning every time. Then he can run and hide or
repair. Also, Stormies are the most cost efficient
character under 8 points and give an easy source of
fire combining.
The other faction HK fits very well into are the
rebels. HK was practically made to be run with
Chewie, Rebel Hero. Chewie can not only act as the
bodyguard for HK, he can repair him as well, as can
R2. However, you end up with another character that
has to have initiative to be effective with the
rebels (their main weakness).
HK is more of a fun character, and you will need to
build around him. He is just to fragile for 32
points, but that is what keeps him balanced.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5

Zeroph Zeal |
Points: 32
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: +10
Damage: 30
Faction: Fringe
Abilities: Cunning Attack, Droid, Flamethrower 20,
Champions of the Force is by far my favorite Star
Wars Miniature set yet. There are so many quality
pieces in this set, and HK-47 is no exception. While
most pieces in this set revolve around the force,
HK-47 is a powerful droid from Knights of the Old
Republic who hunts jedi. Let's see if HK-47 is worth
it, shall we?
First of all, HK-47 is fringe. This only adds to its
usefulness. His stats are pretty good for 32 points,
the only slops being Hitpoints and Defense. With 60
hitpoints, and a mere 18 defense, he is not going to
be on the battlefield very long. +10 attack is
decent, and 30 damage is great. Added with Cunning
Attack, he becomes a +14 attacker with 40 damage...
Now that's good! Being a droid makes him immune to
nasty critical hits but also makes him not subject
to commander effects, which really hurts any
powerups HK-47 might be able to have. Furthermore,
being Unique will make Battle Droid Officer, General
Grevious- Supreme Counciler and Super Battle Droid
Commander not work for HK-47, which REALLY sucks.
Flamethrower 20 is a very nifty ability, though.
While you may not want to use it when HK-47 can
attack a unit without cover anyways, as HK-47's
damage is 10 more than the damage this Flamethrower
deals, this is very useful. First of all, it is
damage you don't have to roll a D20 for. This is
extremely useful. It's also useful to people who are
dumb enough to croud thier units up around one
place. Flamethowers can destroy quite a few troopers
in an easy, guarenteed way.
Overall, HK-47 is a quality piece that just falls
short of being very good. While it is good, its low
hitpoints and defense define this character as easy
to kill.
100 PT: 3.5/5 It can be good here, definatly. Keep
him in cover, and let him shoot. If you need to, use
Flamethrowers to deal damage to multiple characters
or to finish off a character.
200 PT: 3/5 Not quite as good here, but still can
work well. I think this format is just too big for
him, and he will be killed with little trouble. He
can still pack a large punch, though!
Man |
HK-47 is a
little droid with a big damage output. With a base
30 damage, Cunning Attack, and no Melee Attack, he
can throw a lot of damage far across the board. His
Attack is a modest-but-serviceable +10, augmentable
to +14 through his Cunning ability. He also has
Flamethrower 20, which sounds really great until you
realize that if he's using it, he'd better be
killing the target(s), because he's now within six
squares of them.
HK's big problem is that he's obviously a firm
believe in the principle of "the best defense is a
good offense," because he's not trying very hard on
the defensive end of things. 60 hit point on a 32
point character is subpar, and unlike the the
similarly offensive AT-RT, there's no way to give HK
Mobile Attack.
Does this mean that HK is useless? Don't answer
that; it's rhetorical. No, like any figure with a
glaring weakness, he just needs the proper support
to keep him around and killing people. Support items
to consider are repair services (Wat Tambor; R2-D2;
Chewbacca, Rebel Hero), bodyguard services
(Chewbacca, Rebel Hero; Twi'lek Bodyguard, Aayla
Secura), and Draw Fire (C-3PO, Wat Tambor). Looking
at the lists above, it would seem that the Rebel and
Separatist factions are probably the best places for
HK-47 to find a home, but you might not want to be
building completely around HK, since building around
a 60-hit point character will generally just result
in heartbreak.
Overall rating in 100: 3 (hard to get enough support
in here)
Overall rating in 200: 4 (good secondary attacker
and ranged support)

ninjaduelist |
HK-47 (CotF)
HP: 60
ATK: 10
DMG: 30
Flamethrower 20
Cunning Attack
Sorry I haven't been here for a while, but I have
been having car problems and have been busy trying
to get someone to repair it. However, I'm back and
now reviewing one of my more favorable pieces:
For starters, his cost and faction makes him able to
fit in many different squads. That's good,
obviously. One of the bad things about this piece is
he can easily die by anything. He has only 60 HP and
18 DEF, too low for a piece costing 32 points.
However, his offensive ablilities are unbelievable!
Although his base ATK is low, with Cunning Attack
you won't miss too often. WIth Cunning Attack, you
will deal 40 DMG!! That's the most a medium-sized
shooter can deal! Just to make it sweeter,
Flamethrower 20 punishes anyone who likes a bunch of
weenies to do the job. Keep in mind that he's a
droid, however, as Commander Effects won't work with
In 100 PT and 200 PT, he's decent to use when it
comes to offense, but he dies too easily so use him
carefully. If you slab a couple of bodyguards to
keep him alive, then you're all set. ^_^
100 PT: 4/5
200 PT: 4/5
"May the force be with you."