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Mini of the Day
Darth Malak
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 26, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 4.5
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Sith Dragon |
Darth Malak
Cost: 52
HP: 120
DEF: 20
ATK: +15
DAM: 20
Double Attack; Lightsaber Duelist
Force 4: Force Stun; Lightsaber Throw; Sith Rage
CE: characters who combine fire grant +6 instead of
Today we look at our second character from KOTOR -
Darth Malak. In my opinion Malak is good, but a bit
over costed (4-6pts). His stats are decent. I am
just not sure that they warrant a 52 point
character. Although his abilities are very good. A
20 DEF and +15 attack are solid, but the 120 HP is
10-30 HP low for the cost. Double attack is solid,
but keep in mind Maul is only 53 and 55 for a triple
and quad attack. The bright side to his DEF is that
he has lightsaber duelist, so he will be a 24
against Jedi.
His force powers not only fit extremely well into
his character from the game, but can also be very
effective. The chance to stun someone without losing
your attacks is always a plus. It may fail more
times than not, but the few times where it does can
be huge to help prevent a quad or triple going off
in your face. His other ability also works to avoid
the monster Jedi. Instead of having to run up to
them, he can sit back and launch his lightsaber at
them. If you move last and win init the next round,
he can get two attacks in to the opponent's zero.
Rage is the usual perk to being evil.
Malak has a nice commander effect that really cant
see its full potential yet. Sith troopers end up
being very solid pieces, but can be a bit pricey to
get a good combine fire squad going. You would need
to run only Malak and a sith commander and most
everything else will need to be troopers (maybe
30-35 pts for something else). However, for those of
you that were collecting when CS was out, all those
Niktos you have laying around are a nice cheap way
to add in a bunch more troops for ultra cheap
combine fire abilities. Bespin guards and jawas
would work as well.
100pt: Malak isn't going to do terribly well here.
He is just too expensive and lacks power output to
hang with the big dogs in 100pt format. You simply
cant get enough troopers into the game to do enough
damage that they would have to do.
200pt: Here it will begin to mirror the imperial
shooting squads, minus all the great commanders that
the imperials have at their disposal. i haven't seen
this played too much around here, but the Sith
troopers are pretty good, so if you are a fan of
huge armies, then this may be a good switch up from
the imperials. As far as running him with other Sith,
he can provide a very good second punch to some of
the other Sith that are out, but there really isn't
much synergy with them. Bane may be your best bet
there. Your opponent will be focused on Bane, and
may let Malak and some troopers do quite a bit of
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Man |
Darth Malak
Among his
terrifyingly aggressive peers in the Sith, Darth
Malak is a bit of an oddity: a fairly balanced
character. His numbers are generally excellent, with
Hit Points and Defense being just a touch low for
his cost. But with Lightsaber Duelist enhancing his
defenses, and Lightsaber Throw and Force Stun giving
him ranged and defensive options, he's uniquely
placed in the Sith faction to serve as a solid
anchor for a squad, especially given his reasonable
(for the Sith) cost of only 52 points. Naturally, he
has the de rigueur Sith Rage for his faction,
because if you can't do at least 60 damage in a
turn, they don't let you be a unique Sith Lord.
He also has a nifty Commander Effect, which he got
by copying off of Baron Fel's paper back in Dark
Side Commander School. Unfortunately, unlike Baron
Fel, he's way too pricey to include just for the CE,
so you definitely want him up front, killing people
for the Sith. The risk of being a frontline
commander, obviously, is that you have a much better
chance of getting killed than those commanders that
can hang out in private rooms, far from the fight
(Nom Anor, I'm looking in your direction). If you
don't want to build around the CE (and with Dark
Jedi and Sith Troopers being your only options
in-faction to benefit, you might not want to), he's
perhaps a bit too expensive (but if you're looking
for a Sith beatstick that doesn't cost over 80
points, this is arguably your best option).
So, how to build for his CE? Sith Troopers, with
their 20 damage and low Attack bonuses, seem like an
obvious choice. If you're using Troopers, you should
probably throw in the Sith Trooper Commander for his
Deadeye-granting CE. And whenever you're considering
a combined fire-oriented lifestyle, you should
always remember the humble Aqualish Spy, one of the
most efficient Fringe pieces in the game, whose
Spotter 10 can give help you reap additional rewards
for combining fire. Finally, remember that the CE
only has to affect the guys contributing the bonus,
not necessarily the recipient, so droids are fair
game as your main shooter. HK-47, 4-LOM, and the
Sith Assault Droid are all viable options to be a
main shooter, backed up by combined fire.
Given the long list of pieces you might want to
include with him, Darth Malak is perhaps best suited
to 200-point play. You could squeeze him into 100,
with just the three Troopers, a Trooper Commander,
and a Bespin Guard or the like, but you're
officially in the realm of fun theme squads in that
case. For competitive play, you can spend points
better than on Malak in 100.
Overall rating in 100: 2.5
Overall rating in 200: 4

Zeroph Zeal |
Darth Malak
Points: 52
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: +15
Damage: 20
Faction: Sith
Abilities: Double Attack, Lightsaber Duelist +4,
Melee Attack, Unique
Force 4, Force Stun, Lightsaber Throw, Sith Rage.
Commander Effect: Followers who combine fire grant
+6 attack instead of +4.
Darth Malak is another Sith Lord that came out in
the Champions of the Force expansion. While he isn't
the strongest warrior, Darth Malak has quite a few
tricks up his sleeves to become a great piece for
the Sith Army. At 52 points, Malak is the second
cheapest of the new Sith Lords, which is always
nice. His stats aren't the greatest ever, but they
can keep him alive against most low-costed jedi and
shooters. 120 Hitpoints is enough so he can take a
few hits, 20 defense is pretty decent, and +15
Attack is great.
Double Attack is normal for a jedi of his calibir,
and it helps him well. Lightsaber Duelist is a good
ability that can keep him alive against jedi
characters longer, giving him a 24 defense, which is
simply amazing. Darth Malak has Force Stun, which is
a good ability if you wish to retreat Darth Malak
(which is what you should be wanting to do with him,
which I will explain later.) Lightsaber Throw allows
him to attack enemies from a far distance, was is
also good.
And of course Sith Rage is a standard for the Sith
Lords. (But a good boost, none the less.)
Darth Malak is a pretty decent piece right there,
but not worth 52 points. So where does the other
points lie for this character? His commander effect.
Earlier I mentioned that you would want to run with
Malak. His commander effect is why. Malak IS the
Sith Trooper commander. Just throw him an army with
Sith Troopers (and maybe a Sith Trooper Commander or
two) and remember to combine fire. +6 attack is
definatly worth combining for, changing the
trooper's lousy +5 attack into +11, +17, and beyond.
You can even have your troopers combine fire with
the Sith Trooper Commander, but remember you CANNOT
have Sith Trooper Commander combine fire with the
Sith Troopers, as Sith Trooper Commander is not a
follower. If you do this, the Trooper only recieves
the normal +4.
100 Point: 2.5/5 Here you cannot get enough Sith
Troopers to really make him worthwhile. At best, he
is a decent beatstick in this format.
200 Point: 4.5/5 Just wow. Just keep him alive and
shoot the living hell out of your enemies. As long
as you keep your commanders alive, you can pump up
your Trooper's attacks to what is needed and have
them deal 30 damage due to Deadeye. Just think about
it. With two Sith Trooper commanders, you can fit 13
Sith Troopers. (and still have enough room for 2
Ugnaughts.) That's alot of firepower!