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Mini of the Day
Clone Commander
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 31, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt:
200 pt:
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Sith Dragon |
Commander Gree
Cost: 18
HP: 40
DEF: 13
ATK: +10
DAM: 20
Rapport (non-unique wookiees); speed 8; Mobile
CE: Your squad may contain non-Unique Wookiees of
any faction. Each soldier or trooper follower can
move 2 extra squares at the end of their turn.
Characters with O66 and Mobile Attack do not provoke
attacks of opportunity.
We kick off clone power week with the first of three
minis that were great improvements to O66 clones and
has helped to actually make them playable. Commander
Gree is designed to help with Master Yoda, as both
were on Kashyyyk with the wooks.
His stats are not real great for the 18pts, but his
effects once again make up for it. When compared to
the ARC, they are the same save for Gree having
three less DEF. Is the DEF that big of a hindrance
for a piece that you want to keep alive? Not when
they have Mobile attack and speed 8 it isn't. That
makes him harder to hit than any DEF they could
realistically give him, so its a good trade.
The Rapport with wookiees, and making them cost one
less is a good thing for those who like to run
Master Yoda with Wookiee bodyguards as the best
wookiees are all generic. If you run a major power
Jedi, like Mace, in the build I would not run Gree
because the room won't be there, but if you have
more of an army build then i would fit him in.
His CE has many different parts with varying degrees
of worth.
Your squad may contain non, unique wookiees form any
squad. Right now this really doesn't do anything
except allow you to use the rebel wookiee soldier.
The piece really is not worth the 6pts it would cost
unless it happens to be your final 6pts. They cannot
attack at all, where every other version can. So
right now this effect is not that great. Hopefully
with BH we will see some sort of wook from another
faction that will be worth using.
Each solider or trooper can move 2 extra squares at
the end of their turn. This is one of those effects
that is a matter of taste. I don't know if any
soldiers or troopers can really benefit form this,
but it does allow you to pull some nice tricks with
doors. The first clone can move to a door. At this
point you have 2 effects happening at the same time,
the door opening and the 2 squares. By choosing the
door first and then moving the final 2 squares back,
the door will remain open until the end of the next
character's turn. So you activate character two,
attack, and at the end of its turn the door will
close, preventing your opponent from getting any
shots through it. Tricks like that will really make
your opponent hurry to close the distance. Getting
sniped like this is very frustrating.
Characters with O66 and Mobile do not provoke
attacks of opportunity. This one is iffy, but with
the help of Queen Amidala can be beneficial.
Normally, this doesn't do very well because its best
used on characters that need to be hit more than
once. Currently, the only O66 piece that does this
is the AT-RT. Here it can really be worth it because
with Amidala's help, an opponent's Jedi will run up
to kill it, but it can simply move away with
impunity. Other than that there is a better way
around this that we will review on Wednesday.
100pts: Here he isn't worth it. You simply cant do
enough with him to do any good because most of his
qualities are meant to be played with other
commanders. 100pt games are dominated by the beefy
200pt: Here he can have enough to do a couple of
things with him. He can be good with Master Yoda or
Clones & Wookiees. His mobile attack is a great way
to make sure he stays alive, and for the same cost I
would usually run him over an ARC for the final 18
pts, simply because he will live longer, unless you
are already running Queen Amidala. He is probably
the least of the three clone commanders, both in
cost and use, but he can definitely justify his
What articles would you guys like to see? I have a
couple I am working on for game play, but are there
any ideas or topics you guys would like to see
discussed? Click on my name in the left column and
shoot me off an email. Let me know what you guys
want to see, and I will do what i can. :)
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Man |
Commander Gree is the red-headed stepchild of the
clone commander family. Bacara was reviewed as part
of "Wow!" week here on Pojo, and Cody grants
Accurate Shot, but it seems no one is impressed by
Gree's weird grab bag of abilities. Let's see if we
can't change that.
Ignoring the commander-y parts of his card for a
moment, Gree is a perfectly capable shooter for 18
points. He's in the same league as most of the
unique bounty hunters, with Speed 8 and Mobile
Attack giving him a nice solid ability to deal
damage safely (he's even immune to attacks of
opportunity). This is important, because he has a
standard clone Defense score of 13. He does 20
damage with a +10, perfectly in keeping with his
cost (he's an ARC Trooper with lousy defense and
better mobility at this point).
Personally, I'll use Gree just as a mid-cost shooter
(though Sev is hard to pass up in this role). Let's
see if his command skills help justify dropping the
almighty Sev:
"Your squad may include non-Unique Wookiees of any
faction" and "Rapport: Non-Unique Wookiees cost 1
less." Weird. Okay, so Wookiee Berserkers, Scouts,
Commandos (a Fringe piece), and Soldiers (a Rebel
piece) are all available and with a slight discount.
None of them are stellar pieces, but that's fun (and
if you run Gree with Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord,
you can legally include a Rebel piece in an Imperial
squad. Eerie!). Perhaps the best use of this shtick
is using Wookiee Soldiers with Yoda, Jedi Master to
have 6-point Bodyguards with 30 hit points.
Another part of Gree's CE is that Soldiers and
Troopers can move 2 extra squares at the end of
their turns, much like Princess Leia, Senator lets
all of her followers do. While providing a slight
speed advantage, this is usually called
"pseudo-Mobile Attack," and is less flexible than
the real thing. I wouldn't mention this, except that
Queen Amidala (reviewed Friday) provides a much
better option here.
Finally, Gree protects all Mobile Attacking Order 66
units from attacks of opportunity. This is cool in
theory, and really can be useful, but if your
shooting units are getting based, you're already in
trouble, most likely. On the other hand, if you keep
moving away, you do deny those Double and Triple
Attackers their extra attacks.
Bottom line, most of what's good about Gree can be
obtained with more efficient pieces. Queen Amidala
leading a group of Sevs is pretty much just better
than Gree leading pretty much anyone. For hardcore
competitive play, Gree won't see much use, but if
you really like Wookiees, Gree is your guy (not that
Gree's Rapport ability with Wookiees stacks with
Amidala's Rapport for all non-Unique Republic
pieces, so Berserkers and Scouts can be very cheap
Overall rating in 100: 3 (but try Yoda, JM, Gree,
and Wookiee Soldier x3 for a fun, thematic squad)
Overall rating in 200: 3.5 (now you can afford
better followers and real support)