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Mini of the Day
Emperor Palpatine
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: June 02, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Cost: 40
HP: 130
DEF: 20
ATK: +0
DAM: 0
Force 4
Force lightning (F2); Force Renewal 1; Force Storm
(F2 - Replace attacks, 20 DAM to all adjacent
CE: Characters in you squad can spend emperor
Palatine's force points.
This is perhaps the nastiest piece in the game,
fitting since he is the source of evil in the
movies. He has a solid 130 HP, so he can take a
beating and his 20 DEF is very solid. He cannot
attack or combine fire, but with force powers like
his - who cares!
He has force 4 and force renewal 1, so not only does
he have a solid start, but he should be up to 6-8 FP
by the time the real battle starts. Being lightning
week he has force lightning, same as the Sith Witch.
This really makes teams scatter their characters so
the Emperor cant chain his destruction through your
squad. He also has Force storm. You wont use this
very often as you would rather not let multiple
characters base him, but he can do 20 Dam to every
adjacent character.
What makes him the nastiest piece in the game
besides the lightning is his CE. ALL characters in
your squad (save savage and droids), can use his
force points. You AT-ST rolls a horrid number
against a character you need to hit? No problem. Use
the emperor's force points to reroll it. Your
vornskr is 8 away from an unactivated Jedi? Spend
his force point to move the two extra squares and
attack! Then you have the sickest squad in the game
only stoppable by Thrawn (and is the one time I am
Happy for Thrawn's existence as this squad is
unstoppable. Thrawn makes it impotent so it is
hardly played any more) You use Wednesday's Sith
witches with Thrawn (for init only) and the Emperor
for an almost unlimited supply of force lightning.
It cant be stopped or bodyguarded, and that range of
6 can close in a hurry. Power squads with AT-STs,
Han, Aurra, Boba stand a chance as they can mow down
the witches fast enough if they don't miss, but if
the map is melee friendly they could have a problem.
100pt: You wont see him much here, as he needs more
room for his CE to be effective and get the
necessary support. But he is viable even though he
can fall quickly to the accurate shooters.
200pt: Here he shines for all his evil glory.
Everyone can reroll their attacks or move farther
without the penalty that force points can provide
against Jedi hate pieces. Thrawn has run this
lightning squads out of competitive play because
they die fast and hard without their lightning. But
his other friend in Vader from RotS. Vader gets
limitless force chokes for 20 DAM and then Palps
fries them. I have taken a Jedi Hunter out before he
could even attack. He may be hard to get as those
that have him don't want to part with him, but in my
opinion this character is almost as big a must as
Thrawn in an imperial squad. He just brings too many
bonuses to the squad to be ignored.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
review is the scariest piece in the game that will
get beaten to death every single time by one Yuuzhan
Vong Warrior. The Rebel Storm Emperor Palpatine is
one of the most interesting pieces in the game, in
part because he's a 40-point piece with zeroes in
both Attack and Damage.
The reason to field Palpatine, of course, is that
he's the Dark Lord of the Sith, and consequently has
some pretty cool Force powers and one terrific
Commander Effect.
Force Renewal is one of the Big Powers in this game
(along with Accurate Shot and Override). With most
Jedi-types, you have a few Force Points, you do some
cool stuff with them, and then you're mortal again.
If you've got Force Renewal, however, you can
reasonably count on having FPs available for the
entire fight, no matter how long it goes. This eases
any sense of urgency you might have to get in there
and make those points matter, while simultaneously
giving you a reason to put off the confrontation a
little. After all, the more times Palpatine
activates before he starts spending Force Points,
the more he'll accumulate. Depending on your play
style, this might seem like a great advantage or the
least fun ever. Both viewpoints are valid.
Force Lightning is a great double-edged sword. It's
guaranteed to hit and do a solid 30 damage, but if
the Emperor is going mano a mano with a beatstick,
he fries himself as well. Try to stay on the
offensive with Palpatine, and see if you can nail
clusters of enemies, rather than getting based. As
discussed in the Nightsister Sith Witch review,
Force Lightning is terrific against Bodyguard and
Tow Cable-based tactics.
Finally, there's Palpatine's forgotten power: the
noble Force Storm. I have never seen this power used
in a tournament, though I've counted at least three
occasions when it was clearly the player's best
option. While it does only 20 damage, it hits
everyone adjacent to the Emperor, and it has no
possibility of hurting him. Brilliant, but easily
overlooked and forgotten.
As good as these abilities are, if this was all
Emperor Palpatine had to offer, he'd never get
played (at least not at 40 points). Fortunately,
he's got one heck of a Commander Effect. It turns
out that when he leads them into battle, the Emperor
can grant all of his Stormtroopers and AT-STs and
black-masked sidekicks the use of his Force Points.
With this sort of backup, the low Attack values
common to Imperial grunts are less of a hindrance,
since they can reroll their attacks, or they can get
a speed boost from Move Faster. Naturally, Imperial
Force-users can also benefit from this, since they
no longer have just one or two uses of their best
ability; they have as many as you care to give them.
As befits the guy who tricked a galaxy into making
him its absolute ruler, Emperor Palpatine is a great
piece whose presence on the battlefield can be felt
everywhere your troops are. He does fall apart
against Force Immunity, however, so be prepared for
that fact and bring other pieces that can kill
Thrawn and the Vong.
Overall rating in 100: 4 (at this point level,
Palpatine is best used as a Force battery for Vader
or a handful of Sith Witches and/or Dark Side
Overall rating in 200: 4.5 (here you have more
freedom to bring a mixture of troop types; only
Droids and Savages won't benefit from Palpatine's
Cost: 40
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: +0
Damage: 0
Abilities: Unique
Commander Effect: Share Force Points
Force: 4 • Force Renewal • Force Lightning • Force
The Good: Palpi starts off with 4 force points and
has renewal (sweet). His force powers aren’t going
to see much action in the early stages of the
skirmish. Let the points build up while his
underlings use their force powers and siphon points
from him when they’ve exhausted theirs. Let the
enemy come to you. Use your pawns to weaken them,
then use your close-range abilities to guarantee
damage. Palpi is a nice piece to use with force
characters with limited points but extraordinary
power, such as Sith Witches with lightning.
The Bad: He can’t fight
The Ugly: You don’t want to spend too many of his
force points until you’ve used his commander effects
as much as possible. That means you’re effectively
playing a skirmish minus 40 points in strength for
the first 2-3 rounds.
100 pt … 2/5 … Not enough to build support … Palpi’s
Commander Effect goes to waste, and the fact that
he’s a 40-point non-combatant doesn’t digest very
well in a 100 pt skirmish.
200 pt … 4/5 … Here is where Palpi shines! You’ll
have enough points for support and maximizing his
commander effects. |
ninjaduelist |
Palpatine Review
Hey everybody, and happy Friday (not that it matters
anymore b/c of summer vacation)!
Since I'm new to the crew, I might as heck introduce
myself. My real name is Robert, I'm from Iowa (don't
laugh!), and I have been playing miniatures for some
time now. I have seen all 6 episodes, like drinking
generic tea (not really), and work on the side
making below minimum wage (sad, isn't it?). But
enough about me, here's the review!
To finish off our lightning week, we bring you
Emperor Palpatine from Rebel Storm:
Emperor Palpatine
Cost: 40
HP: 130
DEF: 20
ATK: 0
DMG: 0
Force 4
Force Lightning
Force Renewal
Force Storm
Commander Effect (Palpy shares force points, in a
So, as you can see, he can be quite a handful for
your opponent if used in the right team. His HP is
very good for a 40 PT piece, a decent amount of
defense to protect himself from some shooters, but
he doesn't have any ATK or DMG. We don't use him for
is attack, though, now do we?
The true reason to run Emperor Palpatine is with his
force powers and commander effect. He has Force 4,
which allows him a more solid start than Darth
Vader, Jedi Hunter.. He has Force Lightning, which
what brings him to this week's theme, which one of
two ways Emperor Palpatine deals his own damage.
Without Force Renewal 1, this piece would have lost
alot of its use, since it relies on its force power,
as well as other force characters (Nightsister Sith
Witch, Darth Vader JH, etc.) on your squad. The
Force Storm is nice when Palpatine happens to get
teamed up by a bunch of jedi, but we can only hope
it never comes to it. Personally, try to stick with
Force Lightning and keep Emperor Palpatine away from
adjacent enemies.
Lastly, the commander effect. The commander effect
reads: "Characters in your squad can spend Emperor
Palpatine's Force Points". This is why he is such a
generous (yet evil) team member for Imperial squads.
He shocks with his lighning while allowing his
comrades (Nightsister Sith Witches) to follow. With
Force Renewal 1 to keep feeding the team, he is a
force to be reckoned with!
Speaking of squads, use him in the 200 if you can,
and 100 only if you intend to run a bunch of Sith
Witches. Good either way, but more fun in 200 PT.
That is why, my fellow players, I give you these
100 PT Team: 4/5 (If using Nightsister Sith Witches)
200 PT Team: 4.8/10
"May the force be with you." |