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Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: June 07, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Man |
The AT-ST (along
with its partner in crime, the X-1 Viper Droid,
reviewed at the end of the week) is one of those
pieces that people expect to win the game for them.
You look at its 40 damage and Double Attack and
Damage Reduction and you think, "What could possibly
stand in my way? I will not only defeat my opponent,
but I'll also rob a convenience store with this
monstrosity on the way home!" Well, I'll tell you
what can stand in your way: +8 Attack and Mounted
In and of itself, the AT-ST will probably lose
against any other similarly priced piece in the
game. Yoda, Darth Maul, the aforementioned Viper
Droid, all of them will beat the snot out of an
AT-ST more often then not, because all of them have
real defenses (numeric in the former two cases,
special ability for the Viper). If you can't hit
your target, 40 damage doesn't do any good.
Fortunately for the AT-ST's playability, it's in an
extremely nurturing, supportive faction that will
love it for what it is inside (a non-Unique
follower). The Empire's Commander Effects are second
to none, and you can build a good squad around the
AT-ST, but that's what you have to do, build a squad
around it. Don't just throw one in and hope to win,
because that sort of behavior is reserved for Aurra
Sing (who the AT-ST needs to roll a 17 to hit in
So, how do you support the AT-ST properly? The short
version is Grand Admiral Thrawn and General Veers.
Once you throw +3 to Attack and Defense, Force
Immunity, and Accurate Shot on to it, everyone
starts to worry about the chicken walker. If you're
perverse, you can throw in a Stormtrooper Commander
for a +10 Damage bonus. You can also use Imperial
Officers for extra attacks. If you also want to run
Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord, you can include the
Republic's Clone Trooper Gunner for combined fire
possibilities (and those Gunners are lonely, so
you'd be doing a good deed). You should also
consider some source of Industrial Repair, since any
squad built around one piece should be able to keep
that piece in play as long as possible.
Oh, and the AT-ST also sports Grenades 20 and Mobile
Attack, but these are practically footnotes. Mobile
Attack is a great ability, but difficult to get much
use out of on a huge, Rigid piece. Grenades 20 is
really only good against a really large cluster of
enemies, but at least it's there if you want it.
Speaking of Rigidity, the AT-ST can run into major
problems on many maps. Be careful of allowing the
battle to happen somewhere where the walker can't
In the final analysis, AT-STs can be terrifying, but
only in the hands of a really strong player will
they be truly effective. Damage output is only one
element of this game (albeit an important one), and
the odds that an unsupported AT-ST can hit anything
you really want to put your two 40-damage attacks on
are slim.
Overall rating in 100: 2 (you just can't afford to
support it here)
Overall rating in 200: 4 (consider running two once
you've bought your support pieces)
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 54
HP: 120
DEF: 14
ATK: +8
DAM: 40
Damage Reduction 10; Double Attack; Grenades 20;
Mobile attack; Mounted Weapon; Rigid.
Today's Piece is a piece that can scare most anybody
when they find themselves across from it. Its just
plain big! The AT-ST has 120 HP which is good, but
add DR 10 to that and you get a piece that can take
one heck of a pounding by anyone that doesn't have a
lightsaber. The 14 DEF isn't very good, nor is the
+8 attack. It is the 40 DAM that makes most people
cringe. An unassisted Critical can give a character
80 DAM off just one attack.
The cost of this character is spot on as it really
is a brute. What makes it even more deadly is the
host of CEs. With Veers you can give the AT-ST
accurate shot so he can hit support pieces or shoot
around meat shields. With the stormtrooper
commander, you can add an additional +10 DAM so its
double attacking for 50 DAM now instead of 40. But
it's the last CE that breaks this piece wide open
and it is of course - Thrawn. The errata to
Ysalimari, giving force immunity to character, made
this beast the Jedi killer. Jedi can no longer
deflect away the damage as they used to, so it
leaves the Jedi with the only defense being their
high DEF values. Thrawn also gives the AT-ST a
+3/+3, so it can now attack for a +11 instead of the
horrid +8. The 17 DEF really doesn't mean much
against anything but grunts, which generally wont do
much to it anyway. Thrawn also has one last thing
that can really help the AT-ST out besides the
always going first. Thrawn's ability to swap
characters means you only need to position one AT-ST
in the line of fire. It can double attack, and then
Thrawn can swap it with the other one allowing it to
double attack. This is a great defense as it makes
the opponent have to chew through both AT-STs in
order to make any progress. Meanwhile the AT-ST is
plucking away for 40 DAM.
The AT-ST has two weaknesses. One is the low attack.
Thrawn is the only way to boost the attack of an
AT-ST at current. You can use Palpatine, Sith Lord
to bring in clone gunners, but that get very
expensive for gunners that can be picked off pretty
easily by accurate shooters. The day the Empire gets
a gunner of its own is the day this army dominates
the game. Jedi's only DEF when the AT-ST is run with
Thrawn, is that most of the time it will be rolling
a 13 or higher to hit. The other downside is the
Jedi once again. Once a multi-attacking Jedi can
base an AT-ST, it generally falls pretty quickly as
lightsabers can bypass the damage reduction, and
with only 14/17 DEF the Jedi are not going to miss
the AT-ST very often.
100pt: Its not even worth trying here. In a format
dominated by powerful multi-attacking Jedi combined
with a host of maps that can trap the AT-ST from the
start, the AT-ST doesn't do well at all.
200pt: Here it gets help with Thrawn, Veers and the
rest of the Imperial army to be a real power. If you
can get a wide open map you stand a good chance of
pummeling your opponent into the ground before they
can get close. It has a hard time hitting high
powered Jedi, but it doesn't have to hit very often
to some real damage. This is one of the better
weapons in the Imperial arsenal.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Kevin |
Big gun
number two for the week is the AT-ST. The much
improved, much more
powerful AT-RT. Lets look at the stats first.
Cost = 54
Hit Points = 120
Defense = 14
Attack = 8
Damage = 40
Special Abilities;
--Damage Reduction 10 (whenever this character takes
damage, reduce the
damage dealt by 10. Adjacent enemies with light
sabers ignore this special
--Double attack (On its turn, this character can
make one extra attack
instead of moving.)
--Grenades 20 (replaces attacks, range 6; 20 damage
to target and to each
character adjacent to that target; save 11)
--Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after
--Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or
adjacent allies with
gunner can combine fire with this character)
--Rigid (can't squeeze)
If you look at the basics, the hit points of 120 is
nice, the 8 attack is
decent enough, the 14 Defense is about as bad as you
can get for a 54 point
character, but 40 damage, that is nice. That we can
work with. The AT-ST
has twice the HP and retains the Damage from the AT-RT
while taking a dive
of 4 for Defense and 2 in attack. Also, it costs 19
more. So why is it so
much better then the AT-RT? Simply put, its special
abilities are sweet.
Special ability number one, Damage Reduction 10.
Meaning that, at range,
this character effectively has 240 hit points and is
immune to the little 10
point pot-shooters. This allows the AT-ST to take
several, several hits at
range VS 20 damage characters. It also means that
the AT-ST has plenty of
time to fire off that 40 Damage at anything hitting
it. Also, if combined
with a few Iktotchi Tech Specialists, it will be
able to be an effective
shield for a very long time.
Special Ability number two, Double attack. Two
attacks at 40 damage, 80
potential damage a round, let me do the math on
that. 120 hit point
character, hit twice, 40 hit points left. It hurts.
Special Ability number four and five, Grenades 20
and Mobile attack.
Probably the two least used of the AT-ST's specials.
Grenades 20 is
actually very nice. Being able to take out packs of
little characters save
11 is always a bonus. Problem is, it replaces the
two attacks at 40 damage.
As for Mobile attack, normally I have a lot of
praise for that skill, but
since the AT-ST is a huge figure, mobile attack is
almost meaningless, there
just isn't a corner big enough for it to hide
behind. Also, it moves,
meaning it can not make both attacks.
The remaining two special abilities are restrictive.
Mounted weapon limits
what can combine fire with it and rigid just keeps
you from sneaking around
a two block wide corridor with it.
In 100 point games, the AT-ST is hard to run. 54
points is a lot to commit
on a single unit, and support would be the rest of
the squad, making it the
entire squad. There are a few other things you can
run with this piece, but
I would rather just have a Vader in the deck. Where
this piece really
shines is in 200 point. It is imperial and it is a
follower, what more can
you ask for? If this character is given the right
support it can fire at
+10 damage, +3 attack and Defense, fire one extra
time per round, have
accurate shot, and get a few force points at its
disposal (granted it
couldn't have the +3 attack and Defense and the
force points at the same
time). That's with just the imperial support too.
Add in fringe and you
can get a whopping 110 damage on a critical and give
it bodyguard support.
Basically, if well supported, the AT-ST can be one
of the scariest pieces in
the game. The problem is, to much support and its
the only target. The 54
points still leaves you with 146 points left to play
with, so finding
support and finding something with a light saber to
throw in shouldn't be to
100 points = 3/5
200 points = 4.5/5
AT-ST (54)
HP: 120
DEF: 14
ATK: 8
DMG: 40
Damage Reduction 10
Double Attack
Grenades 20
Mobile Attack
Mounted Weapon
Continuing on with Big Guns Week, we have the big
brother of the AT-RT: AT-ST! Although different
factions, they have much in common.
For starters, we can check its stats. 120 HP is
decent, especially after seeing yesterday's piece.
However, 14 DEF and 8 ATK is just plain horrible! A
Stormtrooper has more DEF than this thing, and this
thing is made of metal! Why doesn't this have more
ATK? Here's the answer: 40 DMG! Once again, we have
the more devestating damage-type piece that is good
on big squads that can support this piece (did
someone say "Thrawn?").
With a low defense, at least it has some shielding.
With Damage Reduction 10, it won't fall easily to a
fleet of stormtroopers or droids. However, jedis
won't get along with this piece too easily
considering that the armor doesn't stop lightsabers.
Double Attack allows more devestating damage when it
hits, and Grenades 20 gives a more splashable option
when staring down a fleet of troopers. Also, the
mobile attack makes up for the lack of defense.
However, the last two effects hurts this piece like
the AT-RT: Mounted Weapon (more picky about who to
combine fire with) and Rigid (unsqueezable).
Despite these bad sides to it, it still is a decent
piece. Use two of these with Thrawn and you have a
beefy Empire team. Although low stats, this piece
does better than yesterday's. You just need to know
how to use the piece.
100 PT: 3/5
200 PT: 3.5/5
"May the force be with you."