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Mini of the Day
Luke Skywalker,
Jedi Knight
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: June 14, 2006

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I was very
excited the first time I saw Luke Skywalker, Jedi
Knight come out of a booster pack. He’s got that
dynamic pose, and back in the Rebel Storm days,
having an ignited lightsaber was extremely rare
(seriously, any piece in RS that has translucent
plastic in it is a Very Rare, presumably because
they weren’t sure about the manufacturing process
yet). Nowadays, there can be Common figures with
lightsabers (Young Jedi Knight, Universe set), so it
seems silly, but a mini with a laser sword was a Big
Deal back then.
The honeymoon was over once we started playing with
him. The obvious enemy for Jedi Luke, both from a
movie standpoint and from a gaming standpoint, was
Darth Vader. Tragically, either Rebel Storm Vader
can easily demolish him (and they’re not great
pieces, mind you). Undaunted, I tried setting him up
to cut down hordes of Imperial troops with his
Lightsaber Sweep. This worked okay, except that it
required the opponent to play hordes of Imperial
troops, and Luke got shot a great deal in the head
along the way. Lacking any sort of defensive powers,
and with a modest Defense score and Hit Point total,
Luke can be substantially hurt even by the scrubs on
your opponent’s squad (true story: I actually had
Luke finished off by an Ewok recently) (and the Ewok
had already hit him once or twice in the game).
It’s really a shame that the main hero of the
original trilogy, presumably at his apotheosis of
Jedi hotness, really just falls over if you look at
him funny. It’s also a shame that Han was always the
better recipient of Ben’s Force Spirit power,
because how can that be right?
Anyway, they’ve made a couple of Lukes now that are
pretty playable (Luke on Tauntaun and Luke, Young
Jedi), but I’m still looking for that guy that beat
the stuffing out of Darth Freaking Vader at the end
of ‘Return of the Jedi.’
Overall rating in 100: 2
Overall rating in 200: 2
Skywalker, Jedi Knight
Cost: 27
HP: 90
Def: 18
Atk: +10
Dmg: 20
Unique / Double Attack / Melee
Force Leap
Lightsaber Sweep
The Good: With Obiwan Kenobi, Luke is one of two
Jedi available to the Rebel faction. And if you even
think about using one of them … you better consider
using the other. His Force Leap ability will enable
him to strike and run without having to worry about
attacks of opportunity.
The Bad: He not built defensively enough. Lightsaber
Deflect and one more force point would have rounded
out this character.
The Ugly: You’ll use him as a hit-and-run character,
which doesn’t cling to any image of Luke Skywalker.
100 pt. game: 2 (You’ll use him with Obiwan Kenobi,
and not have many points left to build more support,
or you’ll build a squad without Obiwan and not use
his full potential.)
200 pt. game: 3.5 (He’ll have more support in the
larger game and will be able to use his
“hit-and-tactics” with greater effect … more
Skywalker, Jedi Knight (Rebel Storm)
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 27
HP: 90
DEF: 18
ATK: 10
DMG: 20
Double Attack
Melee Attack
Force 3
Force Leap
Lightsaber Sweep
Continuing on with Rebel Scum Week (that's what I
call it), we have the ever-so popular Luke
Skywalker. He is a valuable piece being a very rare,
but is he a valuable piece to be played in a squad?
Instead of rating the stats of Luke, I will instead
compare this Luke Skywalker to Luke Skywalker on
Tauntaun (and definitely NOT Luke, Rebel). Here are
Tauntaun's stats:
Luke on Tauntaun (Universe)
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 16
HP: 60
DEF: 17
ATK: 8
DMG: 10
Speed 8
Force 3
Use the Force 3
In other words, here is what you would be getting if
you choose Jedi Knight over Tauntaun:
Cost: +11
HP: +30
DEF: +1
ATK: +2
DMG: +10
+Double Attack
+Melee Attack
+Force Leap
+Lightsaber Sweep
So, is all this worth an additional 11 points? I
believe so. However, now that Champions of the Force
has been released, so has another Luke Skywalker.
Here is the new Luke's stats:
Luke Skywalker, Young Jedi
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 21
HP: 80
DEF: 18
ATK: 9
DMG: 20
Melee Attack
Double Attack
Force Altar
Jedi Mind Trick
Lightsaber Deflect
So, here is what you get when choosing Jedi Knight
over Young Jedi:
+6 PTS
+10 HP
+1 ATK
+1 Force Leap
+1 Lightsaber Sweep
However, you don't get Force Alter, Jedi Mind Trick
or Lightsaber Deflect. Is it much of a loss? Some
say yes, and some say no. Nonetheless, I still think
its a decent piece compared to the other Lukes, but
I only wish that it could be better. Oh well...
In 100 PT squads, he is okay to be used as he is
cheap to run. However, I would rather stick with
Young Jedi with using different force powers plus
having to spend 6 less points. As for 200, once
again your choice. Its all based around what your
team consists of and what you need. So, here is the
final ratings:
100 PT: 2.5/5
200 PT: 2/5
"May the force be with you."