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Mini of the Day
Princess Leia,
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: June 16, 2006

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A pretty
regular topic on Wizards of the Coast’s message
boards for Star Wars Minis is “Who do you think is
the most useless piece in the game?” My usual answer
is the Klatooinian Enforcer, but it’s a pretty tight
race with Princess Leia, Captive. My internal
argument goes something like this:
“The Klatooinian is the most useless piece, because
with a +1 Attack rating, his odds of doing anything
useful other than combining fire with other pieces
are almost infinitesimally slim. There are several
better pieces in his point range that can do
everything he can and more, making him by definition
the worst piece.”
“But,” I argue back with myself, “Princess Leia,
Captive can’t even combine fire, restricted as she
is by Melee Attack. Furthermore, not only are there
several better pieces in her point range, by using
her you prevent yourself from using one of her other
versions, who are both solid figures. The
Klatooinian has many sins, but at least he doesn’t
negatively affect how you can spend the rest of your
“Aha!” I always retort against this argument, “So’s
your face!”
Buoyed by this unassailable logic, the Klatooinian
Enforcer holds on to his tarnished crown as Worst
Piece in the Game, but by a pretty narrow margin.
As my delusional head-voice says, this Leia is
hampered by Melee Attack (which she doesn’t share
with either of her other versions). She also has an
abysmal Defense of 13. Rounding it out, she doesn’t
have a Commander Effect, while both of her “sisters”
have pretty good ones. Compared to Senator Leia,
she’s trading these drawbacks for +20 hit points and
an extra Force Point. Compared to Rebel Hero Leia,
she, uh, costs one point less. Seriously, that’s it.
The Rebel Heroine has the same or better numbers in
every category, a good Commander Effect, and no
melee restriction, for one more point.
Klatooinian Enforcer is looking better and better...
Overall rating in 100: 1
Overall rating in 200: 1
Princess Leia,
Cost: 13
HP: 60
Def: 13
Atk: +7
Dmg: 10
Force: 2
The Good: 60 hit points for 13 points (I had to put
something here) She’s only good for special
scenarios or casual play when special rules are
The Bad: With such a low defense and sad damage
potential, her 60 hit points might as well be 20 hit
The Ugly: A leather bikini doesn’t provide much
1 in all formats (There are better Fringer
characters available … like the gonk droid)
Princess Leia,
Captive (Rebel Storm)
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 13
HP: 60
DEF: 13
ATK: 7
DMG: 10
Melee Attack
Force 2
Finishing off "Rebel Scum" week, we have Luke's twin
for the finale. Once again, I would like to compare
her to the other Leia, and then I can give my two
cents. Here's the senator:
Princess Leia, Senator (Rebel Storm)
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 13
HP: 40
DEF: 15
ATK: 7
DMG: 10
Force 1
Commander Effect (Each follower that ends its move
within 6 squares may move an additional 2).
So, when comparing the two, Captive Leia has this:
Cost: Same
HP: +20
DEF: -2
ATK: Same
DMG: Same
+Melee Attack
+1 Force
However, Captive Leia doesn't have a Commander
Effect AND she has melee attack, which means no
shooting allowed.
In a nutshell, this thing on its own is somewhat
nothing but crap. Its more of a collective... until
Champions of the Force came out. Thanks to CotF, we
have Jacen Solo, which works well with her. Here's
what happens: She is allowed to be in the same squad
with him, right? She also has force points, right?
Well, let her die (sounds evil, doesn't it?), and
then use Jacen's "Unleash the Force 60" which will
deal 60 DAMAGE to anyone within 6 squares of him!
That can take out many droids, troopers, even some
weaker or injured jedis! Which one you want to use,
though, is entirely up to you.
In 100 PT or 200 PT, she sucks horribly in the Rebel
picks. However, use her with Jaina and Jacen Solo
and then you have something. So, here are the
100 PT (via Rebel): 1.2/5
100 PT (via New Rebel): 4.7/5 if used right
200 PT (via Rebel): 1.3/5
200 PT (via New Rebel): 4.7/5 if used right
"May the force be with you."