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Mini of the Day
Clone Commander
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: June 30, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt:
200 pt:
Sith Dragon |
Commander Bacara
Cost: 23
HP: 40
DEF: 14
ATK: +10
DAM: 20
Cunning Attack; Order 66; Stealth
CE: Trooper followers with O66 gain +10 DAM against
adjacent enemies. Followers named Elite Clone gain
stealth. Followers with O66 and Stealth (including
Bacara) who have cover cannot be targeted by
non-adjacent enemies.
We conclude WOW! week with the figure that gives Sev
squads their lethal teeth and make them the squad to
beat right now. His stats are pretty much on par
with an ARC with a bit lower DEF, bu the effects
more than make up for the lower DEF and +5 cost. If
you can get his cunning attack off he becomes a +14
for 30 DAM (same as Dash Render), which isn't
shabby. Stealth is also a big plus against squads
without Accurate shot....Or is it?
Followers with O66 and stealth get 'Super Stealth'
originally made famous by Nom Anor minus his boom
effect. That meas your clones can shoot with
impunity as they can only be hit by adjacent
characters. This gives them not only the +10 from
Bacara's CE, but with Sev's deadeye, you can hit for
40 DAM with accurate shot. As an added plus, if you
either don't have Sev or like the movie themes, Cody
gives elite clones (his marines from the movies)
stealth, making them eligible for Bacara's CE.
Now here are the squad benefits. If you use Sith
Lord to make a Bacara Imperial army, you can use
Thrawn to give your clones a +3/+3, auto init and
Ysalimari to make their power shots undeflectable.
By going with the republic and using all the pieces
that we have talked about this week, you can use Mas
Ameda a field wide effect to General Windu's CE of
extra attack to followers. This gives you a super
stealthed, double attacking accurate shooting,
clone. Not being able to shoot them until you are
right on top of them, and even then needing to hit
them for 40 DAM can be extremely hard to do and stay
alive, especially on DCI tourney maps that are wide
100pt: it seems for most pieces with CE's that there
just isn't the room to make effect of everything he
can do. The super stealth will help them out, but I
am not sure they can dish out the damage needed even
though your activation count should be pretty good.
To be honest I haven't seen anyone try Bacara at
100pts yet.
200pt: Here Bacara helps to form the top squad in
competition today, and most people choose to run the
Republic with General Windu so they can get the
extra attack. There are some hate squads that can
tear it apart. They generally involve Sith Lord. It
really hurts when all your shooters are not allowed
to shoot a major character from your opponents squad
ever. So why don't these hate squads chase Bacara
squads out of play? They generally get slaughtered
by all squads that are not Sev based. The one thing
you have to be careful of is keeping Bacara
protected. If Bacara goes down, you are in for a
world of hurt, and you can expect people to chase
after him.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Vornargith |
Clone Commander Bacara
HP: 40
DEF: 14
ATK: +10
DMG: 20
Cost: 23
Special Abilities:
Cunning Attack
Order 66
Commander Effect:
Trooper followers with Order 66 gain +10 damage
against adjacent enemies. Followers named Elite
Clone gain Stealth. Followers with Order 66 and
Stealth (including Bacara) who have cover cannot be
targeted by nonadjacent enemies.
The Good: The most useful of the Unique Clone
Commanders. His presence gives the Elite Troopers a
nice ability boost and immunity to accurate shot.
Now I need to order more of those guys ...
The Bad: Order 66
The Ugly: Too bad his Commander Effects can’t
apply to Commandos. :-(
100 pt.: 4
200 pt: 5
Kevin |
Last up this
week we have Clone commander Bacara. Stats first, as
Cost: 23
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities:
Cunning Attack, This character gets +4 Attack and
+10 Damage against an
enemy who has not activated this round.
Order 66, A character with this special ability may
be in a squad with
Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord, regardless of faction.
Characters from
previous sets whose names contain the words "Clone
Trooper" are also
considered to have Order 66, even though it is not
printed on their stat
Stealth, If this character has cover, it does not
count as the nearest enemy
for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing
Commander Effect:
Trooper followers with Order 66 gain +10 damage
against adjacent enemies.
Followers named Elite Clone gain Stealth. Followers
with Order 66 and
Stealth (including Bacara) who have cover cannot be
targeted by nonadjacent
Another piece I don't want to review because of my
recent experience with
it. I'll just keep it short. Bacara is a nice
commander and very good for
stand alone combat. Which is unusual for a
commander. He does have the
typical low defense, but you have to be adjacent to
him to hit him. His
attack of 10, 20 damage, and his cunning attack can
really hurt anything
comming at him. Put a few clones in the way too and
anything adjacent to
them will hurt as well due to the +10 damage of his
commander effect. I
would suggest using him with several Elite clones to
maximize his effects,
or just throw in the republic commandos to make them
impossible to hit at
range. I do feel akabar will get some more use in
the future though because
of this commander and ones like him.
100 points: He can stand alone, he can help others,
he can run away safely,
he is just good. 5/5
200 points: More of the same. Alone he is good, give
him help, he is
great. 5/5
((one more point to add...none of the clone trooper
commanders are unique
outside gree. bacara can fight and I prefer
redundancy, placing two of him
in a squad for 200 may be a good idea, since he can
both fight and is
helpful in the right hands))
Vesuvan |
Review For
Clone Commander Bacara
Bacara is one of those characters that can turn
cannon fodder to front line weapons of destruction.
For 23 points his stats or good and has cunning
attack pulse stealth to increase his offense and
defense. His commander effect has two parts that
really put this mini over the top. First he has the
super stealth than Nom Anor has become so infamous
for. Unlike Nom his requires Order 66 along with the
stealth in order to work and like Nom it affects him
as well. Unlike Nom his second part of the effect
doesn't allow self-destruct, instead it grants +10
damage to troopers in your squad adjacent to an
enemy. Clone troopers already have a great damage at
20 so bumping it up to 30 against adjacent foes is
great. Sadly while the new republic commands have
stealth and order 66 allowing them to get the super
stealth they are not troopers. As I recall the
combat knife in Republic Commando was one of the
best weapons in the game so why can't they get it.
Erggg!!!! If you are worried about finding some
troopers to throw in with Bacara fear not because
unlike Nom who grants stealth to one figure, Bacara
grants stealth to all Elite Clone Troopers. In a
hundred point squad Bacara and followers will be
quickly thrashed by lightsabers, however in two
hundred with the right support from other commanders
and Mas you can have one powerful ranged based force
that can throw a punch in base to base. However
don't expect to see Bacara squads popping up in the
tournament environment because Emp. Palps Sith Lord
won't ever let the clones loose. One day I would
love to see a mini or errata to fix this problem.
100pts 2/5 Palps and not enough points for proper
200pts 3/5 Palps just kills all the joy
300pts 3/5 ditto