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Mini of the Day
Boba Fett
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: May 01, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Boba Fett
Cost: 50
HP: 110
DEF: 20
ATK: +12
DAM: 20
Flight; Accurate Shot; Bounty Hunter; Double Attack.
We kick off Accurate shot week with perhaps one of
the biggest attackers in the game. His stats are
tremendous. With a 20 DEF and 110 HP he is going to
be hard to take down. He can not only double attack,
but if he is attacking a unique character he is
attacking for a +16 which will have an solid chance
of hitting most every piece in the game.
Of course being accurate shot week, he indeed has
accurate shot. This ability allows a character to
attack any character on the board, regardless of
position or cover so long as he can see them. This
allows shooters to either shoot more powerful
characters that are trying to hide behind meat
shields, or pick off support pieces that are key for
an opposing army to function. This really makes an
opponent think twice about how to move their
characters. Pieces like gonk droids and medical
droids tend to be destroyed rather quickly against
accurate shooters without help.
Having established him as a big gun, there is one
more thing that makes him very deadly. Flight. This
will allow him to move away from characters without
provoking attacks of opportunity. Also, he can move
across pits, difficult terrain and low objects
without penalty. Melee characters can spend half the
game trying to track him down while he either
escapes without a shot or backs off for one shot.
One of his two downsides is his cost. At a fitting
50 pts, he is not easy to just throw into a squad.
Most squads need to be designed around him with such
a high cost. You will generally not get more than
one more big character into his squad unless you are
planning on a squad that is only going to have 6-8
activations, which can be fine if played correctly.
His other downside is his ability to actually get
him in the first place. Being not only a great
piece, but also a Star Wars icon, makes him one of
the elite figures as far as cost and pull-ability.
He can be VERY hard to pull from a set that is
finally being retired, so do not expect to get him
cheaply without an outrageous amount of luck.
100pt: He does just fine here. He can be coupled
with almost any team to make an effective squad.
With his flight and double attack, he can take on
any melee squad, but needs to be careful with mirror
squads of shooters.
200pt: Here he does well, but does not fit into
every squad. His high cost can hinder squads that
rely on X number of characters for support. In both
levels, he can be a real beast to deal with when
played correctly.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Xoulrath |
I'm sure most of
you have been waiting with baited breath for this
review. Arguably the single best overall figure in
the game, with no glaring weaknesses. Boba Fett.
Only Aurra Sing (who will be reviewed Wednesday)
could be considered to surpass him, when ranking the
ten best for the tournament scene. Truth be told, I
find Fett and Sing to be equally matched, not
against each other, as Fett wins in a one on one;
but when it comes to building a squad that is DCI
(or competitive) tournament worthy, these two are
usually the first pieces considered, each having
their own strengths against particular builds you
might face.
Boba's biggest strength is, well, everything. For
starters, he is Fringe, so you can combine him with
any Faction available; and he is a Follower by game
terms, so he is also privvy to some great Commander
Effects from across the spectrum.
Let's look at his Abilities first, since that makes
him, even more so than his stats, the threat he is.
Flight This character ignores enemy characters, low
obstacles, and pits when moving.
Accurate Shot This character can attack an enemy
with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy.
Bounty Hunter +4 This character gets +4 Attack
against Unique enemies.
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1
extra attack instead of moving.
Accurate Shot is his Trump card, and he plays it
often. While there are now some figures who can
reduce the effectiveness of AS, or even negate it,
it is still a very useful Ability, and more often
than not, makes a difference in every game it is
used in. Most tournament squads should not be
without it, unless you are playing a Melee squad and
don't have the option to fit an Accurate Shooter.
Bounty Hunter +4 could be a situational Ability, if
the game were not so Unique heavy. At 100,
especially, the game revolves around Uniques so
much, that you are almost guaranteed to be able to
use it against roughly 70 points of the average DCI
or tournament squad. At 200, it becomes less useful,
as more common (non-Unique) figures become useful
being boosted by CE's; but due to Accurate Shot,
Fett can pick his prey, so it is still a great help.
Flight is a great Ability, which I would like to see
more characters get. In addition to not getting
slowed by difficult terrain and low objects, Flight
allows Fett to escape from an adjacent enemy with no
worry of retaliation.
Double Attack speaks for itself, and is probably the
best overall offensive Ability the game has at the
moment. It is made that much more deadly when used
by Fett, due to his base 20 Damage, and his Accurate
Shot and Bounty Hunter +4.
His stats are about what you would expect for a 50
point character, who does not possess the Melee
Attack restriction. 110 HP's, 20 Defense, +12
Attack, and 20 Damage.
All in all, there isn't really anything bad to say
about Fett. He is great in roughly 60% of the
situations he may run across, good in about 30%, and
better than average the rest of the time. Perhaps
his only real downfall, is that he falls down fast
once he starts taking hits. While 110 HP's is
respectable, you are spending 50 points for him.
Even though that cost is justified due to Abilities,
and his baseline stats, you lose half of your squad
in 100, when he goes down. Other than that, I don't
personally believe he has a real weakness. This is
the area where Sing truly has the advantage over
Fett. At 37 points, she has a point higher Defense
of 21, and also has 130 HP's, leaving her to take an
extra 20 Damage hit after Boba has already been laid
to rest. Fett makes up for it, due to his better
average damage dealt per round (unless Force users
are present, which helps to even the output). We
will discuss her in greater deta il Wednesday, and
continue some comparisons between her and Fett.
Great stats, even better Abilites, subject to a
large number of CE's, playable with any Faction, and
he is even gifted with one of the best poses in the
game. Boba Fett is worth the points you spend on
him. He is also worth the cash, if you are
unfortunate enough to not have him yet.
Boba Fett
I know I’m not the first to observe this, but what
the heck is the big deal about Boba Fett? In the
movies, I mean. In Empire, we mostly see him
standing around Cloud City, looking not quite as
menacing as Vader, and in Jedi, we just see him
swallowed by a burping, tentacled hole in the
ground. From this we get the most dangerous bounty
hunter the secondary canon has ever seen. Thank
goodness the prequels at least showed his daddy
kicking a modest amount of butt.
Anyway, like it or not, Star Wars fans for the last
26 years have collectively decided that Boba Fett is
one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy, and his
mini accurately reflects this. Double Attack (as
well as its cousin, Triple Attack) is the meat and
potatoes of damage-dealing in this game. Boba is one
of the relatively small number (ten, to be precise)
of Double Attackers who do at least 20 damage per
shot and aren’t restricted by Melee Attack. This is
a good start.
Accurate Shot is arguably the best ability in the
game, since it denies your opponent the ability to
decide who you’re going to attack. The only two
pieces that have both it and Double Attack are both
named Boba Fett. This is still looking pretty good.
The biggest threat to a given shooter in this game
is frequently a comparably priced Melee Attack
figure, since the Melee figure will generally have
better stats. Not only does Fett have very
respectable numbers of his own, he also has Flight,
allowing him to outmaneuver ground-bound pieces that
have to get through or around obstacles, and to
ignore attacks of opportunity as an added bonus.
This is an amazing finish.
But we’re not quite done, because as the icing on
this moist, rich, and oh-so-fattening cake, Fett’s
extremely respectable numbers are topped off with
the Bounty Hunter ability (duh), which makes his
attack against any Unique (and there are very few
non-Uniques who are a threat to him) a mighty +16,
enough to rival pretty much anyone.
At 50 points, he’s one of the most expensive pieces
in the game, but he’s pretty much always worth it.
While I may disagree with the need to have made Boba
Fett one of the most powerful pieces of the game, it
doesn’t change the fact that he is.
Overall rating in 100 points: 4.5 (he is half your
squad, after all)
Overall rating in 200 points: 5
KC Tyler |
Boba Fett is
one of the most popular star wars characters from
the fierce Mandalorian clan. The Bounty Hunter Fett
is actually a clone of his father Jango Fett which
in their line of business made them infamous. Boba
has a long standing feud with Han Solo, he is the
only one to escape the bounty hunter clutches.
Boba Fett wear the Mandalorian armor which is light
and can withstand a lot of damage, he also wears a
jetpack which he use for flight. Boba weapon of
choice is the EE-3 rifle which is very powerful.
As a Fringe character Boba Fett is one of their best
pieces and can be added to any squad. With a high
defense and natural attack he can easily hit unique
characters with Bounty Hunter ability and can ignore
enemies and objects when he moves. While using Boba
in play he can double attack and has accurate shot
,so he can target a character from any where on a
map with line of sight.
Boba Fett Very Rare
Hitpoints: 110 Cost 50
Defense: 20
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities:
Flight This character ignores enemy characters, low
obstacles, and pits when moving.
Accurate Shot This character can attack an enemy
with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy.
Bounty Hunter +4 This character gets +4 Attack
against Unique enemies.
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1
extra attack instead of moving.
vornargith |
Boba Fett
Cost: 50
HP: 110
DEF: 20
ATT: +12
DAM: 20
Abilities: Flight / Accurate Shot / Bounty Hunter /
Double Attack
Fett is the perfect ranged character killer. His
stats are bolstered by his abilities … Accurate Shot
and Double Attack generally means he can shoot
anything and will probably hit. He’s useful in
hitting incoming jedi foolish enough to get within
his line of sight. At melee range, Fett has no
advantages … fortunately his flight ability enables
him to get away. Keep Fett at a distance – 20
defense and 110 hit points don’t guarantee
immortality. Strategically place him close to pits
where he can fly over to distance himself from melee
opponents and still attack.
Everyone’s favorite bounty hunter debuted in Rebel
Storm with (some may agree) incomplete stats. He
could have benefited from one or two more abilities,
such as a one-time missile attack or flame-thrower.
Mandolorian armor – comparable with crab-armor would
have been a logical defensive ability … save 13 to
avoid 10 damage. Ah well … it’s fun in casual play!
100 pt … 3/5: at 50 points, you’ll have enough
leftover to build some backup for Fett.
200 pt … 4/5: even with a larger squad, Fett’s role
is more than just a ranged harasser. He’s too
dangerous and makes a great diversion that can’t be
ignored by your opponent.
Casual Play … 5/5: Customizing this guy’s abilities
is just too much fun!
The General |
Boba Fett
Boba Fett is one of the best minis out there. He has
Accurate Shot so he can hit whatever he wants,
whenever he wants, and coupled with Bounty Hunter,
Double Attack, and Flight means he can take down
Thrawn quick. 110 HP, 20 defense, +12 attack (+16
against uniques), and 20 damage, give him some solid
stats. Boba has only one weakness. Swarms of troops.
At best he can take down two troop minis a turn. Not
much else needs to be said about Boba.
100 pt: 4
200 pt: 5 (here he can get decent suppor against
Vesuvan |
It is finals
this week so I will make this quick. Boba Fett is
one of the best in the game.
100 4.5/5
200 5/5
300 5/5