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Mini of the Day
Boba Fett, Young
Set: Revenge of the
Date Reviewed: May 5, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon
Boba Fett,
Young Mercenary
Cost: 17
HP: 40
DEF: 15
ATK: +8
DAM: 10
Accurate Shot; Bounty Hunter; Double Attack
Friday's slot is what I have come to call the King's
slot of the week. Of the theme and characters we are
reviewing, Friday's character is the best of the
bunch. Having said that, I bet many of you are
wondering why this little punk beats out massive
characters such as Big Boba and Aurra. While any of
this weeks characters could hold this spot, I gave
it to Baby Boba because the biggest threat isn't
always the biggest character.
40 HP for a 17 point character is about on par,
especially given his other abilities. 15 DEF is good
for the cost as is the +8 ATK. But Baby Boba has
several things going for him.
We have covered accurate shot enough this week to
know that having is just plain good for a shooter,
and especially here. When it comes down to AT-STs,
Acklay's, and all the other pieces with damage
reduction, Boba can't do a thing except pray for a
crit. This is why you can send him after support
pieces or add his stings to your other, more
powerful shooters. With bounty hunter and double
attack he is attacking at a +12 and this should get
him to about the 50/50 mark for most attack rolls.
So why is he so good? Simple. He can hit most of his
targets, and can pick off little pieces while bigger
characters go after bigger threats, or he can help
them out. Baby Boba has a better chance of scoring
his hits. Let's face it. If Han, Aurra, and Little
Boba are shooting at you, characters with deflect
are not going to worry about Boba and concentrate
more on Han and Aurra.
Also, he is a follower, so he can get whatever CE's
are in play for your squad. Run in a Han/Ackbar
squad he will either double attack for 20 DAM or
double attack with a +16 against uniques. He can
also benefit from characters that grant extra
movement to followers. All these little effects add
up to really round him out if you build your squad
His last plus is that he is only 17 points. He will
fit into almost any squad to give them at least a
hint of danger for support pieces like the Gonk. But
the one thing you need to be careful of is that with
only 40 HP, your opponent can take him out rather
easily with their own shooters if he is left in the
open, or they have accurate shot.
100/200 pt: He rates the same in either format, but
in 200 pt you simply have that much more room to
use. He adds to threats from other shooters or can
simply cause havoc with support characters. Also
look at what CE's you are running. If you have a few
for followers then this lil' guy is for you. I know
when he came out, he usually got thrown to the
bottom of the carrying case, but he is really good.
Once you get down to your last 20 pts or so, really
consider sticking Baby Boba in. You may be surprised
how well he can fit into your squad.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
The third and
final review of "Accurate Shooters" week, and it is
something of an anti-climax. The character we look
at today is certainly a solid piece for the points,
but when compared to Boba Fett and Aurra Sing, he
leaves something to be desired. Today, I will be
reviewing Boba Fett, Young Mercenary, also commonly
called Baby Boba.
We''ll look at his stats quickly: 40 HP's, 15
Defense, +8 Attack, and 10 Damage. Now, his
Abilities: Accurate Shot, Bounty Hunter, Double
Attack. All in a fairly priced 17 point package.
Baby Boba's biggest weakness, especially with all
the Damage Reduction 10 going around (even more of a
problem in DCI 200), is that base 10 Damage. While
it is great for taking out support figures, due to
his Accurate Shot, he will never be a heavy hitter
on your team. Bounty Hunter gives him a very nice
Attack value of +12 against Uniques, though it is
still too low to hit with consistency against base
20 or higher Defense figures. Then again, he only
costs 17 points.
Perhaps Baby Boba's greatest strength is the fact he
is Fringe. This allows him the same access to all
factions as his adult representation, and he is able
to take advantage of a large number of CE's, since
he is a Follower. In addition, and perhaps most
important, is his cost fits nicely with Lobot's
Reinforcements 20. You may not be able to bring him
in every situation, but more often than not, you
will be taking him, as he comes in handy against a
variety of tournament squads. Jut don't bring him in
against DR 10, Vader, JH's Dark Armor, or the Vong.
That's pretty much it for Baby Boba. Same access to
some great CE's as Boba and Aurra, he can be played
with any Faction, and he fits well with Lobot's
extra 20 points of figures which don't count towards
victory for your opponent; making it that much
better, since you can stick him out on a limb if the
situation arises, without fear of losing him.
Reletively easy to find, and not too pricey if you
don't own him, and have to go to "that auction
site", he is a worthy addition for the tournament
player using Lobot, or for the completist, or for
any true fan of Star Wars.
The General
Boba Fett,
Young Mercenary
Boba's younger incarnation will never be as good as
RS Boba. He costs 17 points and is Fringe so he can
be in any squad but that and Accurate Shot are all
that make him good.
His stats are pathetic 40 HP, 15 defense, +8 attack,
and 10 damage. his abilities are not supereb either.
Accurate Shot, Bounty Hunter, and Double Attack.
Okay, so mabye I'm being a little hard on him. In
200 pt games he's fine at taking down stormtroopers
and other weak guys, but unforunatley this means he
won't be using Bounty Hunter that much.
All in all he is worth the points in 200 pts but
don't bother with him in 100 pts.
100 pt: 1.5
200 pt: 3
vornargith |
Boba Fett,
Young Merc
Cost: 17
HP: 40
DEF: 15
ATT: +8
DAM: 10
Abilities: Unique/Accurate Shot/Bounty Hunter/Double
Little Boba at 17 packs a little punch and costs
just about right. He’s definitely not going to be
any squad’s main character, but his Accurate Shot
ability – enforced by a double attack and decent
attack bonus – will make him a good sniper that will
have no problem taking down low-level enemy
followers. Use him as a support character for just
about any type of squad.
Little Boba is still no match for tougher
characters, but that’s okay as long as you know what
he’s good for. I used him in a skirmish and managed
to “off” some clones before going head-to-head with
a ARC trooper and defeating him as well. Boba’s hit
points went down dramatically after that encounter
Rating by Skirmish Size
100 pt … 3.5/5: Little Boba is great for any size
squad, because his cost is not going to suck up your
points. He doesn’t do a tremendous amount of damage,
but is an annoying sniper that will wear down your
enemy’s hit points if not take out lower-level
200 pt … 4/5: Little Boba has a better chance of
dishing out sniper attacks over more turns in a
larger squad. His cost should not be noticeable.
Man |
Boba Fett,
Young Mercenary
In The Art of Revenge of the Sith, a book of concept
and production art for Episode III, there is a
picture from a thankfully abandoned scene in which a
young Han Solo was going to appear on Kashyyyk. I’m
struck by the similarity of that picture to the
miniature for Boba Fett, Young Mercenary, who came
out in the ROTS expansion, but was not in the movie.
Was this piece originally going to be Han Solo,
Young Mercenary? I suppose we’ll never know.
Anyway, Baby Fett, as he is frequently known, is a
pretty great piece. He’s the second cheapest source
of Accurate Shot in the game (after the Neimoidian
Soldier, who isn’t half the fighter young master
Fett is), and probably the best low-end bounty
hunter around. Double Attack helps make up for his
low Damage of 10 (and can actually be superior, when
teamed with Han Solo, Rebel Hero for a damage
The younger version of Boba Fett also contains a
sort of implicit joke: since his cost and stats are
comparable to bounty hunters like Bossk and Dengar,
the obvious implication is that Fett is such a
ridiculously skilled hunter that he was their equal
when he was 13 years old (I didn’t say it was a good
joke, just that it was there). Like Bossk and Dengar,
the Young Mercenary has 40 Hit Points, a respectable
attack of +8 (actually 1 better than Bossk), and the
Bounty Hunter ability. The one area in which Fett
suffers is his Defense. It turns out that, outside
of his dad’s fancy armor, Boba is a little on the
easy-to-hit side, with a mere 15. Strangely, this
means that he really needs to watch out for copies
of himself in the opposing squad, since he only
needs to roll a ‘7’ to hit himself in cover, and the
Accurate Shot makes it difficult to hide from
The bottom line is that Baby Fett is a pretty good
addition to practically any squad (the highest
compliment that can be payed to any Fringe piece).
Accurate Shot lets you pick off important support
pieces before they get too important, and Fett
Junior is one of the most cost-effective ways to get
some in your squad if you’re otherwise short. He’s
not the powerhouse center of your squad, as his
older version is, but he’s a great bit of support
for when your powerhouse isn’t an Accurate Shooter.
Overall rating in 100: 4
Overall rating in 200: 4