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Mini of the Day
Chewbacca, Rebel
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: April 12, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon |
Rebel Hero
Cost: 30
DEF: 17
DAM: 20
Bodyguard; cleave; Demolish; gunner; Industrial
repair 10; momentum; repair 10
As good as Hand and Ackbar are, it is really
Chewbacca that glues the rebels together and makes
them so good. As is his stats are not real great. 17
DEF is a bit small, and +9 for a 30pt character is
under the curve, but his 120 HP is awesome.
Chewbacca's strength comes from his utility, the
largest being bodyguard. Running support pieces like
gonks and med droids are great, but as soon as you
run into an accurate shooter they are the first
pieces to go down. Chewbacca can keep them alive by
absorbing the damage. He can also keep key pieces
alive longer so they can dish out more damage (ie -
Ben or Luke on tauntaun).
Cleave. When Chewbacca defeats a character he can
make an immediate attack. This can be good if you
can base several small characters, but the downside
is he cant move with this effect....HOWEVER! If you
add in Leia, Rebel Hero, she allows you to move 2
squares when you defeat a character as long as the
character is within 6. This Turns Chewbacca into a
flying furry of fur as he can endlessly mow down
lines of grunts as long as can stay within 6 of Leia
and not roll poorly. I have had him mow down 8
stormies in a row.
Demolish can be useful for attacking damage
reduction characters. Generally Chewbacca stays in
the background to help with bodyguarding, but he can
bypass the damage reduction, taking down those big
pieces faster.
Gunner is semi-worthless right now. Currently, it
only works if you have an X-1 Viper in your squad,
but with Champions of the Force we are going to get
the Atgar Cannon (the dish gun from Hoth) This could
be Chewbacca's new best friend. Even then you will
probably use his other abilities before this one.
Industrial Repair/repair 10 work well if R2 takes a
hit or you are running the Viper. Chewbacca can
repair it. Combine his repair with R2 and your Viper
will take even long to go down. This will come in
handy for future characters, including the Atgar
where you will need to keep its HP above a certain
level to use it.
And finally we have momentum. If Chewbacca has moved
he gets +4 ATK and +10 DAM this attack, making him a
+13 for 30 DAM, or 40 DAM with Han, or +17 with
Ackbar. Add this to Leia, Rebel Hero's CE, you have
one mad rampaging wookiee!
As you can see just by looking at his card,
Chewbacca has a lot of things he can do. His utility
glues the rebels together. Like Han, he is a must
for any rebel squad.
100pt: You won't see him here very often because you
need characters that can dish out huge amounts of
power, but he can still be effective if paired off
200pt: Here he gets room to use all his abilities
depending on how you want to rebuild your army. Leia
makes him a scary offensive pieces while his support
of the X-1 viper can make the Viper an even bigger
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Vesuvan |
The walking carpet was reborn in Universe with a
vengeance. While the old Rebel Storm Chewie was
great his hero incarnation like the rest of the
reborn rebels is second to none. Bodyguard is always
a great ability and when teamed up with Ben it is
even better. Cleave it a great ability to use
against horde armies, ever more so when fighting
with Leia Rebel Hero. Demolitions is a lot of fun to
use against Vader Jedi hunter because unlike most
who take on Vader, Chewie is not a Jedi so he last a
bit longer than most. Gunner and Industrial Repair
are very limited for Chewie because the only mini he
can fix and combine fire with is the Viper Droid.
Repair is good to use with C-3PO and his draw fire.
As with most wookiees Chewie has momentum. Chewie's
biggest drawback is his low attack. The one thing
that Chewie lacks that I believe he should have is
Rapport for Han. All things said Chewie is a very
solid mini for any Rebel squad.
100pts 3/5
200pts 3.5/5
Man |
If you read
my review of Han Solo, Rebel Hero a couple of days
ago, my review for Chewbacca, Rebel Hero is going to
sound a little familiar. Once again, WOTC took an
existing piece that was pretty good (though not as
good as the original Han Solo), and made a
phenomenal replacement by tacking "Rebel Hero" on to
the end of his name.
Understand that not all new versions of characters
are replacements. Yoda, Jedi Master; Luke on
Tauntaun; and Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord are all
examples of characters that are different
interpretations of their originals, but not clear
replacements. Chewbacca, Rebel Hero is not one of
these; he's a replacement. The old Chewie sported
Cleave and Momentum and decent numbers. He was
pretty good, but not terrific. Then the Universe set
came out, with all sorts of juicy new Rebel Heros.
For six more points, you get +1 Attack, +20 Hit
Points, Bodyguard(!), Repair, Industrial Repair,
Gunner, and Demolish. That's actually seven
improvements for your lousy six points, though
they're not all of the same caliber, as we'll see.
Bodyguard is really the marquee ability here. Many
squads depend on keeping a particular character
alive, and whether that key character is a support
piece or a primary damage-dealer, they can all
benefit from 120 extra Hit Points.
Industrial Repair and Gunner give Chewie nice
synergy with any Mounted Weapon units you happen to
like. I'm hoping that the upcoming Hoth Trooper with
Atgar piece will be worth playing, because Chewie is
ideal support for it. You can also put him in with a
Viper Droid, if you're into that sort of thing (but
the Separatists have strictly better support for the
big mirror-tank).
Repair 10 is cute, but of limited utility at this
point. If you're using C-3PO to draw enemy fire,
Chewie and R2-D2 can cooperate to keep him standing.
Demolish is obviously a situational ability, but
really nice to have when the relevant situation
comes up. Damage Reduction can really ruin your day,
but a nice, solid 30 damage Momentum hit from Chewie
that also ignores DR will make you feel much more
manly and less oppressed by the AT-STs and Acklays
of the world.
One thing that bears mentioning about this version
of Chewie, however, is that he's not the center of
your squad. At 30 points, you might expect him to
play a significant role, and he should, but don't
think of him as a primary damage-dealer. He only has
one attack, and a mediocre Attack rating when he
doesn't have Momentum working for him. He exists to
support your real damage-dealer, who in this faction
is probably Han Solo, Rebel Hero (or some Fringe
uberpiece like Fett or Sing). Use him as the king of
support pieces and secondary threats, and you'll do
Overall rating in 100: 3.5
Overall rating in 200: 4.5