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Mini of the Day
Padme Amidala
Set: Clone Strike
Date Reviewed: May 19, 2006

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Padme Amidala
Cost: 15
HP: 60
DEF: 17
ATK: +9
DAM: 10
Double attack
CE: Adjacent followers gain bodyguard.
The King slot of Bodyguard week goes to the Queen of
the effect. No other piece in the game pulls off
bodyguarding as well as Padme.
Her stats are really good for her cost. A 17 DEF is
above average for 15 pt characters, and a +9 ATK
isn't too shabby for an attack. She also has double
attack, so even without her bodyguard she is not too
But being bodyguard week, she is here for a reason.
Every follower becomes a bodyguard for everyone else
as long as they are adjacent to her. This is a great
effect, but when combined by the super high HP of
the Jedi, and the healing power some bring, this
makes one hydra of a squad that is near impossible
to take out.
Favorite build usually include Clone Strike Yoda,
various healers and 2-3 med droids. This squad
spreads out the damage to keep everyone alive, while
the med droids heal and give everyone 'avoid
defeat.' Using CS Yoda also means that Jedi have 2-3
rolls for the avoid defeat. Another good character
to use is Anakin Skywalker and his impulsive sweeps,
provided most of your followers are unique. You can
control who goes down and every time one dies,
Anakin gets a free attack. Not too shabby.
The bane to armies like this are
lightning/missile/grenade squads since it has to
travel in a single pack around Padme.
100pt: She is not worth using here. You cant get the
synergy and support you need to make her effective.
Also there are better substitutes for you final 15
points than her.
200pts: Here she can be utilized to all her glory,
but the squad has to be built around her - namely
lots of followers. She is a very specific piece to a
very specific army. In it she is outstanding.
Outside of it she isn't worth much despite her solid
attack stats. If she, herself, had bodyguard it
would be different (ie- Captain Typho).
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Padme Amidala
is one of those pieces that people seem to disagree
about. Depending on who you talk to, she’s
completely awful or one of the best pieces in the
game. At 15 points, the piece to compare her to is
probably Dengar, who is generally agreed to be an
excellent buy.
Defense is a dead heat, and in Attack Padme has a
one-point advantage. Dengar does 20 (or “real”)
damage, while Padme does only 10 (or “scrub”)
damage, but Padme has an extra 20 hit points on
Dengar. Padme has Double Attack, while Dengar has
Bounty Hunter. This is where Dengar starts to get
the advantage, because Bounty Hunter makes it so
that he’ll probably land his 20 damage on the
targets that matter, while Double Attack may just
give Padme the chance to miss twice. Since she lacks
Accurate Shot, she’ll probably be shooting at
whoever your opponent wants her to be shooting,
which is probably the character that she can’t hit.
So I’d probably give the nod to Dengar as the better
piece, except that Padme has one of the most
interesting and potentially useful Commander Effects
in the game. Any follower adjacent to her gets the
Bodyguard ability. This isn’t the limited “Wookiees
or Naboo Soldiers” deal that some CEs that grant
Bodyguard deal in; this works on anyone who’s
adjacent to her and doesn’t have a Commander Effect
of his own. Damn.
Contrary to popular belief, by the way, followers
that Padme motivates to take up a life of guarding
bodies don’t just guard her. While the tactics that
she works with make you bait for Missiles, Force
Lightning, and the like, you can set up cheap
clusters of disposable Ewoks to act as bodyguards
for, say, Yoda. For extra sneakiness, you can throw
a Medical Droid into your cluster, allowing the
bodyguards to get the benefit of Emergency Life
Support, with Yoda making their saves a little
easier. Again, Missiles and such will give this sort
of gimmick fits, but it’s a fun build, and really
different from a lot of the standard squads.
In the final analysis, as a pure combatant, Padme
doesn’t quite stack up to Dengar, but she’s not
intended to. Her combat ability is a bonus for the
real reason you put her on a squad: her wacky
Commander Effect. Incidentally, when Champions of
the Force comes out, there will be a cheap Fringe
character who can make Savage creatures subject to
Commander Effects. When that happens, Acklays will
be useable as bodyguards, with Damage Reduction 10
making that job a little easier for them. If you
don’t have her, you might want to pick up Padme
before June 9th.
Overall rating in 100: 3.5
Overall rating in 200: 4