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Mini of the Day
Grievous's Wheel
Set: Sith
Date Reviewed: May 22, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Ah, Grievous’
Wheel Bike: Huge before it was cool to be Huge. The
base is actually Large, but I don’t think any piece
in the game spills so far over its base as this one.
If you can find a way to store it, GWB is a fun
piece, but it’s not competitive. At 58 points, the
ultimate chopper has some great abilities and decent
numbers, but can’t quite make it because the
all-important Attack number isn’t quite decent
enough. Let’s look in more detail.
On the plus side, Grievous’ Wheel Bike is
exceptionally mobile (Wheeled lets it move 18
squares and make an attack) and has Double Attack
with an impressive 30 damage. It also has a healthy
Defense of 20, but that’s when things start to fall
apart. With only 120 hit points, it will likely take
Aurra Sing or Han Solo, Rebel Hero only four attacks
to kill it. Since both of those characters are
substantially cheaper than the Wheel Bike, this is
bad news for the rest of your squad. What’s worse,
an Attack of only +10 means that hitting Aurra in
cover requires you to roll a ’15’ or higher: no mean
feat during the short time you have before she kills
your 58-point death machine.
I’ve used Aurra Sing in the example above because
she’s a definitive tournament piece, but she’s only
an illustration of the larger problem: a 58-point
figure should have a chance against figures in its
point class. While a skilled player can use the
Wheel Bike’s mobility to hit and run against the
major Jedi, the most powerful ranged combatants in
the game will slice it to ribbons in short order.
With such a short life expectancy, there is no real
excuse for Grievous not having an Attack rating high
enough to take any of his killers with him.
It’s really the one Force Point that causes Grievous
so many problems. He can only benefit from it once
in a game, and it makes him subject to Jedi Hunter
for the whole skirmish. Jedi Hunter is a very
popular ability, and likely to be even more so once
Champions of the Force gives us a slew of new
victims for it.
It’s really unfortunate, because the mini is
great-looking and a lot of fun to play, but he’s
just not playable in a competitive environment.
Overall rating in 100: 2
Overall rating in 200: 2.5
Vesuvan |
Wheel Bike
Everybody have a nice weekend. To kick off Mean
Mounts Week we have Grievous's Wheel Bike. At 58
points he is a little costly for what you get but
can be quite painful to your opponent if used on the
right team. He has the stats you would expect for a
mini of his cost. The most notable feature is that
he does 30 damage with double attack. This can be a
great threat to Jedi on the field as he doesn't have
melee attack and can blast his opponents from across
the field. He is Wheeled so he has great mobility on
the field. The mini has two drawbacks however.
First, his attack isn't all that great and +10.
Second, he has Mounted Weapon which greatly limits
his killing potential, due to the fact that the
separatist don't have any other mounted weapon or
gunner minis. One fun team to make with him is to
take him with a few Battle Droids on STAPs. High
damage with low attack.
100pts 2/5 cost too much
200pts 2.5/5
300pts 2.5/5
Sith Dragon |
Grievous on
Wheel bike
Cost: 58
HP: 120
DEF: 20
ATK: +10
DAM: 30
Cyborg, Wheeled(move 18 then attack), Double Attack,
Mounted Weapon
Force 1
This is perhaps the greatest piece in the
game....that just plain sucks. He is costed for a
piece that should dominate a game like a triple
attacker. 120 HP isn't too bad, but falls short for
a 58 pt character. The 20 DEF is good enough as the
emperor is in this class, and many others are only a
point more. The +10 ATK is just horrid! The 30 base
damage is very good.
Outside of base stats, what does he have? Cyborg,
which means Asps, Iktochi, and Wat can repair him to
extend his life, which is about his only other plus.
He does have double attack, but at 58 points he
should be closer to a triple. Wheeled can be a nice
effect as it lets you either run up and shoot, or
turn and out run your opponent and still get the
All in all he really isn't too bad, BUT here's where
the problems lay. Being a cyborg he doesn't get any
of the awesome effect CIS has for droids. At 58
points, he should have overpowering stats, when in
reality his stats are more in line with the low to
mid 40s. Having mounted weapon means that no on in
the game right now can combine fire with him to get
his attack up, so not only does he have a VERY hard
time hitting Jedi before they are up close, but the
few that hit will get deflected, healed, body
guarded, etc. Granted a well placed crit could do
wonders (enter Asajj and her lone useful CE). Then
you have his lone force point, which i still fail to
see why any version of him has it. He is now
susceptible to Jedi hunter and all other anti force
user effects.
His last big problem is the problem that all of the
Unique CIS characters have. They all carry heavy
costs, and most have the power to justify where they
are at, but outside of Asajj, there are no good mid
30s range of support to bring synergy. You can run a
power Jedi then have tons of choices for mid-range
support. CIS has nothing outside of Asajj.
100/200 pt: I am just going to combine these as he
really does horrid in both. His cost is outrageously
high for what little he does. Grievous was feared in
the SW universe for all the Jedi he had killed, but
like all other versions they come up short of being
dangerous. This guy is just horrid outside of a very
casual game.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5