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Mini of the Day
Darth Tyranus
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: May 30, 2006

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Sith Dragon
Darth Tyranus
Cost: 48
HP: 120
DEF: 20
ATK: +15
DAM: 20
Dark Inspiration (At the start of the skirmish,
choose an allied character with a force rating. That
character gains lightsaber duelist; Double Attack;
Lightsaber Duelist
Force 5
Block; Sith Lightning
We kick off Lightning Week with a very solid
Separatist Sith. In taking Tyranus over Dooku, you
are giving up a point down his major stats, but you
are being more of a team player by helping out
someone like Asajj or Maul if they run into a
adjacent character with a force rating by giving
them Duelist.
Tyranus' stats are still very good and puts him
among the elite of the Jedi. Grunts are going to
have a hard time overcoming his 20 DEF, but Jedi
aren't going to have that easy of a time either.
With Lightsaber duelist he will be a 24 DEF, so most
Jedi will be rolling at best an 8-9 to hit. Lesser
Jedi will need a 12 or better, so that's not too
shabby. Tyranus can also give this ability to
someone like Maul, Asajj or Grievous. Tyranus also
has double attack, so he can dish the damage as
His force powers are where Tyranus really shines.
Block is a great thing to have when facing other
Jedi, but not so hot when facing the Fetts or Aurra,
but having one of the two is always a plus.
And of course, being Lightning week he has sith
lighting. There are two forms of lightning out
there. This is the weaker of the two, but it really
doesn't matter. Any time a Jedi can pull up short of
basing his enemy and doing damage is a plus, whether
it be lightsaber throw or lightning. The plus to the
weaker lighting is that you will never have to worry
about who is based to who, or if you are going to
fry yourself like you have to with Force Lighting.
This allows him to stay back from Jedi Hunter's
triple and still do damage.
100pt: Here you will most likely always run Dooku
over Tyranus as he has better stats and at present
there are only three characters you can team either
version of him up with at 100pts, and that is either
Asajj, Grievous or Aurra. Aurra with force defense
can be pretty wicked. But running him with one of
these will leave you with few activations and no
real serious shooters, which may be fine depending
on how well you can run low activation squads. He
will do well in 100pt, but will not dominate.
200pt: Actually I almost say he is worse in this
squad than in 100pt. Sidious is a real help, but the
good characters that go with Tyranus are all very
expensive and he gets little help form the droid
Seps. He is still good here, but at the moment he
has little real support. After Bounty Hunters
releases late this year, we shall see if he gets any
more mid range help. The lack of support makes him
more of a fun squad over a competitive squad at this
level even though he really is a very solid piece.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Darth Tyranus
has the problem of being a really great figure for
just the wrong faction. The Separatists suffer
greatly from the fact that they’re currently divided
into the droid army and the Sith, and the two
elements of the faction have almost nothing to do
with each other. Consequently, pieces like Darth
Tyranus are very difficult to support properly.
As a standalone piece, Count Dooku’s alter ego has a
solid suite of abilities and strong numbers to back
them up. While he sacrifices one point each of
Attack and Defense and ten hit points from his Clone
Strike version, Tyranus maintains essentially the
same beatstick-plus-Sith Lightning character of the
original piece. Other than the stat loss and
four-point discount, the other critical difference
between the Dookus is trading Lightsaber Precision
for Dark Inspiration, a fantastic trade in the right
squad. Dark Inspiration lets you grant Lightsaber
Duelist to another Force-using character in your
squad to do with as they see fit. For example, they
can use it to improve their Defense in melee.
This looks great on paper, and it really is pretty
good, except that it sort of commits you to another
Force user in your squad. If you’re running a
100-point squad, you’ve probably tied up most or all
of your squad now in two characters, given the
options available to the Separatists and Fringe for
Force users. If that other character is Aurra Sing,
you’re golden; take a well-deserved nap for your
hard work. Otherwise, you’ve got a tough row to hoe,
since you’re probably getting Darth Sidious or Asajj
Ventress, which now means you’re overcommitted to
melee. In the competitive scene, all melee is
essentially suicide (which is funny, because Darth
Tyrannus and Darth Sidious used to be the basis of a
major squad called “Shock Therapy,” but that squad
died with the advent of Ysalimiri and Force
In 200 points, you’ve got it a little easier, but
the essential problem about the Separatists comes up
again. Frankly, if you want to add a major ranged
component to a 200-point Separatist squad, the
droids are your answer. And if you’re putting
together the machinery of a droid squad (Battle
Droid Officer, Supreme Commander Grievous, etc.),
you should probably take the fifty or so points
you’d spend on a Sith lord and spend it on a
Destroyer Droid and a Bodyguard Droid.
As I said before, Darth Tyranus is a great piece, he
just needs to belong to a different faction in order
to be truly effective. But if you’re playing casual
games, he can be blast to play (team him up with
General Grievous, Jedi Hunter for some
movie-accurate lightsaber-training fun).
Overall rating in 100: 2.5
Overall rating in 200: 3.5