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Mini of the Day
Nightsister Sith
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: May 31, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon |
Sith Witch
Cost: 17
HP: 60
DEF: 16
ATK: +8
DAM: 20
Empathy; Melee
Force 3
Force lightning (F2)
Today's card is a great utility piece for the
empire, or for certain gimmick squads based on
savage creatures. Her stats are average for her
cost. She will do okay against grunts, but against
bigger characters she will have problems. With only
60 HP you have to be very careful with accurate
shooters as they can bring her down fairly quickly,
especially where Aurra is involved.
There are two things she is good for. The first is
empathy. She was the first character that could
remove the savage from characters within 6, making
them subject to CEs. This was widely exploited when
she came out, but has since fallen back as most
people don't play savage armies any more.
The second of her abilities, and the theme for the
week, is her ability to use lightning. Unlike Dooku/Tyranus,
She has Force lightning. When she hits her target
with it, she must hit two other adjacent characters
if there are any, and this includes herself if she
is adjacent and there are less than two more enemies
adjacent to the target.
The Sith Witch has 3 force points. The up side to
this is that you can use 1 force point to reroll a
bad roll or move two more squares without hurting
the number of times you can use lightning. The bad
side is that she can only lightning once, leaving
the extra force point. There is a way around this
limitation, but I will cover that with Fridays mini.
100 PT: She can make a good filler here if you want
to use her. Her attack is solid as is her HP for a
filler character, but 100 pt games are dominated by
shooters and Jedi Hunter. She can't do much against
either of these. For 17 pts you would be better off
with Baby Boba.
200 pts: Here she can be VERY good. Her biggest
downside here is constantly running into Blue Man
Groups (Thrawn not the band). Her lightning won't
work against him, so Thrawn has almost single
handedly run her out of the game. She is worth
running one of just for those cases where either
there is no Thrawn, or you can get her in on the
side to hit someone outside of the bubble. I will
cover her abilities here a bit more with Friday's
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Friend to
Wampas, feared by bodyguards and astromechs, the
Nightsister Sith Witch is one of the great utility
pieces in the game. Her numbers are respectable for
a bargain basement lightsaber wielder, but the
primary reason to pay her point cost is for her
Until Champions of the Force comes out in a couple
of weeks, the Nightsister is the only way in the
game to get Savage characters to benefit from
Commander Effects. It is therefore a happy
coincidence that she's Imperial, with access to most
of the best CEs in the game. A Rancor is a decent
piece, but a Rancor benefitting from Grand Admiral
Thrawn, Stormtrooper Commander and Imperial Officer
is a holy terror.
The Sith Witch was also the piece to break Emperor
Palpatine's monopoly on Force Lightning (not that
namby-pampy Sith Lightning that many Dark Side types
use). While she's only got enough Force Points for
one use of it, the fact that she can use it at all
(and all of it's bodyguard-annihilating goodness)
while only costing an expendable 17 points is great.
As we all know, Mace Windu standing next to R2-D2,
Astromech Droid is one of the scariest sights in the
game. A Sith Witch, however, will happily run up to
them and slap a guaranteed 30 on to Mace and destroy
R2 altogether. She'll probably get killed for her
trouble, but that's generally a small price to pay.
Finally, there's the squad revolving around
Nightsisters and Emperor Palpatine (Rebel Storm
version). What's better than a 17-point figure that
can use Force Lightning? A 17-point figure that can
use it more than once. One of my favorite little
theme squads is Palpatine, three Nightsisters, and a
Probe Droid; when the Emperor and his sinister cadre
of rodeo clowns starts throwing inclement weather at
you, you'll know the meaning of fear.
The Nightsister is a great piece, both for
specialized squads and as a general purpose low-end
beatstick. At 17 points, you really can't go too far
Overall rating in 100: 4.5
Overall rating in 200: 4.5
Hey all you
fanboys and girls out there, this is Justin T.,
coming to you (semi) live from my Kitchen to tell
you all about the NIGHTSISTER SITH WITCH!
Nightsister Sith Witch
17 points
Force 3:
Force Lightning
Wow, what can I say? One of the best pieces in the
game, the best uncommon in my opinion. And how can
you go wrong AT ALL with this piece? Use it in an
Imperial Line-Up as a grunt figure, or a helper.
Heck, team it up with the Rebel Storm Emperor and
you've got a walkin, talkin, Butt-Whoopin machine
with almost unlimited force. And that force
lightning isnt something to over look either. Are
there any other pieces in the game that have that
force power and are an uncommon? And for that point
value? I think not!
Now let's look at her empathy! Oh boys and girls,
this is what to look out for!!!
Nightsister Sith Witches + Rancors (or you can sub
that for anything with savage)= a tame, yet
unstoppable beast! I mean, come on! You can move a
SW next to your target, attack or force lightning,
then move the beast into range and without savage,
it can do what it pleases! Oh boy oh boy, one of my
favorite combos in the game. Lets look at some stuff
per point value
100 pt- 7/10, I could think of better things to use
in a 100 pt situation though...
200 pt- 8/10, "Unconcieveable, Unbelievable" to
quote the song
300 pt- 10/10!!! The list keeps going up and up and
up. I definitely reccomend using this piece in large
I highly reccomend this piece. On my brand new,
patented TAS Scale (Tas being short for my last
name), from 1-10, I give it an 8.5 or a 9 out of 10.
Pretty good for 17 points, eh?
Check back Friday for a review of the coveted Rebel
Storm Emperor Palpatine, which turns out to be the
First or Second Very Rare I ever got. I'll tell you
all that story on Friday!
So be safe, be good, and have a pleasant tomorrow!!!
Oh, and for all the High School Juniors who took the
SAT last month, good luck with the scores! I'm a
sophomore, so I don't have to worry about that until
next year. But unfortunately, one of my friends who
is really not that smart got a 2060. Is there
justice in this world? I don't think so ^_^ Just
vornargith |
Cost: 17
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 16
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Abilities: Empathy • Melee
Force: 3 • Force Lightning
The Good: Force Lightning …. Empathy theoretically
gives the witch a pet to protect her as she charges
into the enemy lines.
The Bad: Unless you’re teaming the witches with
Palpatine, Force Lightning is a one-shot ability.
With a below average defense (for a lightsaber
wielder), the nightsister will not last long against
Jedi. The empathy is effective in larger skirmishes
where you have more points for bigger pets.
The Ugly: A good accurate shot character will wipe
the witch out before she can be effective. Why is
she Imperial? She should have been a fringe
character with another character like Nightsister
Elder or Matron to support her.
100 pt … 2.5/5 … She can instantly become a
liability if you can’t use her one-shot lightning on
more than one enemy.
200 pt … 3.5/5 … A team of these girls with a reek
or rancor can wreck havoc, especially if your squad
has Emperor Palpatine hiding behind cover dishing
out his force points to the ladies.