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Mini of the Day
Talon Karrde
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: November 02, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.16
200 pt: 4.5
Sith Dragon |
Talon Karrde
New Republic
HP: 60
DEF: 16
ATK: +8
DAM: 10
Disruptive; Fringe Reserves 20; Recon; Twin attack
Today, straight form the WWE, the World Heavyweight
Champion - Talon Karrde! Okay, maybe not, although
he looks the part. His sculpt is good, but its just
not what i pictured in Talon.
Anyway, on to the stats. For 24pts you get 60 HP,
which is about par, especially for the NR. 16 Def is
also about par for a non-Jedi in that range, as is
the +8 attack. The 10 DAM is horrid, but that
usually means the character is going to have some
nice effects. Well, lets see.
He has twin attack, which is nice for a fig that you
really don't want stuck to the ground because of the
other abilities. Recon is a nice plus for the New
Republic. They finally get some initiative control.
Fringe reserves is one of those things you should
never plan for, but man oh man if you roll that 11
its huge, usually for a couple bodyguards. Add that
to the fact that you are rolling two die for recon,
and your chances just increased for those extra
troops. Finally we get disruptive. This is a great
new effect from the BH set. It cancels CEs on
enemies within 6 of the Disruptive character. It
cancels reroll, bonuses, Thrawn's switch, and
others. The one catch is that Talon is a bit fragile
to stick his neck out. IF you are not careful, with
only a 20 DEF in cover and 60 HP, he can be picked
off rather quickly.
100pts: Nope. This is the home of the beat sticks.
150pt: Meh. Here the New Republic just is not a
strong enough faction here. They need every point
they can get to flush out their team.
200pts: Here the New Republic is better but still
not a top faction, but Talon works here if you can
run him correctly. You need to keep him hidden until
your beat sticks (Corran, Luke, your entire faction)
are engaged with the enemy. Once they are engaged,
then you bring him out for the Recon and up closer
for the disruptive if you need it. He doesn't become
such an easy choice to target when you are staring
down Jacen and Jaina's lightsabers and Han's
blaster. You generally have to go after who is going
to kill you with 30-40 pt hits. Thus, Talon will
live longer and be more beneficial. Depending on the
type of squad you are running, he is a very good add
for a NR team. For only getting 4 figs over the last
two sets, NR has gotten some very good additions.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Talon Karrde
has singlehandedly made me a New Republic player.
Oh, I'd dabbled here and there; I was one of the
legion of players who tried unsuccessfully to make
Jedi Master Luke work worth a damn; I thought about
playing the Solo Family when Champions came out, but
I saw the squad in action enough times to not be
impressed. When I found out that the New Republic
would have only one piece in Bounty Hunters, I
figured that was one more set that would go by
without my having a real reason to play the faction,
and then I (forgive me) got Karrded.
You see, back in the olden days, when there were
only four factions that counted and dinosaurs ruled
the earth, you either had access to Recon or you had
access to Reserves. Put another way, you could
either get some control over your initiative rolls
or you could get special results on specific init
results, which made some sense in a "mean ol' game
designers!" sort of way. Now they've added Fringe
versions of both abilities, so any faction can
theoretically put those abilities together, but only
Talon Karrde has both abilities on one (fairly
inexpensive) piece. I love it already.
Since Recon requires line of sight to operate, the
pieces that have it get shot a lot, especially by
enemy pieces with Accurate Shot (since you're
obviously keeping your little recon guy as far as
possible from the action). The Rodian Black Sun Vigo
could theoretically protect a Recon piece from this
terrible fate, except that every Recon piece thus
far in the game has been either a Droid or a
commander, meaning the Vigo can't help. Every Recon
piece but Talon. Furthermore, since the Vigo shares
Talon's Fringe Reserves 20, they work well together,
making each '11' you roll into two batches of 20
more points added to your army. In a recent
200-point tournament against a Thrawn squad, my
opponent found himself up against 320 points by the
end of the game. I'm still loving it.
There are a number of very powerful squads in
circulation right now that depend on Commander
Effects to work. Among these are either form of
super-stealth, some Exar Kun builds, and the terrors
of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Talon is one of two guys in
the game with Disruptive, radiating a constant field
of "Don't listen to your superior officer." I think
he just yells a lot. While Disruptive is very cool
and potentially really powerful, remember that
putting little Talon within six squares of an enemy
piece is fairly dangerous. Have a plan that involves
killing that enemy pretty soon. I continue to love
this piece.
Finally, just to remind us what set he's from, Talon
has Twin Attack. I'm less clear on why this is, but
I'm not unhappy about it. A piece that needs to
maintain line of sight to the enemy to work his best
should also be able to attack twice when he moves.
Obviously you have a decision to make if you're
moving him to keep Recon going and you can only see
one guy with 20 hit points or fewer: do I attack and
possibly kill him, knowing that I won't get Recon
next round? This is a situational decision, and I
can't help you with it.
Anyway, Talon Karrde is high on my list of favorite
pieces in the new set. You must build around him to
get the real benefit, but he's just insanely good,
in my humble little opinion (which can't be that
humble if I broadcast it to all of you, week after
Overall rating in 100: 2 (you can't really support
him here and still have the pieces to fight the top
Overall rating in 200: 4.5 (if you need further
explanation, reread the above)
wookie lover 11 |
Talon Karrde
New Republic
Abilities: Disruptive (No CE’s within 6), Fringe
Reserves 20, Recon (roll 2 for init, one if you have
2 recons and both have LOS to enemy(I think I got it
right)), Twin Attack, Unique
A nice package. If you roll 11 for init, he is 4
points, and you can roll it multiple times. Recon is
okay, I find it useful, but Thrawn makes it less
useful. Twin Attack is good, nuff said. 10 damage
sucks, especially with +8 attack, but that’s not why
you play him. Disruptive is an awesome ability.
Thrawns switch and +3, +3 goes bye as long as Talon
is there. General Windu’s abilities goes bye. Exar
Kun’s savage’s suck again. The possibilities are
limitless. The one thing is that I think that he
should be Fringe, but that would make him almost to
good. With Windu, Thrawn would be kicked out of
play. One thing I want to note is that they don’t
take effect within 6 squares, everywhere else, they
still work, so with mas, talon makes a safe zone.
Still, he is pretty weak, with only 60HP and 16
defense, so a med might be nice. The ratings are…
100=2, ¼ of your squad for a anti commander guy
where there are no commanders seen. Maybe with
Master Skywalker, but still
200=4.5, I think that most competitive NR squads
will have this guy to make up for their small number
of minis. Without CE’s the NR is actually very
Wookielover 11 going

Today we
review the piece for one of the most interesting
characters in the Star Wars Universe, Talon Karrde.
He's a smuggler and roughly the equivalent to Jabba
the Hutt. His wealth of knowledge also served the
New Republic as an almost equal counter to Grand
Admiral Thrawn. He's not a vicious slob like Jabba
either. He's got some class. Think of him as a
combination of Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Grand
Admiral Thrawn (smarts-wise). Anyway, on to the
Talon Karrde
Cost: 24
HP: 60
Def: 16
Attk: +8
Dam: 10
Special Abilities
Fringe Reserves 20
Twin Attack
I actually really like this guy for his cost. His
stats are mediocre at best. His 16 Def and 60 HP
mean he won't last long if he's in the open. And a
+8 attack and 10 damage means he won't be killing
the big pieces in the game, but it's his special
abilities that really make this guy shine. Twin
Attack is a pretty awesome ability that basically
lets you take a double attack and moving with the
only exception being that both attacks have to be
against the opponent. Disruptive is also a pretty
interesting ability that gets rid of enemy commander
effects within six squares. That's a pretty sweet
way of getting rid of commander effects like General
Windu's extra attack, Bacara's super stealth, and
Thrawn's stat boosts and piece switching. The one
thing I really like about this guy, though, is his
Fringe Reserves 20 combined with Recon. Normally
Fringe Reserves 20 has a very small chance of being
seen in a game at all, but with recon you get two
rolls to choose from, meaning that 11 is that much
more likely to come up. That could end up being a
game breaking ability.
Overall this guy is definitely playable. He helps a
faction that is desperate for help and for a fairly
low point cost. Like most pieces in the Bounty
Hunters set though he's pretty fragile and needs a
bit of strategy to keep around for the long run. A
bodyguard or two would be pretty useful (wouldn't it
be awesome for Wizards to release and Anakin Solo
with affiliation with Chewbacca? the new republic
would be able to use the best bodyguard and we'd
have the whole Solo family).
In 100: 2.5/5 (25% of your squad may be to much to
invest in a support piece here)
In 200: 4.5/5 (If you're playing the New Republic
he's pretty close to a must play)

Zeroph Zeal |
Talon Karrde
Points: 24
Hitpoints: 60
Defense: 16
Attack: +8
Damage: 10
Fraction: New Republic
Abilities: Disruptive, Fringe Reserves 20, Recon,
Twin Attack, Unique
Talon Karrde... what can I say about him? He's an
interesting piece with an interesting array of
abilities, but unfortanutly his fraction is quite...
First, the stats. For 24 points, 60 hitpoints is
about the norm. While 10 more would be infinately
more useful, 60 is good. However, this is ruined
when we see he has a somewhat-dissapointing 16
defense. While this isn't terrible, a 24 point unit
should have a little more than this. Also +8 attack
AND 10 damage really leaves something to be desired.
However, he does have qutie a few abilities. One of
which is Recon, which is simply amazing. Sinse this
is the first piece with Recon I reviewed, I'll put
my imput on it here... two rolls for iniative is
All you need is a unit in the same squad as Talon to
have Line of Sight, and its yours. With two iniative
rolls, you have double the chance of winning
iniative, and that's a good thing. Now, this is
combined with his Fringe Reserves 20. Normally, this
would never it, having only a 5% chance. With Recon,
though, this chance is doulbed to 10%. While 10%
isn't legendary, at least it is achieveable
somewhat. And while 20 points isn't too much, it can
certinally give you the advantage over the enemy. He
also has Disruptive, but unfortanutly this really
doesn't do much for a 60 hitpoint character with a
mere 16 defense. The fact of the matter is, you
don't want to move him into an uncomfortable
position 6 spaces away from an enemy commander. It
probally won't last long, and you will lose Recon if
it does die. He also has a Twin Attack, making him
MAY be able to do 20 damage in a given attack (yay!
a waste of twin attack.).
While this really isn't a bad piece, the real
problem is the fraction. First of all, the New
Republic is really horrible, with a grand total of
one tournament-worthy squad, if you even consider it
to be (The Solo Family Reunion), and this piece
really can't fit into that squad. Maybe in the
future when we get more New Republic units, but as
of now leave this one alone. It really doesn't help
further any New Republic cause.
100 points: 1.5/5 Really, ew. Disruptive is useless
here (as commanders in general are useless here) and
it really can't do any damage.
200 points: 2/5 It's a possibility perhaps, but
seriously, he really has no New Repulbic synergy at
the momment. At best, he can be used to obtain
Recon, but only if you can fit him in.
Sculpt: 3.5/5 Its okay... but not great. One of the
lesser of the Bounty Hunter sculpts, but that's not
really a bad thing.