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Mini of the Day
Lord Vader
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: November 03, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.5
200 pt: 4.5
Sith Dragon |
Lord Vader
Cost: 71
HP: 130
DEF: 21
ATK: +14
DAM: 20
Dark Armor; Twin Attack
Force 2
Leap; Renewal; Assault; Sweep; Master of the Force
2; Overwhelming Force; Sith Rage
Today we do the worst piece of the set. Not because
he's bad, but because he makes up the most powerful
and overused squad in the game. I can only speak for
myself, but i am getting sick of these uber powered
Stat wise it depends on your point of view as Ben
would say. They are good stats, but they are the
worst stats for most any Vader. Granted DA can
really extend his life against shooters. Its the
twin attack combined with all of his force powers
and force renewal that make him just sick. I my
opinion he should cost more than Bane.
By himself is he that good? No not really he has a
low defense for Vader and has no defensive powers
what so ever, but you will never run him alone so i
don't think that matters. You are going to see him
run with Mas Amedda and Thrawn for the nastiest
combo in the game, dubbed Black & Blue. You run tons
of Stormies. After your opponent is done activating
you run a stormie out, swap in Vader. Vader can then
Sweep, with two attacks on every target, or assault
to give four attacks on one target. He can also
either sith rage for four attacks at 30 damage or
use overwhelming force to make it so all of those
attacks can be neither blocked or bodyguarded.
I am sorry this guy is just too sick and i believe
underpriced. As i said, he isn't real great on his
own, but who the heck is going to run him without
Thrawn and Mas? C;'mon. Before Mas amedda came out
for the empire, this game was very well balanced,
but the creation of the B&B squad has totally
slanted the balance of power to not only one
faction, but to one team. If we do get any type of
national tourneys going, i would bet anything that
it is going to be dominated by B&B.
100pts: Here he actually doesn't work. The top
shooters will bring him down, and i don't know if he
will stand up to Banes power. Its the guaranteed
init the following turn from Thrawn that makes it so
150: B&B owns this level. There just are not enough
points to build a counter to this squad. It is nigh
200pts: Here there are enough points and options
that it can be beaten, but it wont be easy and it
wont be consistent. The best counters are going to
be Mothma/clones, or characters with force
absorb/defense that can really lower his options of
force powers.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Lord Vader is
the deformed, spastic cousin of Darth Vader, Jedi
Hunter. Where JH is a tower of nigh-invulnerable
strength, LV leaps around the battlefield doing
massive damage but suffering from the shark's
eternal problem: if he stops moving, he dies.
Of course, sharks are pretty good at killing, and so
is Lord Vader. Twin Attack, Lightsaber Assault,
Master of the Force 2 and Sith Rage mean that he can
move six and hit for up to 120 damage, enough to
turn even Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter into a smoldering
pile of bounty hunting kibble. Toss in Overwhelming
Force and Lightsaber Sweep (which combines with Twin
Attack for two attacks on every adjacent enemy), and
you've got an extremely versatile damage-dealer who
will definitely hurt you, provided he hits.
He's a really strange piece, though, with the lowest
numbers of any version of Vader to date, and a
Commander Effect copied directly from Han Solo,
Rebel Hero. With a big target on his chest, and no
Lightsaber Block or Deflect, he needs help getting
to the fight sometimes. Fortunately for him, and
unfortunately for variety in the high-end tournament
scene, he pairs off with Grand Admiral Thrawn almost
disturbingly well. Once you can plop the guy
virtually anywhere on the board, you'll quickly find
that any enemy won't last long against the onslaught
he can deliver. Mind his Force Points, though, as he
can blow through them very fast (and even if he
stands still, he has to use Lightsaber Assault to
hit hard, since he lacks even Double Attack).
The lead designer for Star Wars Miniatures once
remarked that it was getting difficult to design
Vader over and over, and wondered aloud if this
version would be different enough. I think he
succeeded, as this one plays completely differently
than all others to date. He's a high mobility, fast
attacking piece that won't just stand in the gambit
area and collect points, lest he get shot to death
(additional trivia: this is the only version of
Vader since Sith Lord in the first set without a
long-distance damaging power, so he really needs to
get close).
Overall rating in 100: 2 (not the stand-alone piece
that Jedi Hunter is, he can't shine in this format)
Overall rating in 200: 4.5 (with the right support,
completely devastating)

Zeroph Zeal |
Lord Vader
Points: 71
Hitpoints: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: +14
Damage: 20
Faction: Imperial
Abilities: Dark Armor, Melee Attack, Twin Attack,
Force 2, Force Leap, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber
Assault, Lightsaber Sweep, Master of the Force 2,
Overwhelming Force, Sith Rage
Commander Effect: Followers within 6 squares gain
Advantageous Attack (+10 damage against an enemy who
has not activated this round).
I'm going to get straight to the point. This Vader
DOES NOT replace Dark Vader, Jedi Hunter. IT DOES,
however, pose another option. One of the biggest
things about Lord Vader is that he is our first
real-playable commander Vader. Previous commander
Vaders involved losing some of your own units to
make others better, like Vader from the movies. This
piece takes a different approach to it. As his
commander effect is obviously this piece's most
unique aspect, I'll look at that first.
Followers within 6 squares gain Advantageous
Attack.... an extra 10 damage against enemies that
have not activated this round. Now the Imperials
have access to Han Solo, Rebel Hero commander
effect. Is this good? Heck yes. This is even better
because the Imperials have access to the
ever-popular Mas Amedda, making ALL your units have
this powerful ability, regardless of range.
But Lord Vader doesn't really stop there. He does
have fighting abilities, as well. Granted, not
nearly as good as his Jedi Hunter varient, but still
good. His stats leave something to be desired for a
Vader, though, but it was more than made up for by
his commander effect. Let's face it. For 71 points,
I'll want a little more than even 130 hitpoints with
21 defense and +14 attack. These aren't bad stats,
but take a look at Jedi Hunter, which is a tad
He also falls short comapred to his Jedi Hunter
varient in abilities, mainly the Jedi Hunter ability
itself. It still has his trademark Dark Armor. He
traded his Multi Attack for Twin Attack (which is
actually quite for a reason I will reveal later.),
and is still Unique. No surprises here.
But his force abilities add to his fighting style
and gives him a much different playing style than
most other Vaders. First of all, he has a sub-par 2
force, but this is common when pieces has Force
Renewal, so it isn't bad. He also has Master of the
Force 2, making him extremely versatile. Think about
Combined with Twin Attack, two of any of his
abilities can be game-breaking. Lightsaber
Assault... get four attacks. Lightsaber Sweep...
attack each adjacent enemy TWICE (which is much
better with Force Leap as he can get in cool places
without AoOs.), Overwhelming Force... a punch to the
face for Lightsaber Blockers and Bodyguards, and
Sith Rage... an extra 10 damage to each of his
attacks. (combined with something like Lightsaber
Assault, you are talking about four attacks for 30,
120 damage. NICE!) This makes him versatile in
But remember, he isn't really a warrior. He is meant
to be a commander. What I would do with Lord Vader
is sit him back for awhile with Mas Amedda, letting
your troops benefit from the effect... and then send
him in once he obtains a few Force Points by Force
Renewal and have him annilihate any opposing forces
As for the argument that will eventually ensue...
Jedi Hunter or Lord Vader? It depends on the army.
Thrawn armies love Jedi Hunter, and generally Jedi
Hunter is better for most squads and you can really
just throw him in. Lord Vader requires more of a
squad based around him, but in the right squad he
will proove more useful than the Hunter would.
Playtest him, have fun.
SMOKING? Well, he is a 71 point commander when you
could be using Jedi Hunter, which is MUCH better in
this format. Duh.
200 points: 4.5/5 Victory for the Imperials.
Sculpt: 4/5 His helmet looks a little... arkward,
but besides that he looks pretty flawless and cool.
SWRogue57 |
Lord Vader
Cost: 71
HP: 130
Def: 21
Atk: +14
Dam: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Twin
Attack, Dark Armor
Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Leap,
Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Sweep, Master of the
Force 2, Sith Rage, Overwhelming Force.
Commander Effect: Each follower within 6 squares
gains Advantageous Attack
WOW!!! What a figure! But what’s up with the
Spaceballs pose? Just kidding. Let’s take a look at
the 7th version of Darth Vader.
Cons: Compared to Jedi Hunter, he’s got -10 HP, -2
Def, and -2 Atk. He’s a little easier to hit with no
defensive Force Powers other than Overwhelming
Force. However, Dark Armor helps. Still, if he had
Jedi Hunters stats, he would cost more that Exar
Pros: Where do I begin? Let’s see. We have a mostly
offensive Vader with Force Renewal and can use two
force powers per turn. That leaves many options
open. You can move him into position, and then use
Lightsaber Assault and Sith Rage to possibly do
120pts of damage. Or, you could move into a crowd
using Force Leap to get into the perfect spot and
use Lightsaber Sweep to do 40pts of damage to each
adjacent character. There are so many possibilities.
The point is, this Vader can move and make four (or
more with LS) attacks. This Vader isn’t a beatstick,
he’s a slaughterhouse. To top that all off, his CE
gives Advantageous Attack.
100pts: Believe it or not, I have seen this Vader
take down some good squads of this size. If you use
him here, make sure to take advantage of his CE.
150pts: Obviously he is the character who you squad
is built around. For half of your point cost, be
sure to keep him in cover until you can make your
move. 5/5
200pts: There are plenty of support pieces in either
Imperial or Fringe Factions to have a lot of fun
building squads here. Lord Vader is an excellent
figure to build any Imperial Squad around. 5/5
SW Rogue 57
The Fang |
Cost: 71
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: +14
Damage: 20
Dark Armor---Melee Attack---Twin Attack---Unique
Force Powers: (Force 2)
Force Leap---Force Renewal---Lightsaber Assault---Lightsaber
Sweep---Master of the Force 2---Overwhelming
Force---Sith Rage
Followers within 6 squares gain Advantageous Attack.
Alright, my first review! Let’s get started.
This particular mini falls somewhere between a
beatstick and a commander; can’t stand alone, and
costs too much for a commander. And that’s why
you’ll fail to see him in 100pt games. His Hit
points didn’t maintain the 140 every other Vader
had, but that can be overlooked...or can it? With a
defense lower than every other Vader, he’ll be
getting hit often. But not to fear, Dark Armor will
prolong his lifespan about 70 hitpoints, with all
the 30dmg minis in the game now. But this brings up
another point, which I’ll scold later. It has a
startling low attack score (+14, the same as Vader,
Dark Jedi), with the regular 20 dmg. Twin Attack has
its benefits over double attack, especially because
this mini has Lightsaber Assault.
Now with the stats of a 60pt beatstick, it better
have good abilities, or else nobody would ever play
it. It does. It starts off with Force 2 (Ouch!), but
not to fear, it has Force Renewal, so that can
easily be overlooked. It lacks Double Attack, (a
must have for any mini above 40pts) but with
lightsaber assault, you’ll mostly be doing 4 attacks
each turn. Master of the Force 2 adds for some
deadly combos. Overwhelming Force is an interesting
ability, but you probably won’t see it be used as
much as Sith Rage/Assault/Sweep. Force Leap...well
on the bright said, it’s the first Vader to have it,
but it’s nothing great. Now, remember when I told
you I’d bring up another point in the first
paragraph, here it is. NO DEFENSIVE POWERS. For the
most part, I won’t be paying 71 points for a
beatstick-commander with no defensive powers. No
defensive powers, low defense, lower hit
points....what does this thing have!? Dark Armor.
But what I would really like to see: Coruscant
Guards with ‘Vader’s Bodyguard’. Oh well.
Onto his Commander effect. This won’t alter the
tides of the battle that much in 100pt games, you’re
still going to lose. In 150pt games...maybe, but I
doubt it. In 200pt games he will shine for his
fullest glory, teamed up with Mas Amedda, thrawn,
veers, and a multitude of stormies.
So the ratings are...
100pt: 1.75 (no defensive powers for a format ruler
by beatsticks)
150pt: 2.2 (you can make use of his CE a little, but
not any much more)
200pt: 4.7 (especially with Mas Amedda, Veers, and
May the Force be
with you. |