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Mini of the Day
Droid Starfighter
in Walking Mode
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: November 10, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.16
200 pt: 1.83
Sith Dragon |
Starfighter in Walking Mode
HP: 60
DEF: 14
ATK: +9
DAM: 20
DR 10; Double Attack; Missiles 40; Mounted Weapon;
Penetration 10; Twin Attack
Again, this has to be one of my favorite sculpts of
the set. I want this piece simply because its an
awesome piece for your computer top. As for the
piece it self I don't like it here's why.
60 HP is about average for droids with any type of
damage reduction or shielding. The 14 DEF is horrid
but typical for a droid. The +9 is pretty god
considering its a droid with access to insane
boosts. The 20 isn't very good, but isn't bad
As i said it has DR10, which will help the measly 60
HP. Mounted weapon isn't really that big of a set
back when playing droids when you can just boost the
attack through effects. Penetration 10 is great as
its puny little 20 DAM will get full effect against
armored enemies. Missiles 40 is huge! The problem is
that its so hard to rely on missiles. You can
missile a group of 6 people and only an Ug takes the
40. But now we get to the real offense on this
thing. It is one of the few pieces in this set that
have both double attack AND twin attack. That's
right this thing is a quad attacker if he sits
still, so that kinda makes up for the 20 base DAM.
Between that and the missiles, that's some rather
beefy damage.
Okay, so why don't i like this piece? Its 48 pts for
only 60 HP! DR is nice and all, but people used to
think that the hailfire would be great when it came
out, but a single Jedi can take this thing out in
about one turn. The other downsides is that it lacks
increased speed, mobile attack or flight to help it
get away from those Jedi. This thing is just WAY too
expensive to have only 60 HP, even with bodyguards
and repair. That's a quarter of your army in one fig
that can die in two activations.
100/150 pts: forget it. Far too weak.
200pts: You can run it here, but its just too weak
to be a competitive piece. Get 3-4 of them and put
them on your computer to show them off. Sweetest
looking piece with the worst playability.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Man |
The one and
only character in the Star Wars saga which is also a
Trans Former, the Droid Starfighter in Walking Mode
is truly more than meets the eye.
I don't know about your eye, but mine sees 60 hit
points and a 14 Defense on a 48-point figure and
says, "Thank you, next applicant." At least, that's
my general rule. On the other hand, a piece that can
make as many as four ranged attacks per turn at up
to +21 (with Separatist droid support), ignoring
Damage Reduction, will at least get a callback for a
second round of auditions. Oh, and there's also
Missiles 40 to consider, so offensively, the
clunkily named Starfighter's got a lot going for it.
But good grief is it fragile. Interestingly, Damage
Reduction 10 wouldn't really help its survivability
all that much, except that it's a non-Unique with DR
10 in the same faction as the original Darth Sidious.
Like its cousin, the Hailfire Droid, the Starfighter
can be a terrific recipient of the old Pawn of the
Dark Side trick, wherein you move out, make some
attacks or throw some Missiles, then Sidious gives
you another turn, so you make more attacks or
Missiles, then move back to shelter. Normally, Pawn
of the Dark Side gives you 10 damage at the end of
it, but Damage Reduction makes it a nonissue.
Moral of the story: the Droid Starfighter in Walking
Mode has terrific damage output, and can be
capitalized on to scare the heck out of your
opponent. If your opponent is savvy, however, he'll
take advantage of how incredibly brittle those 60
hit points can be, so be prepared to defend your
48-point investment.
Overall rating in 100: 1 (the usual problems of Huge
pieces in 100 are compounded by half your points
being so very killable)
Overall rating in 200: 4

Cost: 48
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 14
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities:
Damage Reduction 10
Double Attack
Missiles 40
Mounted Weapon
Penetration 10
Twin Attack
The Good: 4 attacks with a +13 to hit (with droid
officer – and you better be playing it if you’re
using droids) are possible with this guy, and if you
want to cause collateral damage – missile 40 is a
beautiful thing. Penetration is situational, but
when it comes into play – it works.
The Bad: At 48 points, it’s not going to see a lot
of play in smaller squads. Need I say it once more?
… Huge characters make huge targets.
The Ugly: The double attack could’ve been left out
to reduce the cost of the character. Technically,
this droid’s a starfighter …. I’m not convinced that
WotC should’ve made this huge figure. 3 huge figures
for the seps is overkill …. Why not something huge
for the New Republic (V-wing speeder) or a Vong
100 pt: 1/5 huge droids need support
150+ pt: 2/5 still a bit expensive, or maybe I just
don’t like it.
The Fang |
Starfighter in Walking Mode---Separatist
Hit Points---60
Double Attack
Twin Attack
Damage Reduction 10
Missiles 40
Penetration 10
Mounted Weapon
Alright, let’s start this review. I personally
dislike this mini, one of the few droids I dislike.
It costs.......well too much. It’s attack is too low
to hit anything worthwhile, even though it does have
4 attacks. IF it manages to hit, it’s only 20 damage
so it’s nothing that big. It’s defense and hit
points are low, but DR 10 helps it a bit. However
with so many 30dmg characters in the game, DR isn’t
anything big. Penetration 10 helps against fellow
huges, but you won’t see many in 100-150pt formats
Missiles 40 is good, but it takes up all your
attacks, so don’t use t unless it’s on a huge or
giant beatstick mini. Mounted Weapon doesn’t help it
get its attack up so that’s pretty bad. I personally
would never play this and am thankful I haven’t
received one yet.
100pt: 1.5/5 (way too fragile, enough said)
150pt: 1.5/5 (it’s still to fragile, and I don’t
like it)
200pt: 2.5/5 (it can receive a few benefits and
missiles 40 can be put to better use but still...)
Pose: 2/5 I just don’t see why a flying spacecraft
belongs in a game where the minis fight on the
ground. I could see one in the Starship Battles
game, but not here.
May the Force
be with you. |
WavesBlade |
Droid Starfighter in Walking Mode
BH: 4/60 (Rare)
Special Abilities:
Damage Reduction 10
Whenever this character takes damage,
reduce the damage dealt by 10. Adjacent
enemies with lightsabers ignore this
special ability. |
Double Attack: On its
turn, this character can make 1 extra
attack instead of moving. |
Droid: Immune to critical hits;
not subject to commander effects
Missiles 40 Replaces attacks:
sight; 40 damage to target and to each
character adjacent to that target; save
11. |
Mounted Weapon Only allies with
Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with
Gunner can combine fire with this
character. |
Penetration 10 Enemies damage
reduction is reduced by 10 against this
characters attacks. |
Twin Attack Whenever this
character attacks, it makes 1 extra
attack against the same target.
First off,
Woot it's my first Mini Review!! So i took the
time to look up the Specific Meanings for all of
It's Abilities!
Now Lets
Atk: It's atk
is very good for being a Non-Uniue droid IMO.
The boosts that this thing can get can make it
very deadly.
Reduction 10: The best ability this fig has.
Reducing ANY damage you recive is always
good(well Jedi Murder it, but it's you fault if
you let a jedi just run up to it and kill
Double Atk/Twin:
This thing is DEADLY A quad atk on one guy for
80 is always good, or moving and double atking
is still good.. Plus with the boosts it can
recive, it's most likly not missing.
Missles 40:
Awsome! It must be fun to watch a group of guys
die in one boom. (It's also sad to see them all
make their saves as well....) It's a nice
ability. For example, the opponnent runs a 30hp
Boba Fett behind cover. None of your people have
Acurate shot... use Missle40 and possibly
kill the Boba Fett. Line of Sight abilities that
deal damage PWN.
Weapon/ Penetration: They dont really matter
overall. There are the few instances that
Penetration helps out, but not that often.
100-150: 2/5
It can be good, but generaly this is a place for
the powerhouses that just mow through your
people. Plus without its support it isn't that
200:4/5 It's
Pretty Good in 200pt It recives all of it's
support. It's Missles40 defently become more
useful, and is DP will help keep the rest of
your units alive while they try to kill off this
beast. Generaly good!