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Mini of the Day
Chewbacca with
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: November 16, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.3
200 pt: 3
Sith Dragon |
with C-3PO
Cost: 31
HP: 110
DEF: 17
DAM: 20
Cleave; Double Attack; Draw Fire; Momentum
We get our first dual character to the game, and
while he is a cool sculpt and a decent piece, I
don't think he is that much better than his Universe
counterpart. What would have been nice would have
been to have this one come first and Rebel Hero in
this set.
Stats for one more point are a bit lower across the
board. Against Rebel Hero, this new piece loses 10HP
and -1ATK. You also lose bodyguard, Demolish,
Gunner, Industrial Repair, and Repair 10. So in
losing all of that, what are we gaining for that
extra point? You get an extra attack and draw fire.
That's it. Now don't get me wrong, the extra offense
can really help the Rebels who need to dish damage
fast and hard in order to survive, but you lose one
of the greatest combos in the game. For only 5 pts
more than BH Chewie, you bring in 3PO and use him to
draw fire and any shot that would kill 3PO, you let
chewie take it. You then use Chewie and R2 to repair
any little damage 3PO has taken. It is a very
annoying and effective combo. In the end you just
lose too much over Rebel Hero to be 1 pt more. As
with Luke from Tuesday, I just think they really
missed the boat when it came to pricing the figs
from this set. Too many good figs are ruined by
their huge cost.
100pt: He can be played here, but with 2 of the top
3 squads being Jedi, the other Chewie is the better
150pts: Here there is enough accurate shot and
diversity that he can begin to be effective, but the
problem is that you really do not want the rebels
going toe to toe with any squad. They are better at
mobile hit and fades. Trading blows with squads
again makes Rebel Hero the better choice.
200pts: Here is the best format for BH Chewie
because you can bring in enough diversity to make
him work. The best idea for him here is to put him
in a squad where you want your opponent shooting at
something else like a Viper and you can hide chewie
behind it where he can sit and double attack and
draw the fire of the accurate shooters. Again I
think Rebel Hero is the better choice in almost
every circumstance, but this new Chewie is still
good enough to use if you like him.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
The Fang |
with C-3PO---Rebel
Hit Points---110
Double Attack
Draw Fire
Again? Again!?! Another version of Chewbacca? Am I
the only one sick of Chewbaccas? Anyway, it’s a
repeat with a few lost and gained abilities.
It has 110 hit points. Not as much as the Rebel
Hero, but an extra 10 hit points won’t make much of
a difference. Its attack and defense are standards,
as is the damage. It has Momentum...standard, as
well as cleave.
But, it has a few abilities that the other versions
lack. Draw Fire is an okay ability and will help you
divert some enemy fire. Double Attack is a first for
Chewbacca, which is good, but not really expected
from a Chewbacca. This one is obviously for Rebels,
unlike the RotS one, but I just wouldn’t play him.
I’m sorry but he just doesn’t compare to the Rebel
Hero version. This one’s a stable warrior, unlike
the RH version, which is a
utility/warrior/bodyguard. I wouldn’t play him,
unless you don’t have the RH version.
100pt: 2.3 (I’d prefer 4-LOM, BH, for 2 more points)
150pt: 2.5 (better, but not the greatness of the RH
200pt: 3 (I was generous here, but his Draw Fire can
be used more. But if you have RH, play it over this
Pose: 3.5 (I wanted to see this pose for a while,
it’s pretty cool.)
May the Force
be with you. |