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Mini of the Day
Djas Puhr
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: November 28, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 1.75
wookie lover 11 |
Djas Puhr BH#
Cost: 19
HP: 40
DEF: 14
ATK: +6
DAM: 10
SA: BH +2, Double Attack, Opportunist, Unique.
Droid looking Puhr. Now he is not actually a droid,
and this shows how horrid his sculpt is. Stat wise
he is very much sub-par for 19 pts. 40 hp means that
any solid double attacker can drop him in one
activation. (Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter is the best
for this job) Now BH +2 is new, and sucky, though
double is rare at 19 pts. Opportunist means that he
can be +12, 20 DAM double against unique, which is
obscene for 19 pts. Also he can benefit from G Windu,
Lord Vader, Han Rebel Hero, and a horde of other
fine commander. Still you will be basing around 40
HP, which is not good. You want a boostable BH
follower; Zucky in that point area, Aurra, Boba, BH,
or pretty much any other Bounty Hunter is a lot
better to base of off. Overall a sucky character for
the points, who is just not good enough to attack,
or have any staying power. (Boba, BH pwn’s him so
bad, more on that when we review Boba, BH in the
100 pt: 3 fine as support for a beat stick.
200 pt: 2 has no use, when his point range offers
much better alternatives.
The Fang |
Djas Puhr---Fringe
Hit Points---40
Bounty Hunter +2
Double Attack
Welcome to Cantina Aliens Week. This is the Fang
reporting on a new mini, one that I’m not
particularly fond of. Djas Puhr could have a little
more hit points for his cost, he could die in one
turn... His defense could also be 1 or 2 higher. His
attack is tolerable, especially because he has some
abilities to boost it. Damage output is low, but he
has Double Attack, and Opportunist.
Now, for his special abilities. Bounty Hunter...well
it’s not going to be significant, but it could make
a difference. Double Attack is good, but only if you
take advantage of Opportunist. Opportunist is good,
as he is one of the few who actually has it. Being
unique...who cares, you usually won’t want to play
more than one of him.
What I’d do is take Thrawn, Djas, and some cunning
attacks and build a squad. Thrawn controls
initiative, allowing your cunnings to strike early
and hard. Thrawn moves, and switches Djas with
someone in front. Djas attacks 2 times. Next turn,
you do the same thing, and if need be, switch Djas
back. In closing, Djas is decent, but nothing to
build a squad around. He’s a beefed up grunt,
nothing more.
100pt: 2 (not good, not good)
150pt: 3 (with Thrawn)
200pt: 1.5 (he’ll die so fast, and waste your 19
Pose: 2 (I don’t like it)
May the Force
be with you. |
Man |
The first
thing you will notice about Djas Puhr is how much he
isn’t Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab. In many
ways, the pieces are similar, but for the mere four
points you have to spend to upgrade to Lando, you
gain +20 hit points, +4 Defense, +3 Attack, Mobile
Attack, and a pretty fantastic Commander Effect.
Ouch. Why, then, are we even bothering to talk about
Djas, who is so obviously outclassed?
First of all, Djas has two potential advantages over
Lando. He has Bounty Hunter +2, which by itself
isn’t enough to make his Attack even equal Lando,
but in a squad with Jabba the Hutt (rarely a good
idea, but work with me), he gets a slight Attack
advantage. This is pretty trivial, but it wouldn’t
surprise me in the least if the future held more
commanders and effects that help out Bounty Hunters,
and Djas counts. Second, he’s a follower, meaning
that he can receive help from a lot more Commander
Effects than bossy old Lando. One that leaps to mind
is Admiral Ackbar, who can bring Djas as high as +16
to Attack against an activated, Unique target. Not
bad for a 19-point piece.
In all fairness, however, I have to admit that it’s
really hard to justify using Djas over Lando.
Perhaps the best reason to use Djas is if you’re
already using Lando and want another low-cost,
ranged Opportunist in your squad. Since Lando is
Unique (of course), it’s not always just a question
of how many points a piece costs; sometimes you’ll
just need to use a stand-in if you want to double up
on some of what Lando brings to the table.
Overall rating in 100: 2 (“This build total’s not
big enough for the both of us.” –Lando)
Overall rating in 200: 2.5 (possible secondary
threat, will likely be overlooked)