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Mini of the Day
Set: Rebel Storm
Date Reviewed: October 12, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt:
200 pt:
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 21
HP: 70
DEF: 18
ATK: +8
DAM: 20
Bounty Hunter; Careful Shot; Droid
Today we are reviewing many a players favorite piece
for the last 25-30 points in big squad builds. For
21 points, not only will 4-LOM fit into most any
army as a good shooter, but his stats are stellar.
The 70 HP may not be the greatest, but it takes 4
20pt hits and 3 30pt hits, to go down, and since he
is a droid, he can ignore lucky crits. To take him
down you are going to need to focus on him. The 18
DEF is good as that seems to be about the lid for
non-Jedi. The attack is not real great on its own at
a +8, but he has help. Between careful shot and BH+4
he can have a very good +16 attack against uniques.
For being a very good shooter if he can stand still,
he does have a couple draw backs. He only has a
single attack. You can gonk him up, but then he will
be held back to stay with the gonk's four movement.
He also lacks accurate shot, which really isn't that
big a deal as most shooters do not, but there are
enough non-uniques that a player can position them
so 4-LOM can't get a good shot on the uniques
without moving. His last downer is that he is a
unique droid, so there are no CEs that are going to
help him, droid or otherwise. He is pretty much on
his own. On the other hand, being a droid means that
while he will fear Jawas, he will love characters
like RS R-2, Chewie RH, the R5, and the other repair
characters to extend his life.
100pt: He would be good here, except he only has his
single attack. That simply isn't enough DAM to work
in this format.
150pt: Yes, this is now an official format now. I
have not played it yet, so i don't know what the
meta-game is going to do. In areas that are not
dominated by Black & Blue, 4-LOM could be good
enough to see some play, but you are going to need
to give him some high damage output help.
200pt: Here he is good enough to see play. The fact
that playing Zuckuss drops him to a 20 pt character
means that if you run Lobot, you can bring him in
with reinforcements if you think it calls for it. If
you have enough characters running interference up
front 4-LOM can be pretty good, as he wont miss
much. He pales to Aurra (in strength, not
complexion) but who doesn't. While i find better
things than 4-LOM in most of my squads, he is still
a very good pick.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
I’m not generally
a fan of unique Droids, at least not ones with
double-digit point costs. R2-D2 can stay (hell, he
can take beer out of the fridge without asking), but
most of the more expensive unique Droids leave me
cold. The reason for this (not that you asked, you
self-absorbed churl) is that there are very few ways
to build a synergistic squad around them. At this
point in the game’s history, there are absolutely no
commander effects that work on them, and only a
couple of ways to enhance them in any way (Gonk, CS
Darth Sidious’ Dark Master ability, Thrawn can give
them Force Immunity). This means that any unique
Droid has to be an extremely self-contained package,
not requiring outside assistance to earn his points
for your squad.
The original
4-LOM was one of my favorite pieces in Rebel Storm,
and remains one of my favorite pieces today. At 21
points, he’s a shooter that does decent damage at a
+16 to hit under the right (not too difficult to set
up) circumstances, who also has an 18 Defense and 70
whole hit points. Sign me the heck up.
As a side note,
Zuckuss has Rapport with any character with “4-LOM”
in the name. This is sort of trivial under most
circumstances, but it does mean that Mr. LOM comes
down to 20 points, the magic number to be used in
Fringe Reinforcements 20 or Fringe Reserves. Nice.
Seriously, 4-LOM,
dude. 4-LOM.
Overall rating in 100: 4
Overall rating in 200: 4 |

Zeroph Zeal |
Points: 21
Hitpoints: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Faction: Fringe
Abilities: Bounty Hunter +4, Careful Shot +4, Droid,
The Rebel Storm 4-LOM was probally the second most
used bounty hunter in the old Rebel Storm (after
Boba Fett) set. However, because of Bounty Hunters,
many of those pieces have become obsolete. So the
question becomes, what about about 4-LOM. Yes, he
has a new Bouny Hunter version, and while I won't
get into which is the better of the two until
tomorrow, I will use this review to talk about
4-LOM pre-Bounty Hunter. (Saving post-Bounty Hunter
for tomorrow.)
4-LOM was always a popular pick if you had the extra
room. For 21 points, 70 hitpoints with 18 defense +8
attack and 20 damage was very good. Combined with
that useful Bounty Hunter +4 and Careful Shot +4, it
could become big... +16 big if attacking a Unique
and not moving. That's not too shabby. He's also a
Droid, so he is immune to critical hits, making that
70 hit points all the much bigger.
I don't have much time tonight to write a review,
which is the reason I will be writing tomorrow
weather or not he will see play today (if you
haven't figured it out, tomorrow's figure is 4-LOM,
Bounty Hunter.), but he was definatly a pretty
popular pick in his day.
100 points: 2/5 Today, this is his rating. Will be
explained tomorrow.
200 points: 2.5/5 Can still work, sometimes.
Sculpt: 5/5 This has always been one of my favorite
sculpts. Haha, dead rebel.