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Mini of the Day
ISP Speeder
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: October 31, 2006

Image from
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.2
200 pt: 2.65
Sith Dragon |
ISP Speeder
(swamp speeder)
HP: 70
DEF: 15
ATK: +9
DAM: 20
Double Attack; Flight; Mounted Weapon; O66; Rigid;
Twin Attack
Sorry about the lack of reviews last week folks. I
was trying to take some time away, but the ball was
dropped so I'm am back, and we are back, this time
with Lonely Minis week. These are the sole minis in
their factions.
We kick it off with the ISP speeder. So is this new
flash speeder any better than its one point cheaper
counterpart? Well, lets see. For one more point we
are getting -10 HP, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, -10 DAM. Hhhmmm.
So far its worse as far as the stats go.
Ability-wise it now gains rigid (another negative),
Loses mobile attack, and loses speed 12. Okay, so
why in the world are we paying not only one extra
point, but also why are we paying so much for a fig
that has only 70 HP?!! Well its all in the final two
abilities. The ISP has double attack where the Flash
only has single, but also the ISP has the new
gimmick of the set, twin attack. Well, despite all
of the negatives, four attacks are a pretty big
plus. Is it worth 42 points? Not really. Why spend
that many points on a defenseless 70HP character
when you can bring in any number of Jedi with almost
double the HP? Answer: 4 attacks or two if you move
and shoot.
100pt: Forget it. its crap here.
150pt: Yep still crap. For 1/3 of your army that can
be easily taken out in one round, its just too many
points for such a fragile fig.
200pt: Here you can play it. Don't expect very good
things from it, but it is playable. If you run Kit
or Tarfful his attack is a +13, so if you can get
init it can unload either on a ton of little guys or
their heavy hitter. Four attacks is hard to over
look. I have seen this piece played rather well, but
in the end its 70 HP that will give your opponent a
quick 42 point lead. Play it for fun and enjoy it,
but when it comes to tourneys leave this piece on
the mantle.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Speeder is another great example of what the Bounty
Hunters expansion is all about: It's the only
Republic piece in the set, continuing the trend that
most non-Fringe factions who have any presence in BH
have very little presence. It can make a bunch of
attacks, but has a pretty mediocre Attack value.
It's also Huge and kind of expensive in points,
which makes it kind of a practical problem to use
well. If it just had Flamethrower 20, it would be
the definitive Bounty Hunters piece.
The combination of Twin Attack and Double Attack
exists in a total of three pieces: the ISP Speeder,
Komari Vosa, and the Droid Starfighter in Walking
Mode. Vosa is entirely too fragile to bother with
for her points. The Droid Starfighter, on the other
hand, while also fragile, has so much faction
synergy working for it as to make it completely
playable (more on this when we review the thing at
some point). The ISP Speeder is sort of in the
middle. 70 hit points and 15 Defense are pretty poor
for 42 points, especially with such strikes against
it as Mounted Weapon and Rigid. On the other hand,
Queen Amidala can give it Mobile Attack for its
protection, Kit Fisto can raise its effective
Attack, and Aerial Clone Trooper Captain can give it
two free attacks every round. Alternatively, Order
66 can put it in an Imperial squad, where Veers can
give it Accurate Shot, Thrawn can raise its Attack
and Defense, and Imperial Officers can give it two
free attacks every round.
So that's basic gist: the piece has substantial
weaknesses, but it's a non-Unique follower with a
nice gimmick going with the big pile of attacks and
Flight. The Rigid ability is going to cause you
problems, though, especially since it's not any
faster than a normal piece (many of the huge pieces
in this set are extra fast, but not this one). It's
not super-competitive, but if you build around it,
it should be reasonably effective.
Overall rating in 100: 1.5 (Rigid huges are trapped
on many of the 100-legal maps; use at your own risk)
Overall rating in 200: 3 (perfectly playable with
good support, but not extraordinary)

Hey! Check
that out! My first review! Thanks to the Pojo crew
for letting me review some pieces. Looks like the
first piece in what’s been labeled “Lonely Pieces
Week” is the ISP Speeder from the new Bounty Hunters
ISP Speeder
Cost: 42
HP: 70
Def: 15
Attk: +9
Dam: 20
Double Attack
Mounted Weapon
Twin Attack
Wow. Well. Where to start with this fig. The sculpt
is kinda cool. Other than that it’s pretty much,
well, useless. With a 15 Defense and 70 Hit Points
the speeder won’t last long, and requires that you
invest 42 points of your squad in it. That’s the
same amount of points that you could invest in say
Obi Wan Jedi Master if you’re playing the Republic.
To counter it’s horrible defense this figure packs a
punch. Twin Attack teamed up with Double Attack
means that you’ll be getting off 4 attacks. That’s a
possible 80 damage. Unfortunately +9 attack means
you’ll be missing a lot of the time. To combine fire
you need to bring in some gunners because of mounted
weapon meaning this figure can cost you a large part
of your squad. Oh, and did I mention it was rigid?
And that it has Order 66?
This may be a cool figure to collect, but let’s be
honest, if you play it in a tournament you might as
well just give the win to your opponent.
In 100: 1/5 (Anything that Bane can take out in one
turn in this format isn’t very good at 42 points)
In 200: 1.5/5 (A tad more playable just because
there’s bigger things to worry about, but still, 42

Zeroph Zeal |
ISP Speeder
10/31/06- HALLOWEEN!
Points: 42
Hitpoints: 70
Defense: 15
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Faction: Republic
Abilities: Double Attack, Flight, Mounted Weapon,
Order 66, Rigid, Twin Attack
After a week off, we come back to review this lovely
31st of October... wait, isn't that...? Oh, yes.
Happy Halloween, mortals.
Erm, just kidding. But seriously, out of all the
pieces we could reviewing on Halloween, we get the
ISP Speeder? Not even a Sith Witch or something evil
and demonic? Oh well, I don't choose the minis, I
just review them.
However, apart from the timing, the ISP Speeder is a
nifty little piece that I expected to see on the
Pojo review list eventually. Being one of the Rare
Huges in the set, and a fairly interesting piece as
well, it definatly deserves a review.
First, as usual, we take a look at its stats. The
first thing we notice is the pricetag: a whopping
While this isn't insane, it did hit the 40 mark
which means that this piece BETTER be able to deal
out some damage and stay on the field for a
moderately long time. Unfortanutly, his stats leave
something to be desired. 70 Hitpoints with 15
defense makes him extremely easy to hit and destroy.
The only thing that helps him is that he is a Huge,
which makes him somewhat harder to hit. (try to
figure that one out.) He finishes his stats off with
a somewhat decent +9 attack and 20 damage.
42 points for just that is just terrible. Fortanutly,
this piece packs quite a few abilities that will
give it the advantage in battle (hopefully). The
first thing I noticed is that this guy has both
Double and Twin Attacks. What does this mean? Good
things. Twin Attack is the great new ability that
everyone and thier mother in Bounty Hunters has: but
that doesn't mean it isn't good. After all, it is
quite virtually a Double Attack you can use after
moving, but it must be at the same target. What this
means for this unit is that this unit has basically
QUADRUPLE attack, and even a DOUBLE attack if it
decides to move. That's a maximum of 160 damage,
folks (80 if all of them hits).
And that's something your opponent will have to
worry about. It also has two movement abilities, one
positive one negative. It has both Rigid and Flight.
While neither of these abilities tip the scale for
this piece's playability too much, they still
helpful (in Flight's case) and annoying (in Rigid's
case) at times and should be taken into
consideration. The ISP also has Mounted Weapon
unsurprisingly, meaning you probally won't be able
to combine fire with this unit.
Finally, this piece also has Order 66 which really
needs no explanation or review, as it usally does
nothing except grant him Clone Trooper powerups.
100 points: 1/5 Huge units aren't anything in this
format. Furthermore, it just doesn't have the
defense to last... 70 hitpoints and 15 defense? 42
Don't think so.
200 points: 2.5/5 Better here. Keep it behind
something and start blasting. It can dish out some
major damage quickly and could fit into some Clone
Sculpt: 5/5 Bounty Hunter sculpts pwn.
SWRogue57 |
ISP Speeder
Cost: 42
HP: 70
Def: 15
Atk: +9
Dam: 20
Flight, Double Attack, Order 66, Mounted Weapon,
Rigid, Twin Attack
The Wizards website calls the ISP Speeder “the best
anti-infantry vehicle to date for the Republic
faction” and they’re right. It easily out shoots the
Flash Speeder or the AT-RT.
Pros: Having Double Attack and Twin Attack in one
figure is a deadly combination that gives you four
attacks on one figure or 2 attacks each on two
figures. +9 Attack is not bad. Mounted Weapon forces
you to combine fire with a Clone Trooper Gunner to
increase your chances of a hit. Luckily they’re only
8 points each. Add a Rodian Hunt Master and your
doing a possible 120 points of damage per turn. Now
that’s nasty!!
Cons: 15 Defense means it’s gonna need some
protection. It can take four 20 point hits (or three
30 point hits) before it dies, but it still needs
protection. Give them something else to shoot at
while the ISP Speeder does its damage.
100pts: Since it will take up almost half of your
points, it’s probably not a good choice here. It’s
got thin skin so it gets hit easily. Not enough room
to protect it here. 2/5
150pts: Better here. Still needs some protection
though. 3/5
200pts: Put him in the back and shoot away. They’ll
be forced to either come to him, or run away. 4/5
SW Rogue 57